Copy Captain! Every year that passes by I lighten up and relax a little more. Captain, for the record, I have issues with bullies wearing the uniform that think they can run over people, mistreat people, and think the law does not apply to them. When you get back to San Diego please take the time to read this Mid-Term Counseling that I did on GMCM Robertson. Also, listen to this recording where GMCM Robertson set up his wife to try to make her look like a monster while he tried to make himself look like an angel something he is far from that. After you read this Mid-Term Counseling and listen to this recording, I would like to get your feedback and I will be open for criticism. I have no doubt that you will be in shock about how GMCM Robertson fell through the cracks and no one in the past did anything to stop this monster …show more content…
Our CMC and Captain Curry (Enlisted CO) are both disgusted with GMCM Robertson's behavior at work and they are very disappointed that he has been getting away with this type of behavior for the last three year at USFF and no one did anything to report him until now. Neither Captain Martin (former N411), Captain Darnell or Mr. Zimmerman wanted to do anything to stop GMCM Robertson since he had them intimidated by telling them that he worked for ADM Davidson twice in the past and that they were very close friends. Both Captain Darnell and Mr. Zimmerman tried numerous times to persuade me no to take on GMCM since they kept telling me that GMCM was a close friend of ADM Davidson and ADM Davidson was going to protect him and nothing was going to happen to him at the end. They both told me that I was going to fail in trying to get rid of GMCM and to leave him alone until he retires in Oct 2017. GMCM Robertson also tried to intimidate me by telling me about his long
When I first transferred to midnights, and before I rode with him, I remember his voice was always on the radio. It sounded as if he was constantly busy and always into something. The first day I rode with Gary, he told me he was going to drive. As soon as we were in the car he began to show me how he worked. I quickly realized that he was not just taking up radio space, but that he was making a difference. Some officers took advantage of the new recruits and passed off all their paperwork while they socialized. It was expected by some FTO’s that the paperwork be completed correctly by the time they returned. Gary modeled the actions of an excellent officer and showed his competence and his drive to work by guiding his rookies through the
Duplox Copiers Canada Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of Duplox Copiers Incorporated as well as a multinational firm based in the United States. Duplox Copiers Canada Limited (DCCL) follow the classical management strategy which slightly shifts to human relations strategy in some aspects. Currently, the reputation of DCCL is at risk because of the high volume of internal and external complaints about the quality of the service provided. Also, the employee turnover rate increased which puts enormous pressure on the Technical Services Department, which is the primary source of the company revenue.
SSG Bob another thing that had alarmed me was your statements about SRT. I was more than surprised when you said you did not care about the team, I am hoping that was a heat of the moment statement. Out of everyone on the team, I think you know that I wanted you on the team because you are a team player, extremely fit, and could bring needed dedication to the team, I know that you would also not let others talk down about our team. I hope you can see where I am coming from on this point. Whether we are in a garrison environment or combat unit, if no one cares about anything and if no one has any pride it will turn into a deadly combination.
I have supervised PEO Steve Cravero #65944 since January 2017. PEO Cravero is a very knowledgeable officer and was assigned to work as a floater on B Platoon. As a floater he would be assigned to work in different Divisons when the regular assigned officer is absent. PEO Cravero is very familiar with most of the Divisions at Parking West however he was not always happy working in some Divisions. During this evaluation period PEO Cravero has only met his set performance two out of ten Compress Work Week Cycles. PEO Cravero is an Officer who strives for success and requested being assigned to a be permanently assigned an area whenever there is an opening becomes available. As of July 2017 he was permanently assigned to work in 23
Connecticut National Guard Brigadier General Eugene Mascolo was reprimanded as a result of an investigation where over 15 senior officers negatively portrayed him with words such as “dictatorial” and “unglued” (Whitlock, 2014). During Hurricane Irene, BG Mascolo was unable to handle the stressful operation with an inexperienced staff and reverted to a primitive style of leadership in order to achieve his desired results.
