
Cosmetic Surgery : A Powerful Entity

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Beauty can be a powerful entity for humans to manipulate and mutilate their outward appearances through cultures for social status and re-identification. Thus, the purpose for aesthetic alteration and modification have become much more common in our current fluctuated society that we live in and Korea is no exception to this. It is undoubtable that the popularity of cosmetic surgery have drastically increased, particularly in South Korea where culture trends rapidly shift, a nation ranked first for their advanced methods of cosmetic surgery all over the world. This ‘Republic of Cosmetic Surgery’ has been titled as the nation providing over 130 types of cosmetic surgery, including from simple treatments such as Botox, fillers and double-eyelid to high-risk procedures of orthognathic surgery and breast augmentations yet, the types of cosmetic surgery sought by women are ‘racially specific’.
According to the International Society of Aesthetic Cosmetic Surgery, over 65 million surgeries have undertaken in the nation alone, along with the rise in popularity of cosmetic surgery, as well as a noticeable decline in the negative perceptions of these surgeries.
In this paper, I will mainly focus the issue of cosmetic surgery concerning women since they have the decision to ‘medicalise’ their bodies by the ‘patriarchal power’ by utilising the feminist embodiment theory. Moreover, it is much more universally acknowledged that women are the primary consumers of cosmetic surgery and

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