Books have hidden messages. Focusing in on the play, Julius Caesar is about the downfall of an influential dictator and more importantly, the tragedy displays characters perishing, so it is substantial to have beneficial admonitions in the story. This is important because Julius Caesar the history of a brief crisis and the main idea for understanding the events from the past are so these events will not happen again. The main theme of Julius Caesar by Shakespeare is to always have humility as shown by, Antony’s forgiveness, Caesar’s evasive brashness and Brutus’ and Cassius’ foolishness. Antony was an altruistic character throughout the tragedy. For instance, when Lucilius pretended to be Brutus to sacrifice himself, Antony responded by softly demanding, “Keep this man safe, give him all kindness. I had rather have such men my friends than enemies” (V.iv. 37-39). This is because, Shakespeare presumably hinted at Marc Antony being the ideal character in society by writing in Antony to have feelings of pity. Furthermore, because Marc Antony was so compassionate it may have been why Antony was one of the only characters not to commit suicide or be executed in the play. Marc Antony is a prodigal person. …show more content…
For example, when Cassius is describing to Brutus how Caesar is really like behind his powerful position, “As a sick girl. Ye gods, it doth amaze me a man of such a feeble temper should so get the start of the majestic world and bear the palm alone” (I.ii. 128-131). The purpose of this is to reason why Cassius is justified enough to impale him, so he developed the idea that Caesar whines like a female toddler. This shows that Shakespeare hinted for people to be benevolent whenever they can because if not, then other people could condone their murder. Being the wrong type of confident can put people into big trouble, especially if it is Julius
At the beginning of Caesar's funeral Brutus said the people of Rome a speech which was an attempt to villainize Caesar, who he said was going to become evil and corrupted with power. Brutus also stated that Caesar would take away the romans freedom and said that he killed Caesar so that the reality he feared Caesar would become would not come to haunt Rome. A direct quote from Brutus was that "He had not killed Caesar because he loved him less, but because he loved Rome more." He had stated in so many words that Caesar was unfit to be the king of Rome and would become mad with power. However after Brutus gave his speech to the people attempting to convince them that Caesar was evil and ambitious Anthony then gave his speech to the people.
Caesar had the power to do so. He had power over millions of individuals in the Roman Empire. Having such power caused it to be his entire identity. He loved power, he longed for more of it. Power is a dangerous concept when wielded incorrectly.
Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. This illustrates the theme in the historical play Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare. Julius Caesar was a man full of arrogance and he had a sense of being self-absorbed. This kind of personality lead to bad things, it eventually led to death. Caesar was a well-known man in Rome. The people of Rome didn 't care what he did. Everyone thought he was perfect. I ii 273 He was married to a woman named Calpurnia. She lived in Rome. At the beginning of the play, Caesar just had defeated Pompey. I i 53 Some of the people in Rome knew that Caesar was getting into deep trouble. Brutus had to make a big decision towards the end. Everyone wanted Brutus to kill Caesar because he was never going to change his personality. He didn 't know what he should do, he didn 't know what is best for Rome.
In William Shakespeare's “Julius Caesar”, Brutus, a powerful leader in Rome, joins a conspiracy to murder Julius Caesar, the leader of Rome at the time. This shows that Brutus will be committing a murder. A more accurate statement would be that he is essentially assassinating the man who held the highest position of power. The story begins with the conspirators beginning to plan out the assassination of Caesar.
The phrase “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely” is a famous quote taken from Lord Acton. Over the course of reading the novel Animal Farm by George Orwell, and The Tragedy of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, this phrase came to mind many times. This statement is applicable to the events that take place in both stories, and the history behind them. The story Animal Farm is heavily influenced by the Russian Revolution, and the events taking place during that time.
Have you ever wondered if anything has stayed the same for over half a century? Look no further; in the drama, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, by William Shakespeare, an important theme is all power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. This simple statement is true for Ancient Rome and it is also true for North Korea today.
