
Corporate Social Responsibility Of Cigna Corporation

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Cigna Corporation is a global health service company dedicated to helping people improve their health, well-being and sense of security. Cigna Corporation is in over 30 countries and jurisdictions and has over 89 million members throughout the world. (CSR Profile of Cigna Corporation, 2015). This essay we will review Cigna Corporation social responsibility, to see if they contribute to society through good business practices, by providing good work environment, good citizenship and solving social issues. We will incorporate terms such as sustainability, strategic philanthropy, cause marketing, shared value, stakeholders, and global perspective. We will see if Cigna Corporation really following the corporation social responsibility of the …show more content…

(Cigna Connect Corporate Responsibility Report, 2014) Cigna Foundation has been carrying out corporate philanthropy for over 50 years. This is only a part of their social corporate responsibility and their goal. Cigna corporate philanthropy goal is to bring Cigna’s mission and brand promise to individual and communities around the globe. (CSR Profile of Cigna Corporation, 2015). The foundation has been able to accomplish their goals by focusing on charities and nonprofit organization that has enhanced the health of individuals and their families. , which has health to bring well being to the community. This foundation has shown us that their responsibility has gone beyond economic and legal obligation; they have show the community that they can volunteer in the community; give donations to nonprofits, and just sharing their given talent to help others. Cigna foundation cause marketing is a part of the philanthropy that contributes to the purchase of products. The purchase of the product will help to raise funds for the nonprofits or the charity as well as the awareness of the organization. When the social responsibility and profit combine we have a shared value. In 2013 Cigna came up with a campaign for Cigna and society. The goal was to include, reduce waste, by shredding paper, and recycle ink and toner cartridges as well as cans and plastic. The

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