
Corruption In Eragon

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“There is no compromise when it comes to corruption. You have to fight it.” (A. K. Antony), similarly to renowned Indian politician, A.K. Antony, Durza, King Galbatorix and the king’s empire of Eragon all represent forces of corruption which Eragon fights against. Eragon is a story about a preteen named Eragon who with his dragon, Saphira make it their ambition to rid their country, Alagaesia of King Galbatorix’s rule and usher in an age of prosperous times. The human condition corruption is depicted more thoroughly in the novel Eragon by Christopher Paolini, rather than its 2006 film adaptation, directed by Stefen Fangmeier, through the master sorcerer Shade, the evil King Galbatorix, and his ruthless empire.
Undoubtedly, Durza in the

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