Power is the ultimate goal of many throughout their life. If power is taken advantage of it
Throughout history there have been many proofs and examples to why many people think that power is corruption. But corruption doesn’t always have to be visible on the outside and it usually doesn’t start out publicly it usually starts out mentally, and usually the want for more. And that is usually what causes the person to commit the weirdest even the gravest acts such as, murder. And you can see that in the play: Julius Caesar. Cassius desire to become king to be in control of all of Rome
In Shakespeare’s era, the act of regicide was something so unfathomable, ungodly and morally unsound that it could only be indicative of the decay of an entire nation. According to Elizabethan Englanders, the murder of the King—the closest man to God—would certainly spell doom for the entire country, and throw the chain of being out of balance. In other words, the death of the King at the hands of one corrupt murderer leads to the death and disease of the entire body politic itself. Ironically, Shakespeare lived in arguably the most unclean, disease-ridden and morally bankrupt country possible, England. The virulent black plague ravaged the sinful London, throwing
Brutus, Cassius, Caesar, and the other Senators held the power to do things others could not. With this authority came their ability to use poor judgement. In William Shakespeare’s tragic play Julius Caesar the theme Power Corrupts is arrayed thoroughly. Murder, treason, and ethical/moral corruption were three prevalent themes that proved the overall topic of Power Corrupts.
There are many different themes for the play Julius Caesar, but the most pronounced theme would be betrayal. Betrayal is going behind someone’s back and turning on them, or in this play even killing someone who you once looked up to. The conspirators claimed they had many reasons to kill Caesar, but that does not change how they once felt about him. Betrayal is a dark and horrible thing that people do to those whom they “loved.”
First and foremost, Julius Caesar’s tragic flaw was that he was too arrogant. Which because of that lead to his death by the conspirators consisting of his closest politicians and generals. At the very minute finishing the book, I immediately thought that Julius Caesar should have taken the crown the three times he was offered it. However, he chose not to so he could gain more of a better opinion to the eyes of the people in Rome. Which I believe from the text of the play is how Julius Caesar intended to play his actions. Based on the reading, Brutus and Cassius don’t believe that Julius Caesar was the king to the throne. Brutus feared for his people that they would “Choose Caesar for their king.” (Shakespeare 36). Brutus and Cassius believed
In the play Julius Caser written by William Shakespeare, he illustrates many conflicts throughout the play. Conflicts such as political matters (who gets the crown), betrayal between friends, as well as knowing who can and cannot be trusted. Caser’s closest friends Cassius and Brutus begin to portray betrayal towards Caser when he is obligated to take over in power. They fear he will rule as a tyrant even though he denies the crown on multiple occasions; They then decided to conspire against him to assassinate him. Later in the play, their plan was successful and the people of Rome were in great despair. Many people ask was the assassination justified? Did they make the right move? Wrong, the assignation was not justified; Although, they state
The tragedy of Julius Caesar is a story of struggle and betrayal; however, in it, Shakespeare conveys messages about human nature. Three of the main characters in the play convey the ways that power corrupts and changes people. Brutus’ attitude towards killing Caesar and rising to power, along with his personality, change throughout the first three acts. Cassius’ need for power makes him lose himself and his humanity. Mark Antony, changed by Caesar's death, rises to power after taking it away from those that killed him. In Shakespeare’s play, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, he conveys notions regarding human nature and the ways that power changes and corrupts people; he does this through his characters Brutus, Cassius, and Antony.
On a slightly different note, Antony later expresses an opinion that causes the reader to question the validity of his earlier statements. “This is a slight unmeritable man, / meant to be sent on errands” (JC 4.1.13-14). While speaking directly to Lepidus, Antony seems to be remotely kind and friendly. However, once Lepidus leaves the room to complete Antony’s requests, Antony complains about him endlessly to Octavius... If he is capable of being that secretive of his true opinions about Lepidus, who is to say that he is not doing something of a similar manner whilst speaking of Julius Caesar? How can he be sure that his cover, word and plot manipulation, will keep everybody happy forever? There seems to be no one-hundred percent certainty that Mark Antony is truly a whole, good, and honest man.