Corruption is a dishonest behavior by people in power. It’s a problem that a lot of countries face and that the citizens don’t take into account. It has become such a big problem around the world that people don’t fight against it; they just learn how to live with it. Personally, I didn’t care much about corruption because I felt I couldn’t do anything to fight against it. But in 2015 my views about corruption changed, I now believe that the only ones able to fight against corruption are the citizens. My home, Guatemala got into a corruption scandal and it’s currently fighting to win this fight. Guatemala is a small country in Central America, which is often underestimated for its high rate of violence and poverty. People tend to overlook the good in it, they don’t talk about its breathtaking places, beautiful people, colorful aspects and …show more content…
In April 2015, the citizens got the news about their President Perez Molina and Vice President Baldetti being involved with a crime called “La Linea” that is described as a sophisticated smuggling network in the country’s customs. It was a network that operated in the country’s costume offering the importers a lower tax rate for the products they wanted to import; “La Linea” was a telephone number where the importers had to call to get their priced lowered. When the citizens heard the news they decided to act and protect their country, they created a revolution. The young drove the revolution; they created events in social networks asking the rest of the citizens to join them in peaceful protests demanding for justice. The organizers were afraid no one was going to show up because the citizens were afraid the protest would become violent. After the first few protests passed peacefully, the fear disappeared and more and more citizens joined
In mid-February 2015, I began to meet people who belonged to the community of "Lomas de Rosa Inés", which is a suburb of invasion, located two blocks from my apartment, this community lives in extreme poverty in wooden houses, and on that site the Government has started a housing plan over 8 years ago and not finish it leaving it abandoned, so it was invaded by followers of the "Bolivarian revolution" and over there live many of the members of the "motorized groups" operating in the area where I lived and that are responsible of committing all sorts of crimes such as robberies, theft to stores and to extort money from merchants to let them work and are responsible for monitoring the activities of government’s opponents and sabotage the protests
Capital One is a banking company that is focused on credit cards and consumer loans. The company also has some minor international operations in Canada and the UK, primarily in the credit card business. The company breaks down its business as follows. Credit cards are the major source of income, accounting for $10.4 billion in revenue, or 64% of the total revenue for the company. Consumer banking accounts for 31% of the revenue, commercial banking a further 10% of the revenue, and the company has negative revenue on "other" businesses. The credit card business is the most profitable, generating $2.277 billion in profit, or 70% of the company's total net income. Consumer banking accounted for 25% of total net income, while commercial banking accounted for 16% of total net income.
There were thousands of pounds of gold aboard the huge ship, transporting it all to New York. Everyone on board had come from the gold rush in California, migrating to the Big Apple to start fresh with newfound wealth. There was a large crowd of people waiting to enter the boat, each shoulder to shoulder ready to board.
Someone who is abusing the power that is given to him or her defines corruption, however, the word in its self is more than a simple idea; it is an intricate network. Since people’s views about ethical and moral behavior affect the way corruption is examined, the word has a slightly different meaning to each person. Additionally, misconduct across various societies is viewed differently due to social and cultural borders. The criminal justice system has had many instances where corruption had affected the outcome of a case and has inserted itself into the legal process.
First, it is important to define what corruption is. The term, “corruption” covers a broad range of human actions,
Cartel members from the area of Iguala area confessed to taking 43 student from the police, they later killed all the student burned them in a fire that lasted 17 hours. The ashes were put in plastic bags and dumped in a nearby river. The plastic bags were found a week later. It was released in a press conference with the families of the missing students that the ashes in the bags did not test positive to the ID’s of the missing students. Yet again people took to the streets in protest for a conclusion to the case and answers, people in Mexico City set fire and graffiti on the 150-year-old presidential palace, they chanted “we are sick of state violence!” Protests all around the world even started from New York to London around Mexican embassies. They called for the president to step down, this gave a strengthened sense of anger for the treatment of the government towards the people, the Mexican just want change. “Could the government being falling apart” is just one example of questions that still remain with the Mexican public because the utter crime and corruption has gone to
In the last decades, narco trafficking and organized crime had emerged as the main security threats in Latin America. Deviant globalization increase their power by establishing connections with similar organizations in other parts of the world, like cocaine distribution networks, for example. This perceived danger increases the pressure on the governments for effective solutions, and some of them consider that these problems had overwhelmed the capabilities of the local police. Consequently, the intervention of military forces would be necessary to secure the stability of the countries. However, the use of force as the only solution is the outcome of a misunderstanding of the root causes that generates them. This paper presents the research for a general pattern in the region that is helpful to understand how the civil society perceives the failures of governance and how the networks of illegal activities exploit this perception.
