
Corruption In Julius Caesar

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Books have hidden messages. Focusing in on the play, Julius Caesar is about the downfall of an influential dictator and more importantly, the tragedy displays characters perishing, so it is substantial to have beneficial admonitions in the story. This is important because Julius Caesar the history of a brief crisis and the main idea for understanding the events from the past are so these events will not happen again. The main theme of Julius Caesar by Shakespeare is to always have humility as shown by, Antony’s forgiveness, Caesar’s evasive brashness and Brutus’ and Cassius’ foolishness. Antony was an altruistic character throughout the tragedy. For instance, when Lucilius pretended to be Brutus to sacrifice himself, Antony responded by softly demanding, “Keep this man safe, give him all kindness. I had rather have such men my friends than enemies” (V.iv. 37-39). This is because, Shakespeare presumably hinted at Marc Antony being the ideal character in society by writing in Antony to have feelings of pity. Furthermore, because Marc Antony was so compassionate it may have been why Antony was one of the only characters not to commit suicide or be executed in the play. Marc Antony is a prodigal person. …show more content…

For example, when Cassius is describing to Brutus how Caesar is really like behind his powerful position, “As a sick girl. Ye gods, it doth amaze me a man of such a feeble temper should so get the start of the majestic world and bear the palm alone” (I.ii. 128-131). The purpose of this is to reason why Cassius is justified enough to impale him, so he developed the idea that Caesar whines like a female toddler. This shows that Shakespeare hinted for people to be benevolent whenever they can because if not, then other people could condone their murder. Being the wrong type of confident can put people into big trouble, especially if it is Julius

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