
Coriolanus And Sicinius Essay

Decent Essays

In this paper I will argue that both Sicinius and Coriolanus through their language in the passages display their desire for power and control in the play. Sicinius shows this desire when he attempts to fix his lack of control due to emotion as he mentions the power of the Plebeians and Coriolanus' imminent exile. Coriolanus displays his desire for power and control when in his speech, he struggles to keep control of his anger and attempts to use his pride to gain power over his banishment. Sicinuis' speech in this passage is poetry, as he is a Roman tribune and politician. This also indicates the importance of his speech, as he is attempting to guide the interests of the people that look to him for guidance. To Sicinius, the best …show more content…

Sicinius wants the tribunes to be as powerful as they can be, and he wants Coriolanus banished from the city. The control is evident through these lines becoming end-stopped, and he feels in control now because he knows that the power to the tribunes and Coriolanus' exile is imminent. Sicinius' speech starts off with soft consonants: “For that hhhhe hhhhas,/ As much as in hhhhim lies” (3.3, 90- 91). This is to give the effect of softening the tone of his speech; Sicinius wants to be composed about what he is going to say. However, he immediately after embodies plosive sounds: “To ppppluck away their ppppower” (3.3, 93). These explosive sounds portray the passion and anger in what he feels Coriolanus is trying to do by stripping the people of their power. The wordplay in this passage by Sicinius is on the word “pluck”; Sicinius uses this word to display the (MED) taking away of power that does not belong to him, and “plucking” the people until there is nothing left of them as Coriolanus does not respect the Plebeians. Also, when Sicinius says, “In peril of precipitation” (3.3, 99), the MED refers to this meaning that Coriolanus' presence brings about danger of the casting down of evil

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