
Cornell Scholarship Essay

Decent Essays

I’ve always known that I wanted to defend those who could not defend themselves. Maybe it’s the result of being the oldest sibling, or maybe it’s the result of having to see my parents belittled because they were poor immigrants. Whatever the reason may be, I’ve never liked seeing people get knocked down by others. We live in a world that is constantly evolving to include more and more human interaction. A world that is quickly becoming more globalized and while that prospect excites me, it also fills me with a slight sense of dread. Dread because what if we can’t get along, work together and strive for better for the entire population then what good will globalization be? In a world that is quickly deeming a Liberal Arts education as ineffectual, I stand beside it with a fierce determination to prove that assessment wrong. Liberal Arts, a general knowledge of the world is important. I cannot defend those who I do not understand. I can not understand if I do not think beyond utility or if it benefits, this ideology of what can you do for me in return for my assistance. I look to Cornell …show more content…

Some of the topics being offered as undergraduate research opportunities, such as First Impressions and what cues we develop from looking at a picture help us determine what type of person they are, and, specifically for myself I would like to know, what cues allow people to determine whether they are superior than their peers and thusly allow them to bully or intimidate those people. Another interesting research topic that I would love to delve into at Cornell’s PAC Lab directed by Vivian Zayas would be Perception and Reactions to Ambiguous Exclusion. Both topics are so incredibly interesting to me and I would love to be able to contribute to the

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