Role Of Corrections Officers.
The gradual but important evolution of prison guards into professional criminal officers has offered a great reflection of the shift of ideas about criminal justice in the modern society (Maghan,2013). The premise that the society has the duty of rehabilitating the prisoners has led to the creation of new duties , more training and increased professionalism for the correctional officers that are charged with the management and maintenance of security in prisons and other facilities of criminal justice (Walters,& Caywood 2006).As more interested is paid in the criminal and justice systems in the USA, the role played by correctional officers not only in the jails and prisons but society as well has gained increasing attention. In the most basic sense, the officers and staff, in general, are charged with the responsibility of ensuring the safety of the public. This is done primarily through the provision of care, custody, control, and the general
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They also oversee the people that are still waiting for trial or hearings as well as the ones that have already faced convictions and sentenced to serve their time in prison reformatory or the penitentiary. The officers also maintain the general security aside from observing the conduct and behavior of the prisoners so as to prevent any form of disturbances or escapes. Some of the general roles of the officers that make it necessary for the staff to have communication with the inmates , their peers and supervisors include directing the movement of the inmates , maintaining the keys and tools , controlling the use of equipment , distributing of items that have been authorized to the prisoners , and maintaining the safety , sanitation and safety of the prisoners (Walters,& Caywood
Everyday crimes are committed. Some of these offenses committed by perpetrators are more severe than others, and cause the individuals who carry out the crimes to be sentenced to time in the county or prison facilities. At the forefront of protecting these criminals from committing more crimes and jeopardizing the public’s safety are correctional officers. The main goal of corrections work is the safe and secure management and rehabilitation of justice-involved individuals, whether in locked facilities or within community supervision programs (Denhof, 1). Although, correctional officer’s sole job is to provide care, custody, and control for perpetrators, correctional officers have another job. That task is not to become subdued by the stress
Conover’s purpose in writing this book not only to share his experience as a correctional officer but to also help readers get beyond the stereotype of the brutal guard seen on television and rumors but to see correctional officers as individuals, offering us a chance to understand
Ted Conover’s book, New Jack, is about the author's experiences as a rookie guard at Sing Sing prison, in New York, the most troubled maximum security prison. He comes to realize that being a correctional officer isn’t an easy task. This is shown from the beginning when he is required to attend a 7 week training program to become a correctional officer. He comes to realize what inmates have to endure on a daily basis. Throughout his experience into a harsh culture of prison and the exhausting and poor working conditions for officers, he begins to realize that the prison system brutalizes everyone connected to it. New Jack presents new ideas of prisons in the United States in the ways facilities, corrections officers, and inmates function with
In the book NewJack: Guarding Sing Sing, the book discussed the life of a guard. Most people feel that the guards are bad guys in the criminal justice system and with the politics of the criminal justice systems there are many assumptions of the way in which the stereotype of prison guard’s life should be. The author Ted Conover explains first hand on the experiences behind the scenes that many guards experiences throughout their careers that is an untold story of the truth in the prison system. Conover was curious about the subculture of the prison guards’ duties and wanted to know the truth about if the assumptions that most have about the prison guards is truthful. Conover entered the Academy with many other young men and a few women who wanted good jobs with security. The training was modeled after boot camp for the military. Those who had been in the military fared better than those who had not been so initiated. Once Conover crossed the training hurdle, he was tossed over to Sing Sing for his first assignment.
Most of his time at Sing Sing was consumed being in close contact with the inmates, in dining halls and housing galleries, doing strip searches, searching cells, writing disciplinary infraction reports, and confiscating inmate contraband. In addition, because they live in an enforced state of near powerlessness, answering to inmates who required support with a seemingly endless range of personal complications occupied much of Conover’s time. Conover’s account of the correctional officer’s role is consistent with those opinions offered by others who have firsthand experience of prison life. Virtually all serious, firsthand interpretations of correctional work define a gap between the training and the realism of the job, official policies and procedures that require routine avoidance, poor associations between line officers and administrators, and the undermining power of stress on professional conduct and personal life.
What the researchers found during this study was that both the behaviors and mentalities of guards and prisoners changed. Guards became more aggressive and prisoners became passive. A group of five prisoners had to actually be released from the study because of physical and emotional changes they were experiencing. Those prisoners remaining actually began acting as if they were truly incarcerated. By the behaviors they exhibited they had all but forgotten that they were free to leave at any time and not forfeit the money they had already earned. Guards, on the other hand, actually stayed at the prison longer than they were scheduled and were actually disappointed when the study came to a close while prisoners were very happy and expressed their luck at getting released early. These results clearly demonstrate that it is the environment that contributes to the behaviors observed. Those who were given the role of guard expressed the power and control they had over the prisoners. The prisoners began to become hopeless and bend to the power of the guards.
