
Coral Reef Loss

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A current problem impacting the island of tonga is the destruction of coral reef. One solution to this problem is to put guard towers to watch people or higher more DLNR (department of land and natural resources) workers. According to Coral conservation the text states “the world's coral are in a crisis.” This shows that if we do not take action and do something about it like hire more DLNR workers we may as well kiss the reefs goodbye. According to coral reef: threats/ wwf the text states “Roughly one-quarter of coral reefs worldwide are already considered damaged beyond repair, with another two-thirds under serious threat.” This shows that hiring more DLNR is needed because they can watch to make sure no one is doing anything to harm the reef and that a lot of the reef is already gone. To reach this solution we must first agree that there is a problem and that this is a way to help fix …show more content…

According to losing our coral reefs, the text states that “Ten percent of coral reefs have already been damaged beyond repair, and if we continue with business as usual, WRI projects that 90% of coral reefs will be in danger by 2030, and all of them by 2050.” This shows that if we do not do anything to try and help then the coral reef will be in some serious trouble. In order to launch the commercials we must hire a company to broadcast our commercials during their breaks like CNN. According to threats to coral reef, the text states “Sometimes poisons like cyanide are dumped into the water to stun fish and make them easier to capture. Sadly, fishing with cyanide often kills fish, corals, and other forms of wildlife, while degrading the reef habitat itself.” This shows that advertising commercials will help to notify and encourage people to be more aware and responsible. By doing this we will help to save a lot of

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