A current problem impacting the island of tonga is the destruction of coral reef. One solution to this problem is to put guard towers to watch people or higher more DLNR (department of land and natural resources) workers. According to Coral conservation the text states “the world's coral are in a crisis.” This shows that if we do not take action and do something about it like hire more DLNR workers we may as well kiss the reefs goodbye. According to coral reef: threats/ wwf the text states “Roughly one-quarter of coral reefs worldwide are already considered damaged beyond repair, with another two-thirds under serious threat.” This shows that hiring more DLNR is needed because they can watch to make sure no one is doing anything to harm the reef and that a lot of the reef is already gone. To reach this solution we must first agree that there is a problem and that this is a way to help fix …show more content…
According to losing our coral reefs, the text states that “Ten percent of coral reefs have already been damaged beyond repair, and if we continue with business as usual, WRI projects that 90% of coral reefs will be in danger by 2030, and all of them by 2050.” This shows that if we do not do anything to try and help then the coral reef will be in some serious trouble. In order to launch the commercials we must hire a company to broadcast our commercials during their breaks like CNN. According to threats to coral reef, the text states “Sometimes poisons like cyanide are dumped into the water to stun fish and make them easier to capture. Sadly, fishing with cyanide often kills fish, corals, and other forms of wildlife, while degrading the reef habitat itself.” This shows that advertising commercials will help to notify and encourage people to be more aware and responsible. By doing this we will help to save a lot of
There are 4,000 species of fish and 800 species of hard coral. Healthy coral reefs are among the most biologically diverse and economically valuable ecosystems on earth. Coral reefs also protect shores against erosion by causing large waves to break and lose some of their force before reaching land. In contrast, coral reefs are one of the most endangered natural resources. Throughout the world, individuals have came to the self-realization that these reefs are dying. Native families on certain islands in Southern Caribbean are no longer able to catch their food close to the shore-line like they once could. Declining reef health is harmful not only to creatures inhabiting coral ecosystems, but also to the human populations that depend upon them. Coral reef depletion is caused inadvertently by air pollution and greenhouse gases. The greenhouse gases cause a change in the PH of the rain. Since coral is a basic substance, acid rain can cause the coral to dissolve away. America should step up to change what is happening for several reasons. These can include because of the reliance on fish for consumption, and the economic gain due to trade or purchase. America is the most powerful country and should therefore take the initiative on these types of issues. Our country has went this period of years without any criminal punishment or regulation for the destruction of our reefs.From the year 1996 to the year 2002, coral reefs onent from 70% coral coverage to below 10% coral coverage. With America’s dependence on fish biodiversity & the supply demand thereof, one can see that allowing coral reefs to undergo such a decline would be a prime example of an unjust action. Boats would purposely run over top of such ecosystems & tear up the homes of millions of organisms. When individuals do this, the economy will directly or
Irreversible destruction is occurring to our coral reef system. The majority of this destruction is caused by the human race. It is important that the people of the world come together to determine how to keep our precious resources in tact for future generations.
Conservationists around the world are putting their best foot forward in an attempt to save the coral reefs. Coral reefs today are at a high risk of damage because of all the attention drawn to them by tourists. There are some islands that make all their money through tourism and exploiting the coral reefs, giving snorkel and scuba diving trips to guests that have traveled from around the world. Many people travel to these places with amazing under water worlds and they come extremely uneducated about these beautiful masterpieces. Tourists will drop their anchors on top of corals and drive their boats over corals, causing severe damage that will take the coral years and years to replenish. There are always new ways to enhance the lives of the
According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, coral reefs contribute to 200 million jobs while providing food for over a billion global citizens. The reefs are more than just something one frequents while on a cruise ship or vacation, they are an integral part of our world economy (NOAA). As a subsidiary office to the US Department of Commerce, the NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program (NCRCP) aims to "make the most of limited resources and to have the largest impact to reverse general declines in coral reef health" (NOAA). Whether a student doing research, an environmental activist looking to volunteer, or a graduate seeking employment the NCRCP website provides a vast database of evidence and educational resources that
Since the beginning of time man has shown a desire to alter his physical surroundings based on his perception of inequalities, injustices, survival or even due to his own innovations. Perhaps it stems from the primal instinct to survive and along with that a common theme behind this desire seems to be an effort to make the world a better place, either more aesthetically pleasing, or easier to survive in. Technological advances for human survival and comfort may come at the expense of animals, climate, air, land and sea. Human ignorance often leads to the natural wonders of our world being destroyed due to these technological advances and human arrogance. Humans have wiped out many species that they come in contact with and almost destroyed other natural environments and ecosystems. Along the northeast coast of Australia is a cluster of reefs known as the Great Barrier Reef, the most diverse underwater phenomenon in our world. This natural wonder is not being cared for and everyone needs to take responsibility for what is happening to this reef, especially in adjacent locations and help in as many ways as possible. The Australian Government is responsible for the protection of the natural resources within their country. They need to act as the main spokesperson for the Great Barrier Reef. The government needs to be more proactive because if nothing is done the Great Barrier Reef will no longer exist. Even though it is not just the Australian Government that is to blame for
Corals are proven to cure serious illnesses such as cancers and heart diseases. By providing this information to tourists they will be more careful and respectful to the life saving coral reefs. This will impact us, our community, and almost everybody's family along with people who has been diagnosed with cancer or has cancer. We hope that you think about our surrounding
The Great Barrier Reef is a vast organic structure that has existed longer than man. It has always been present underneath the water surface near the coast of Australia, harboring many different types of sea creatures. Over the past few decades, the reef has slowly been dying. Humans have been negatively affecting it for a while now, although they may not have known it at that time. We, as humans, have the duty to correct our mistake and take responsibility for our actions by doing everything in our power to nourish and tend to the reef. Governments all across the globe have come together to collaborate and discuss what they can do to save the reef from extinction. Many solutions have been talked about and some have been put into place, but the effects of these won’t be seen until a number of years later. We must wait and hope that our ignorance up until this point won’t destroy an iconic landmark before we can try and save it.