Correctional Officers play a very vital role in the criminal justice field. Their jobs are very dangerous when dealing with inmates that are in jail and prisons. ”The
At any given time, a single corrections officer, can expect to be outnumbered by upwards of 400 inmates (Conover, 2011). It can be chilling to work in the midst of hundreds of inmates, some of which initiate attacks and inappropriate relationships. However, other issues have impacted the psychological health and physical safety of the staff. Detrimental factors have included heavy workloads, the prisons physical structure, and a lack of support from both peers and superiors. Each workplace issue has been in addition to role problems, specifically role ambiguity and role conflict (Schaufeli & Peeters, 2011). It is believed that anyone of these undesirable facets of prison should be enough to deter the public from attempting to enter such
A prison warden is the chief executive of the institution and oversees the entire operation within a prison system. A prison warden needs to possess an array of skills that is capable of managing “large groups of employees, and to operate facilities in a way that keeps inmates, staff, and society safe” (Clear et al., 2013, p. 321). Studies from Clear et al. (2013) further indicate that today’s prison warden must function effectively despite decreased autonomy and increased accountability” (p. 321). The role and responsibility of a prison warden are comparable to a police chief’s because it requires extensive knowledge in administration, and experience in various areas within the department or institution.
Some of the main problems are the amount of inadequately trained and inexperienced staff that are prominently found throughout the private prison systems. It is through this study that one realizes how the amount of staff members whom either had to voluntarily or involuntarily left their jobs or the amount of correctional officers whom are more likely to be dismissed within their first year or forced to resign from their position. Another problem of the private prison system is the having the capability to maintain secure facilities. Although only 85% of the facilities had no escapes within the first ten years, there were many reports of other issues that arose during this time, such as the amount of serious assaults reports (over 300), the amount of weapons used (over 250) and the amount of inmate upon intimate contact without a weapon (over 700). This specific study proclaims the only way to address the issues at had is to implement a new strategy that will accommodate better security measures in order for the private prisons to
Correctional Officers are a very important part of the Justice System because it keeps high profile criminals off the street and locked up even before they are proven innocent or guilty. The Correctional Facility in many ways is a lot like a jail, from what I saw when I toured the new Pre Trial Centre in Port Coquitlam. There are large thick metal doors to
258). The Warden 's main responsibilities are to care for the inmates of his or her prison by providing food, clothes, housing, medical care and treatment, discipline, job training, employment and rehabilitation (Gaines & Miller, 2017, p. 236). The Warden is also the individual responsible for evenly distributing the prison 's financial allowance and as such, could be considered to be the primary political power of the prison (Gaines & Miller, 2017, p. 236-237). Moving down the chain of command, the Captain 's primary job description is that of an administrator who deals one on one with the Warden (Gaines & Miller, 2017, p. 258). In addition, the Lieutenant 's main responsibilities in a prison are to police and transport the inmates (Gaines & Miller, 2017, p. 258). Sergeant 's are in charge of their individual squads; each squad will be assigned to designate parts of the prison such as cell blocks (Gaines & Miller, 2017, p. 258-259). Finally, the officers are the employees who hold the most amount of power when it comes to dealing with inmates. To better explain, there are varying forms of Officers, such as Block Officer, Work Detail Supervisor, Industrial Shop and School Officer, Yard Officer, and Tower Guard (Gaines & Miller,
Equalizing the constitutional rights of prisoners and the functions of the jail or prison can create great strain on not only the correctional facilities’ staff but on the inmates as well. The treatment of prisoners is typically left completely to the prudence of prison administrators and other correctional officials. With that being said, this paper will discuss the differences between harmonizing those constitutional rights of prisoners and the functions of the facility. It will also explain the rights that prisoners are required to have, and how these rights are balanced within other aspects of the correctional institution.
A Corrections Officer has many duties to consider as they manage the activities of inmates. They are charged with the responsibilities of conducting head counts, monitoring recreational activities, and supervising their work assignments while maintaining a safe environment ensuring the welfare of those who are incarcerated in the correctional facility and employed there, as well as protect the safety of the public communities. They are investigators trained to search for illegal or prohibited goods smuggled into the institution, respond to riots, transport inmates and write reports. Although the job of an officer is challenging still the manner in which they ought to interact with the inmates should exemplify a standard of discipline that displays ethical professionalism, and respect at all times.
Power is a symbol of success that everyone wishes to obtain, both in one’s personal life and in one’s occupation. People also have to yield to the power of authorities in governmental institutions, such as schools and the military. Like any other governmental institution, prison systems run on the concept of power, with the wardens and guards having the control in their hands. Without these occupations, there would not be any enforced regulations, which are an essential component when working with individuals like hardened criminals. Although authority is needed, many horror stories come to light detailing the excessive use of power and authority in these institutions.