
Corn Research Paper

Decent Essays

Corn: America’s Favorite Food? As American farmers use 97 million acres of land for corn production, how much of it is used for food? In 2013, the answer was a disheartening 15%, according to James Conca in his Forbes article. But where does the remaining 85% go; to ethanol production and livestock feed. The crop that literally dominates the landscape of America doesn’t even produce a significant amount of food! Corn fails to provide us with a substantial reason to keep producing it at the same rate, and in addition its continued production has caused vast environmental and economic damage. To really understand how corn became a staple of American agriculture we must go back to the beginning. As America emerged victoriously from World War 2, they possessed an extremely large quantity of ammonium nitrate, a key component of conventional bombs, and decided to use the chemical as fertilizer for corn production (Pollan). The government chose corn as their crop due to its versatility and many uses; its versatility is …show more content…

America’s ability to produce corn at this massive volume is a unique trait to our country as pointed out by Gary Truitt in his article, “Why Do We Grow All This Corn?”. Truitt says that the reason “why we grow so much corn… is because we can” (Truitt). He went on to say that without the US’s incredible production the world would be much hungrier place, but he fails to address where so much of our corn goes. He doesn’t address that about 85% of all corn produced doesn’t go directly to feed the world’s population; it is used to feed animals and to create ethanol. Truitt continues to defend our corn production by stating that GMO corn is actually more environmentally safe that non-GMO corn without actually providing evidence on his claim. His attempts highlight his article’s weakness, but also the weakness in defending our highly unbeneficial level of corn

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