
Corbin Ness Research Paper

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Two-year old Corbin Ness was born just a few hours before Halloween, so the holiday holds a special place for his parents Kelly and Justin. His first Halloween costume was a newborn baby’s blanket. A year later, Corbin’s parents dressed him up for the holiday as a happy, bug-eyed minion, from the computer-animated comedy Despicable Me. But after New Year’s, Corbin started acting less than happy due to an ongoing series of ear infections. Each lasting about a week and recurring every month. This despite several courses of antibiotics from his pediatrician.
“It’s very common among young children because the Eustachian tubes in their ears haven’t come into their proper position yet,” says Dr. Joseph Scianna of Northern Illinois ENT Specialists in Sycamore. He’s the specialist Corbin’s pediatrician …show more content…

He (Dr. Scianna) was rubbing his back and talking to him,” Kelly remembers.
After what seemed like an eternity (but was only about 5 minutes) Dr. Scianna came out to the waiting room to tell Justin and Kelly that the operation a success, and within 10 minutes Corbin was back in their arms. Dr. Scianna told Kelly and Justin that they might see some bleeding in Corbin’s ears the first day or two or a slight fever, but that was normal and to be expected. By lunchtime on the day of surgery, to his parent’s great relief, he was already playing and acting normally.
Within a few days, something unexpected did happen. Corbin, became much more verbal, even starting to sing for the first time.
“Justin and I were in the kitchen when all of a sudden, we heard Corbin trying to sing his ABC’s for the very first time.’”
“We were amazed,” Kelly recalls still excited. “He had never done anything like that before.”
“Corbin has had a couple of minor colds since the surgery and fluid has drained out of his ears…just the way it’s supposed to and for the first time in as long as we can remember, a cold did not turn into a horrible ear infection,” explains

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