Corruption will unfortunately continue to be a reality for many communities throughout the region as we transition into the 21st century. The Iguala mass kidnapping was a brutal example of what authorities are willing to do to suppress potential political adversaries (Vice News 2014). If we look to the past, an obvious link can be made to Peru's age of terror, where thousands we killed or disappeared because they were seen as a political threat (Dawson 2011). While Iguala kidnapping was just as terrifying, what is different now is the presence of technology. The advent and proliferation of cell phones and the World Wide Web during the last decade of the 20th century and into the 21st has given the average civilian the power to reach out into
There are few nation-states that one could point to as being truly “corruption-free” (Denmark hosts the most corruption-free gov’t according to Transparency International’s 2014 Corruption Perceptions Index). However, this is a trait that holds back the growth of the whole of society, weakening the disadvantaged and emboldening the powerful. As Transparency International goes on to state:
Guatemala is a particularly large country in South America. The country’s terrain is dominated by mountains with narrow coastal plains, limestone plateaus, and volcanoes and jungles. The current population of Guatemala is 17,033,253 as of November 2017, according to the latest United Nations estimates (Guatemala Population (LIVE), 2017). The capital of the country is Guatemala City. For the past years, the politicians have been extremely corrupt. In 2016, Jimmy Morales had won the Guatemalan election to become the new president. His campaign slogan was “neither corrupt not a thief”. Because the people of Guatemala were beyond ready for a change in leadership, he won by a landslide. At the start of his term, people loved him and he seemed to be a great guy. He was a former comedian and not a politician so the people loved him. Unfortunately,
The gradual impoverishments of the Central American countries, the few job opportunities, earthquakes and hurricanes disasters, and the violence that is lived for several years at those countries seem to have contributed to the creation of a culture of migration. In different countries there have been networks of people engaged in human trafficking. Migrants say that there is no easiness to contact these networks in any Central American country. When there are resources these networks are accessed to. When there are no resources to pay for a “coyote”(name given to the person trafficking migrants), people do it on their own, using roads and other means such as the train, following other people who also migrate. In that road they face an increased
According to James Painter in his BBC News article “Latin America faces year of change”, Latin America suffers from social violence, kidnapping, drug trafficking, child pornography, lack of women’s rights, and little accountability over the region’s law makers and authorities which can lead to government corruption (para. 12). Government corruption can be defined as political power used by government leaders for private gain and to maintain their power as a government official. Most of the times these corrupt politicians in Latin America say they are accomplishing apprehension of criminals to the best of their abilities when, in reality, they commit the same multitude of crimes. Politicians are able to maintain their power as a result of
Corruption is a complex political, social, and economic anomaly that negatively affects developing and developed countries. It weakens democratic institutions, holds economic development, widening the rich-poor gap and certainly leads to governmental instability. The World Bank definition of corruption states that “…the abuse of public office for private gain”.
The corruption in the government, one of the main problems in the majority of countries in the world, causing death, poverty and impunity in the life of the persons. People think that government corruption is just buying votes to win the elections, but this is just a little part of the corruption. The corruption of the government has been present for a long time ago, covering a great variety of problems in the society, like the stealing the money from the people, alliances with the narco, using the power just a favor of the politicians, increasing the prices of food, fuel and public services just to make more money. The people do not have the necessary services to survive and if the services are available they are expensive. In some parts of the world the government is colluding with the delinquency, in the case of Mexico, the government is colluded with the narco. The corruption in Mexico has permeated several segments of society like political, economic, and social. Also it has greatly affected the country’s legitimacy, transparency, accountability, and effectiveness; knowing the majority of the people of
Political corruption is parasitic; it finds a host, and can almost always find a way to survive. Eventually, people grow dependent on this corruption as a means for income, thus forming a symbiosis between the people who benefit from it, and the elites that regulate it. People sometimes ignore the corruption surrounding them, feeling that as long as the politicians do their jobs well, their ‘extra salary’ can’t hurt (BNS).