
Coral Reef Research Paper

Decent Essays

What are zooxanthellae?

Tropical Coral reefs are one of the most fundamentally important ecosystems on the planet, maintaining an impressive array of diversity able to boast thousands of species with many only found within their unique reef system. Reefs play a vital role shaping ecosystems and providing shelter and refuge for many populations’. These reef systems are found throughout the tropics with the majority found within the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn and found worldwide from the Caribbean to Australia. Reef systems are not only a hub of diversity it’s a vital source of nutriment for thousands of people with more than 15% of global population living within 100 kilometres of reef systems (Hoegh-Guldberg, 1999). …show more content…

Most data coincides with one another indicate temperature increases are one of the main causes of zooxanthellae leaving the tissue of their host. Glynn was the first scientist to notice the correlation between warming sea waters and coral bleaching in 1993, whereas scientist such as Goreau (1990), Glynn (1991) and Hayes was all among the first to suggest that the coral would be pushed passed their adaptable limit by rising sea temperature which was part of a mass global change. (Hoegh-Guldberg,

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