This made me think that he thinks that he is the NCOIC and he is superior and we are not co-workers. He clearly does not know how to address people as most of his encounters brings about confutation. SFC Wilson and I shared a rental vehicle the first month that we were here and soon I had to ask for a rental because he was monitoring and trying to control every move that I made in a day. He would have all of his stuff all over the car (garbage and all) and as all know that I am a clean and tidy person. After out-processing and clearing the barracks on the last day of the 42A30 class in November, I asked SFC Wilson to use the rental car that I wanted to wash my clothes before we go into the office for the day. He agreed that I could use the car because he had planned to rest until about 1000 hours before he go into the office. I said great because that would give me enough time to get some personal things done and I would pick him up at 1000 hours to go into the office. I was at the laundry mat at 0730-0800 hours in the morning and I received a text from SFC Wilson asking me to come and pick him up he is ready to go to the office. I told him our agreement was for 1000 hours and I was washing my clothes at the laundry mat and would see
Too often in business as well as the military, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” (Powell, C #7). Too often the command as well as enlisted soldiers will use this analogy to continue to do what they have always done and fight change. Also this leads to allowing small details to be overlooked because it’s been allowed before, these small details, such as production schedules become larger details. These small little details will cause larger details to be overlooked in the future. This culture will foster reactivity instead of promoting proactivity (Powell, C #7). This type of culture is a struggle for leaders to change in the National Guard because of the hometown mentality, all though we strive to keep the since of community in our units as leaders we have to be the supporters of change. Be able to answer the “why” when it is necessary to move in a different direction, we have to be able to always look beneath the surface and not take situations at face value. When we have questions or concerns as long as they are morally and
Those who were within my chain of command understood that I was fully able to do my current job but did not allow me to get a pass when it came to a personal choice that I made. By the chain Commanding Officer not condoning my actions and reducing me to the rank of second class Petty Officer impacted me in a way that would change the course of my outlook not only professionally but also personally. Being reduced in rank forced me to look it myself and my actions differently. I no longer utilized the lenses that I previously used. I had to humble myself, understand that certain personal actions were not acceptable and finally, I had to make a solid decision to change how a balanced everything that I do in life. This process was not a simple process but a process that caused me to search deep inside me of to figure out how to survive both professionally and personally. What I learned through this process is that “Life is like photography. You need the negatives to develop.” With that being understood, I decided that I would not allow my negative actions define my future work ethics or
Current founder of RMA Armament, Inc, this CEO has the heart of a servant leader. He has had numerous opportunities throughout his life to lead by embracing the heart of a servant. From previous experience, working for the Rawlins Police Department, he helped accomplish the goals of the department, contributing to the quality of life in Rawlins, WY. There he was directed under the mission of service to the community through crime prevention and partnership with the community. As a member of the US Marine Corps, he was given the opportunity to lead by example. Being our nation’s first line of defense, he was led with the purpose of “defending our nation at home, and protecting her interests abroad.” ( Maries are taught to remain faithful to the mission at hand, to each other, to the Corps, and to country, no matter what. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice and Police Science from Colorado Technical University. Currently, he manages daily operations by overseeing sales and marketing, manufacturing, and research and development of armor plates. Furthermore, his peers would say that he is a trustworthy, honest businessman with a passion for saving lives. Due to the distance between Alabama and Iowa, this interview takes place through a series of emails and phone conversations. Mr. CEO was a very humble, wise man that gave great insights into true leadership.
Senior enlisted leadership within my fuels division at my current command interact with the principal assistance due to his third position in the department. The four chief’s who fall under my charge attempt to undermined the authority of the principal assistant and complain about his actions. Personally, I now the principal assistant has shortcomings in how he talks to individuals and his attempting to micro manage is counter productive. First, in defending the leader I listen to the issues from my chief’s concerning the principal assistant
Im sure many people would consider not informing their chain of command of this situation given the circumstances(new to the unit and SFC Sharps reputation) and the fact that SFC Sharp is on his way out of the unit. However the ethical dilemma for me is, do I confront him, alert the chain of command or contact the Military Police to
“Discipline is based on pride, on meticulous attention to detail, and on mutual respect and confidence. Discipline must be a habit, ingrained that it is stronger than the excitement of the goal or the fear of failure (Gary, 2017). As an Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO) in the Marine Corps, as leaders we must train our Marines. This requires discipline to be acknowledged and maintained, in fact, also be a receptive and considerate NCO. NCO’s are considered the backbone of the Marine Corps and we will continue to improve our skills to become great leaders that are able to balance the many traits required of a leader. Even though Discipline shouldn't warrant compassionate, you should always remain firm or Marines will get relaxed and complacent. Arguably,
The drill sergeant is homophobic, racist and sexist. My attitudes towards him are that he has a lack of respect in the way he educates the young recruits. The drill sergeant ridicules and dehumanizes others because of their race, gender and sexual
I immediately decided to use my past USMC experience, professionalism, and CRM training to make this trip as successful and tolerable as possible. There are many strong personalities and many pilots have their own techniques in the Marine Corps. I had to be flexible before and that is what I did on this trip. I knew if I followed SOP then I am doing my job and that is the expectation of any crewmember. I maintained my professionalism by going in with an open mind about the Captain and not with preconceived negative opinions based on the stories of others. During the trip if he was negative or condescending I let it roll off my back and focused on the next task at hand. As a former F/A-18 instructor we always stressed to students to compartmentalize and not dwell on mistakes. I made myself the student. I asked for the Captain’s techniques on various actions. I respectfully asked him to mentor me during the trip and make me a better First Officer and pilot. This technique worked very well. The Captain,
PFC Reyes on 1 MAR 2017 you will be attending the Soldier of the month board for 2-20th FA 75th FAR. This is not your first board and now you know what to expect. This counseling is to inform you of things that you need to consider prior to entering into the Soldier's board. At this time I know you have been studying diligently and improving your military knowledge. As your team leader I know how stressful it can be when you have doubts or when you are in front of Noncommissioned Officers and they are asking you questions. Stay calm for every question you might not know to the ones you do not remember their is plenty of questions you will know. Remember do not harbor on one question stay motivated and worry about the ones you do know. Stress