
Core Concepts In Sociology

Decent Essays

After watching Core Concepts in Sociology, the primary concern presented is that, we as human beings are absolutely lost and unaware of different cultural standards and social norms. In my estimation, few individuals try to fathom the culture outside of middle class white America. Several individuals do not want a big house, with a picket white fence, or a new car every three years. Societies fail to comprehend that the gender roles placed on men and women mostly occur in middle class America. In my assessment, societies do not pay attention to the gender role of a poor class black woman. One can make the argument that a misunderstanding of cultures and norms is the leading cause of the problems in today’s world. Although, some may consider that we are moving towards a global culture, most individuals believe we are further apart. In addition to being absolutely lost and unaware of different cultures, the organizations that are socializing us may be corrupt.
As Americans, we are Ethnocentric, which is a major issue in my opinion. If people do not dress like Americans or value the things we value, they are considered substandard. We are totally lost and unaware of different culture standards and social norms. For instance, some Americans consider that all Muslims are terrorists, when Muslims …show more content…

One can make the argument that the cherishing of material possessions is the leading cause of the problems in today’s world. Most of the world does not care about cars, enormous mansions, or a six-figure income. The culture in America is based on money. The problem is that we as Americans value money over the life of a human being. That exact point shows when America is willing to invade a country for the up keeping of their possessions. If America was aware of how ethnocentric we are, and start to understand others culture standards, other nations would respect us

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