
Corruption In Central America

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Corruption is a dishonest behavior by people in power. It’s a problem that a lot of countries face and that the citizens don’t take into account. It has become such a big problem around the world that people don’t fight against it; they just learn how to live with it. Personally, I didn’t care much about corruption because I felt I couldn’t do anything to fight against it. But in 2015 my views about corruption changed, I now believe that the only ones able to fight against corruption are the citizens. My home, Guatemala got into a corruption scandal and it’s currently fighting to win this fight. Guatemala is a small country in Central America, which is often underestimated for its high rate of violence and poverty. People tend to overlook the good in it, they don’t talk about its breathtaking places, beautiful people, colorful aspects and …show more content…

In April 2015, the citizens got the news about their President Perez Molina and Vice President Baldetti being involved with a crime called “La Linea” that is described as a sophisticated smuggling network in the country’s customs. It was a network that operated in the country’s costume offering the importers a lower tax rate for the products they wanted to import; “La Linea” was a telephone number where the importers had to call to get their priced lowered. When the citizens heard the news they decided to act and protect their country, they created a revolution. The young drove the revolution; they created events in social networks asking the rest of the citizens to join them in peaceful protests demanding for justice. The organizers were afraid no one was going to show up because the citizens were afraid the protest would become violent. After the first few protests passed peacefully, the fear disappeared and more and more citizens joined

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