National Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility in Vels University on 12th, 13th Feb 2015
Author/Research scholar: M.Manikandan(UP13G9560003),Co-Author: A.Vanmathi (UP13G9560004). Page 1
Corporate Social Responsibilities and Sustainable development Model for Corporates
Author/Research scholar: M. Manikandan(UP13G9560003),,Vels University-Chennai.
Co-Author/Research scholar: A.Vanmathi (UP13G9560004),,Vels University, Chennai. Guide :Dr.N.Thangavel. M.B.A., M.Com, PGDMM., Ph.D., D.Lit, Principal, JEPPIAAR ENGINEERING College Chennai, thangavelraj
Abstract:Corporate Social Responsibility (hereafter CSR) is essence in nowadays business since the business is facing new
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This Model methodology is based on a Plan-Do-Check-Act management cycle; it combines the five elements: among these elements four of them analytical and one is action orientated elements, which are Model Profile, Model Vision, Model Analysis and Model Management and Model Report. This research would bring the conclusions as a Model result report along with a communication plan which would help the corporates/companies to improve their performance and achievement internally and externally to maintain the corporate social responsibilities.
Key words: Corporate Social Responsibility, sustainability performance, fluctuated economy, competitiveness. National Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility in Vels University on 12th, 13th Feb 2015
Author/Research scholar:
From reading the stimulus material given I saw a relationship between the disappearance of language and technological advancements. In the Self Portrait Along the Borderline Between Mexico and the United States by Frida Khalo a painting that shows the differences between Mexico and America in the 1900s, there appears to be a difference of culture between America and Mexico. America is more modern, as Mexico is more classic. America’s modernization is shown in the different factories in the background, and Mexico’s classicism is shown through the ancient Mexican temple in the background. As stated in “Vanishing Voices”, written by Russ Rymer, “As modern inventions like cars enters their world, the Seris tend to adapt their language rather than import Spanish words. Erica Barnett uses an abandoned car as a hothouse to grow mangroves to replenish an estuary” (21). Rymer is stating that with new technologies, people need to adapt. I believe that not only do people need to adapt, but also governments need to be more accustomed to advances in technology. With the introduction of the Internet many governments need to change. This change would come through passing different laws which would censor the Internet and in doing so, limit freedom of speech, because this is widely controversial in the US. I began to look at why this is so controversial. According to Andrea Leadsom, a Conservative Member of Parliament for South Northamptonshire, the Internet should be censored for the kids.
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Today, in this complex business environment where all business enterprises are surviving by realizing maximum profits possible, there exists a mechnism called Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) that is providing the required edge towards success. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is the way a corporation achieves a balance among its economic, social, and environmental responsibilities in its operations so as to address shareholder and other stakeholder expectations. This is because it is
Corporate social responsibility has been one the key business buzz words of the 21st century. Consumers' discontent with the corporation has forced it to try and rectify its negative image by associating its name with good deeds. Social responsibility has become one of the corporation's most pressing issues, each company striving to outdo the next with its philanthropic image. People feel that the corporation has done great harm to both the environment and to society and that with all of its wealth and power, it should be leading the fight to save the Earth, to combat poverty and illness and etc. "Corporations are now expected to deliver the good, not just the goods; to pursue
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) refers to the social and environmental responsibility policies and practices developed by an organization to increase its positive influence and reduce its negative activity towards society (Schwartz 2010). Organizations must take responsibility for their actions and all the members of the organization must comprehensively review and consider all their tasked achievements and contributions. A healthy balance between economic progress, social responsibility, and environmental protection can lead to a competitive advantage and solidify an organization's place as a corporate citizen (Dickinson,, 2008).