Coral reef destruction is a big deal. There are many environmental threats on coral reefs which means they are slowly dying. Coral reefs play a very important part in marine ecosystems. Sea creatures depend on them for protection, camouflage, as a home, and also for food. Scientists believe this could be from natural causes like erosion, and global warming as reasons that coral reefs die off but one of the main reasons is pollution. There are many different ways pollution can affect coral reefs. There is a chemical in sunscreen called oxybenzone that may be contributing to the destruction of coral reefs as swimmers are trying to protect their skin. This chemical has toxic effects on young coral that can damage their DNA,
Many people may describe their jobs as difficult and strenuous, but as Kristen Marhaver said “people aren 't the only ones in our communities who do these difficult jobs”. Coral reefs take on similar jobs as humans, they provide food for sea life, income, and safety from tropical storms and other possibly dangerous weather. In Marhaver talk she informed the audience about the basics of coral reefs however, her talk lacked purpose, and although she presented with a strong voice, she seemed nervous, and her talk was generally unhelpful to the audience.
As discussed before, humans play a, sometimes, dangerous role in the well-being of the coral reef. Since the coral reef, specifically the Great Barrier Reef, has become such a major tourist destination, it has lead to the issues of pollution, stealing of species, and the use of boats and other forms of water transportation that damage the coral reef
In the Great Barrier Reef, the debris of sediments, nutrients and pesticides used for farming purposes pollute the water which causes damage to many coral and seagrass species. To reduce the effects of water pollution, an individual can make simple switches in their day to day life. They can use environmentally friendly fertilisers and cleaners instead of harsh chemicals on their lawns and in sinks and drains.
There was a recent research expedition around the Coral Sea, which contains the Great Barrier Reef observing how much coral bleaching is happening. Coral bleaching is the process where the coral expels a symbiotic organism within its tissue, causing the coral to lose its color, stop growing and most likely die. This bleaching that is occurring as a result of rising global temperatures and has only started occurring in the late 20th century. Of the over 500 reefs analyzed during this expedition, only 4 showed no signs of bleaching, and the bleaching has close to a 50% mortality rate for the coral. The article I linked discussed the potential economic impacts this might have, relating primarily to tourism and fishing. With regards to tourism,
Coral reefs are fundamental in providing oxygen to millions of people around the world. They don’t just provide oxygen, they provide food and shelter to millions of fish in the ocean. They are so abundant that according to The Associated Press, Coral reefs are considered “underwater rainforests.” Unfortunately, these reefs are dying out. Due to global warming and rising ocean temperatures, these corals are becoming stressed and weak. The Associated Press claims, “The world has lost roughly half its coral reefs in the last 30 years.” Losing the coral reefs would seriously hurt the world’s population of plants, animals, and humans. Coral reefs provide some of the ingredients found in medicine we use each day. Some ingredients from these reefs
Death is a sure thing. It’s the cycle of life. But in the case of the coral reefs, it doesn’t need to be. A coral reef has a drastically large life span to being with, some can live up to 4,000 years, but if it isn't able to keep living or is killed, huge changes to the ecosystem will take place and none of them will be good. The death of coral reefs could mean the death of humans in the end, and not only us, but thousands of other species will die. This means it's everyone's problem, young or old, this race or that race, it doesn’t matter. This is everyone's issue. The problem is that rising global temperatures threaten are reefs and new reefs are getting harder and harder to come by. A solution being make new reefs, artificial ones. This
However, many fisherman are unable to catch as many fish as they used to, so they are increasingly using cyanide and dynamite in fishing, which further degrades the coral reef ecosystem.[6] This perpetuation of bad habits simply leads to the further decline of coral reefs and therefore perpetuating the problem. One solution to stopping this cycle is to educate the local community about why conservation of marine spaces that include coral reefs is important.[7] Once the local communities understand the personal stakes at risk then they will actually fight to preserve the reefs. Conserving coral reefs has many economic, social, and ecological benefits, not only for the people who live on these islands, but for people throughout the world as well.