
Corruption In General Sternwood's The Big Sleep

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The Big Sleep is set in the 1930’s, in America at the time of the Great Depression. Many of the characters get into trouble because of the turmoil they are in. The author mentions money throughout the novel, and it is a vital theme throughout the story. People were depressed and cynical about the future because of the state the economy was at. Because of lack of money, and depression, many people turned to corruption. Corruption is another theme throughout the story.
Even the judicial system is turned to corruption. This corruption is reflected in many ways throughout the novel. The oilfields are symbolic throughout the story as well. The oilfields are the reason why General Sternwood acquired his riches, yet the oilfields are described as …show more content…

Marlowe is depicted as a “modern day” knight. Marlowe does not take advantage of Carmen Sternwood. He tries to find the truth, even when he is not getting paid. He is dedicated to his job and is not corrupt. The greenhouse is also a symbol in the novel. The greenhouse is the location at which Marlowe receives his commission from General Sternwood. The greenhouse is described as a humid, damp, jungle like location, with a smell. The greenhouse symbolizes the city, with its damp, complicated and intertwined vines. Although the city might look appealing with the luxury, but the inside is dirty, smelly and complex. Marlowe is a private investigator. He is very good at his job, and is true to life to his character. I think thats what makes us like him, that he is human. He doesn't try to become what he is not, he sees himself as a “knight” and not more than that. He is not depicted as a superhero, rather a true human who is true to himself, and that is admirable to me. The Big Sleep, is packed with corrupt policemen, conniving women, blackmailers, and killers, but the story gives us a different take on the …show more content…

This brought the creation of a film noir, a new style of film. Film noir is known for its dark lighting, grim stories, tough guys and femme fatales that became so popular during the time the film was made. Marlowe is depicted as a tough guy with a hard shell who has a soft heart. Even though he sees so much corruption and bad things, he always still holds on to his morals. At a time in society when almost all people have turned corrupt, the author shows that there are still some good people left. As we see in Marlowe, although he is not the typical superhero, at the time, him just being honest and true to his craft is moral enough for that era. He is willing to risk hie life to serve his client, and that is courageous and shows dedication. Marlowe is always dedicated to find justice, at a time when even the judicial system was flawed. Marlowe's strong sense of right and wrong despite all his challenges, shows us how to live and keep our own

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