Two-year old Corbin Ness was born just a few hours before Halloween, so the holiday holds a special place for his parents Kelly and Justin. His first Halloween costume was a newborn baby’s blanket. A year later, Corbin’s parents dressed him up for the holiday as a happy, bug-eyed minion, from the computer-animated comedy Despicable Me. But after New Year’s, Corbin started acting less than happy due to an ongoing series of ear infections. Each lasting about a week and recurring every month. This despite several courses of antibiotics from his pediatrician.
“It’s very common among young children because the Eustachian tubes in their ears haven’t come into their proper position yet,” says Dr. Joseph Scianna of Northern Illinois ENT Specialists in Sycamore. He’s the specialist Corbin’s pediatrician
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He (Dr. Scianna) was rubbing his back and talking to him,” Kelly remembers.
After what seemed like an eternity (but was only about 5 minutes) Dr. Scianna came out to the waiting room to tell Justin and Kelly that the operation a success, and within 10 minutes Corbin was back in their arms. Dr. Scianna told Kelly and Justin that they might see some bleeding in Corbin’s ears the first day or two or a slight fever, but that was normal and to be expected. By lunchtime on the day of surgery, to his parent’s great relief, he was already playing and acting normally.
Within a few days, something unexpected did happen. Corbin, became much more verbal, even starting to sing for the first time.
“Justin and I were in the kitchen when all of a sudden, we heard Corbin trying to sing his ABC’s for the very first time.’”
“We were amazed,” Kelly recalls still excited. “He had never done anything like that before.”
“Corbin has had a couple of minor colds since the surgery and fluid has drained out of his ears…just the way it’s supposed to and for the first time in as long as we can remember, a cold did not turn into a horrible ear infection,” explains
Silas Deane was born to a blacksmith in Groton Connecticut. After climbing his way up the political ladder he was selected to go to France twice, the second of which was with two other prominent figures of the time, Benjamin Franklin and Arthur Lee. There they arranged a treaty of alliance with France. However he was not on good terms with at least one of his travel partners. Arthur Lee accused Deane of using his advantages to make a private fortune. Although the allegations were never proved, Deane was recalled from his position of Minister Plenipotentiary and it was all downhill from this point, as in 1781 he had written questionable letters stating that newfounded America should "patch up their quarrel with England." These letters were intercepted
Caesar Rodney, the first of the delegation from Delaware, was a native of that state, and was born about the year 1730. His birth-place was Dover. The family, from which he was descended, was of ancient date, and is honorably spoken of in the history of early times. We read of Sir Walter De Rodeney, of Sir George De Rodeney, and Sir Henry De Rodeney, with several others of the same name, even earlier than the year 1234. Sir Richard De Rodeney accompanied the gallant Richard Coeur de Lion in his crusade to the Holy Land, where he fell, while fighting at the siege of Acre.
On September 3, 2017, Ethan Mow, the son of Amy and Michael Mow, died by overconsumption of bullseye burgers at the Eastern Idaho State Fair. Ethan was the oldest of 4 children and was 14 years of age. Ethan was born in Phoenix, Arizona on July 31, 2003 and was a 10 pound baby with curly hair. His family and friends thought he was a great and fun guy who made everyone laugh. .
NEARLY 2 decades ago, in a far-off gym in ice-cold Canada, Dylan Ennis never wanted his teammates to know he was the coach's son. He wanted to be like all the other kids under the AAU basketball roof.
Craig Sanders was not who you would call an honest man. He was born into poverty in the outskirts of Chicago and, at the age of six, saw his mother stabbed to death by his father. Soon after he found himself swaddled with attention by concerned strangers and neighbors. Churches started giving him more things than he had ever had in his life- New clothes, meals that weren’t PB&J sandwiches, and a TV with movies to watch.
Jeffery Humble has established himself as one of the most active and respected community volunteers in Nashville and several other parts of the country. These philanthropic involvements range from volunteering for the Kentucky Junior Historical Society, hosting elaborate soirees and auctions to benefit Nashville CARES, assisting with the efforts of the Tennessee Equality Project (TEP), formerly serving in several leadership roles and functions for the Nashville Steering Committees and the Federal Club for the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), and even working with Feed My People in St. Louis, MI. His efforts, fueled by an entrepreneurial spirit and love of service, are starting to gain notice. The Center for Nonprofit Management (CNM) and The Tennessean
This sad event occurred on Thursday, February 2, 2017 at the Staten Island University Hospital, Staten Island, New York, United States of America.
