
Corruption Of The Church In The Canterbury Tales

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Geoffrey Chaucer was born in London, England during the middle ages to a wine merchant. Because of this, he was able to gain a fresh perspective on the pilgrims from several socio-economic points of view ranging from the ruling class to the peasants. Chaucer tells the stories of these pilgrims receiving insight into several aspects of their culture and diving into the corruption of the church. For instance, Chaucer examines the stories of the clergy communicating to everyone the devastating effect on the society they can have. To further extend the idea, both “The Summoner’s Tale” and “The Prioress’s Tale” explore a different scope of religion telling the tale of a corrupt Friar using the church to advance his well being to the anti-semitism ideology. In The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer, the heavy influence of the corruption of the church helps mold the social climate of the pilgrims. Chaucer highlights the devastating effects the clergy can have on society and the significant role religion has played in history.
Evidently, the fact of the matter that the corruption of the Church is played out within the Summoner’s tale as he responds to the Friar’s story of a corrupt summoner with one of an evil Friar. Chaucer excellently portrays the story of a corrupt Friar among the Church using the word of God to extend his agenda further abusing the poor to obtain earthly possessions. Also, the Friar intentionally deceives the poor he acknowledges his work stating, “Earnestly

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