In other words, these socially responsible companies will evaluate not only the short and long term economic outcomes of their present decisions but also the long-term environmental and societal outcomes of their current actions. This thus leads to the triple bottom line approach of reporting environmental, social, and economic performance. In addition, Wilson from the Ivey Business Journal argues about corporate social responsibility or the CSR. The CSR has been around longer than the term and implication of “sustainable development” but has similar guidelines. From about 1953 the on, the main debate was whether corporate managers had an ethical responsibility to consider the needs of society and by 1980, it was generally and consensually accepted that corporate managers should and did have this moral responsibility. So by incorporating sustainability plans or even creating a separate branch dedicated to doing so, the company’s reputation often is increased, which over the long term, will contribute to accentuate customer loyalty, market share, and brand value and awareness. (Wilson, 2003) This case study done on Johnson & Johnson published by the IMA Educational Case Journal analyzes the impact that implementations of these sustainability
It is widely believed that Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is one of the most important tasks in the twenty century. Some people may consider that companies have always been the profit organizations, and social affairs are in charge by the government, which is a common sense that there are no directly relationships between each other. However, CSR is considered one of the key elements to sustain companies to vary their original operation levels. In this essay, I attempt to outline the different definitions of Corporate Social Responsibility and evaluate the reasons why CSR became a prominent part of the business world by actual
CSR research has spent many years to promote company benefits in the regard of social responsibilities, so the CSR strategy consideration gained much importance in a firm working . Although CSR categories the responsibilities of a company but in real world it is not good due to three reasons, first the CSR categories are not differentiable, second CSR can be used as a moral substitute to hide the other
In recent decades, Corporate Social Responsibility provides a range of factors used for measuring a firm’s contribution to social evolution. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is defined as the business commitment contributing to a sustainable economic development through activities to improve quality of life for workers and the whole community that are both beneficial for business industry and social development (Maren, 2014). Historically, the concept of CSR was first introduced by Howard Bowen in 1950s (Bowen, 1953); later CSR model was successfully applied to several large scale companies such as Nike, Coca – Cola, Prudential Insurance in 1990s (Carroll, 1991). CSR can enhance a company’s reputation and help increase profit in short term and build up organizational culture for a long term (Prutina, 2016). This paper will briefly introduce the four types of CSR and
In the recent decades, changing in technology, environment and social has affected everyone including families, communities and governments (RMIT University (ed.), 2014). There are many evidences that the earth has had negative affect by economic activities. Today, many people and corporations have more concerned about sustainability development. United Nation (UN) defines sustainability development as “the development that meet the need of present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own need”. The three pillars of sustainability are environmental sustainability, social sustainability and economic sustainability that outlined by the United Nation can be translated into corporate responsibility approach that
Man is a social animal so he cannot live alone. Society does its best to provide the individual with all the comforts amenities and facilities of life. So it is duty to do service for others. Nowadays more and more organizations are engaging in positive way often referred to as corporate social responsibility. It is important to doing a social service all organizations. CSR aims to embrace responsibility for to reassure a positive effect on the environment and stakeholders containing consumers, employees, investors, communities and others. Firstly how company practices in CSR, how company impact on Society, what activities does CSR.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a concept companies utilize to decide voluntarily in contributing to a better and cleaner environment. Growing concerns by leaders has realized the importance of CSR to maximize optimal profits of their firms. Companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations as well as with their stakeholders on a voluntary basis. Labbai, (2007) defines CSR as a continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as of the local community and society.
Corporate social responsibility, often abbreviated as ‘CSR’ is an approach taken by corporate companies of different purposes of the welfare of their workers, customers and as well as paying attention to ecological maintainability and responsible advertising. The term ‘CSR’ started becoming popular since World War II and has been a subject of major debate over whether a firm should solely aim for making profits or also consider giving back to its society, therefore, corporate social responsibility should be voluntarily embraced rather than being enforced. This essay focuses on the positive and adverse effects of corporate social responsibility on the companies as well as its importance for the society.
In a competitive business environment, corporate social responsibility (CSR) is fundamental for an organization (Minor and Morgan, 2011). The coverage of CSR keeps on redefining, evolving and improving. Nowadays, World Business Council For Sustainable Development (N.A.) defines CSR as ‘the integration of business operation and values whereby the interests of the stakeholders, including customers, employees, investors, community, and environment are reflected in the company’s policies and actions’. According to Archie Carroll (1991,cited in D’Amato, Henderson and Florence, 2009), there are four different types of CSR: philanthropic, economic, legal and environment (Taylor, 1984). In the essay, it proves that CSR is not a practice that only