December 16, 2009, Chris Henry, a wide receiver for the Cincinnati Bengals, had an argument with Loleini Tonga his finacee at the time. She was in a pickup as they were arguing. She decided to drive away, as she was pulling out of the driveway Chris jumped in the bed of the truck. As she was driving down the road Chris fell from the bed of the truck. To this day the circumstances of Chris’s death, if he jumped from the truck or if it was just a tragic accident brought on by a brain disease, nobody knows. Chris Henry’s tragic story, just one example of a former athlete’s life ending due to tragic circumstances. A twelve year veteran of the Minnesota Vikings, Fred McNeill, went on to finish law school after his retirement from the NFL. He was
History is often said to be “what has happened in the past,” and a historian’s job is to bring that information back, without distorting it. This undistorted passing of history is often times may not always be achieved, and the story of the death of Silas Deane is a great example of that
“I’m leaving you!” or “I want a divorce!” Is what we hear now a days by women or men, but it wasn’t as easy back in the 1800s for women they had no rights, their “job was to be a meek, obedient, loving wife who was totally subservient to the men.”(Laura Donnaway). Women couldn’t leave their husbands just because they didn’t love them no more or they caught in affairs because they wouldn’t get anything because “all of her inheritance (if any existed) would belong to her husband.” (Kelley Smith). Which is why many women had to live with being treated like objects instead of human beings.
When most people think of their childhood they remember fond memories of traditions they had with friends and family, such as Christmas Eve or something as simple as a family game night. Many of these traditions are carried down through generations and have a significant role in communities and teaching youth important values. These traditions shape our culture and allow us to generalize a country or area by simply listing off common traditions. However, it seems as though the values these traditions teach, both religious and social, seem to be evolving to fit an ever changing and more connected modern world. The question that remains, however, is if these values are evolving fast enough for a more forward thinking generation. Many would say
This evidence meets the criteria for a filtered source. It was sourced online from the Official Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics and Family Physicians. Specialists from multi medical disciplines assembled to create an integrative systematic study and review of the current evidence- based literature available for the treatment and management of Acute Otitis Media (AOM). The conclusions and findings were utilized to devise guidelines and a practice protocol that recommended early diagnosis and makes
But Bruce Conner's exposure to images was already in the late 1950s, before he had gained a place in the American art world through painting and Assemblage, especially his collection art ( Assemblage), for his early artistic career gained extensive attention. Assemblage (Art of Assemblage), for the post-modern art schools, appeared in the 1950s. Artists usually put together the wastes of consumer civilization and the pieces of machinery that can be found or picked up around them, making them an art of three-dimensional works. Bruce Conner (Bruce Conner) as the leader of this art form, pioneered the use of nylon stockings wrapped in a variety of materials for the collection art. He put together pieces of discarded furniture, worn-out dolls,
Acute Otitis Media (AOM), inflammation or infection of the middle ear, is an illness most parents have had experience with. Countless hours of lost sleep and worry secondary to their child’s pain and distress can keep even the most seasoned parents awake at night. Before the age of 36 months, 83% of children will experience 1 or more ear infections and AOM is the most common reason for office visits of preschoolers in the United States (Zhou, Shefer, Kong & Nuorti, 2008). The graphic below serves as a review of evidence and explores the usefulness of the information in relation to the option of watchful waiting in the management of AOM.
Brandon Sanderson is a fantasy and science fiction writer, who is very successful in what he does. Starting at the very beginning, Sanderson was born December 19, 1975 in Lincoln, Nebraska. Throughout school he never liked reading the books his teachers would give him. Until 8th grade his reading teacher gave him the book “Dragonsbane” by Barbara Hambly. He fell in love and he began to become an avid reader. He enjoyed reading books from the authors who wrote about science or fantasy. He went to college to study chemistry, but soon left for his mission in Seoul, Korea. Brandon got back and realized he didn’t miss chemistry. While going to BYU, he became an English major. Although his mother wished he would be a doctor, he found love in writing. Working at a front desk of a hotel making little money, he wrote 7 short novels. Brandon