
Corroboree Frog Research Paper

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The corroboree frog is a native Australian frog found in the mountain ranges of the Kosciusko national park. There are two variations of the frogs inside the species these include the northern corroboree frog (NCF) and the southern corroboree frog (SCF). Historically scientist named these frogs based on where they were found in the Kosciusko national park. The NCF lives in the northern parks of Kosciusko national park, Namiadgi National park and Rinabella national park, as seen in the image below. The NCF lives between 750 – 1800 m above sea level (Toragona zoo, Corroboree frog habitat). The SCF lies entirely in Kosciusko national park, form Smiggln hole to maragle range, from southwards to northwards. The SCF generally lives from 1300 – 1760 m above sea level. Currently the distribution of the frog is widely spread as the frog try to move from areas infected with the chytrids fungus. These frogs are extremely hard to find in the wild, as they are critically endangered. The frogs are most commonly fund in protected areas in the national park, which were introduced by the Australian government. …show more content…

The typical diet of these frogs includes beetles, mite and black ants and insect lava. During summer seasons the frog live nears these pools as it is breading season. Female frogs lay up to 20-30 eggs at a time. The eggs hatch after a few months during winter or autumn. During winter these tadpoles feed and grow until the reach warmer spring waters until they become froglets, starting their transition to become a frog. Outside the breading season adults move away from the pools into woodier habitats. These often have denser groundcover and have

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