
Cost Of College Essay

Decent Essays

There has not been a financial challenge I've faced in my life that amounts to the one that I face as a financially independent college student. In highschool they emphasize the idea of getting accepted into college, but never on how do you stay in college. All my life it has been considered ideal and fairly simple to go to high school, then to college, and from there you’ll be fine. I believed that it would be as simple as getting a plethora of scholarships and grant money. I believed loans,if any, would be easily obtainable and not a big deal. The cost of college is far greater than I could ever imagine. You see, the financial cost is one burden, but let us consider the by products of the financial burden of college. There is the physical cost, the mental cost, the social cost, etc. …show more content…

I have put my college refund money into savings towards going back to a university. I am working a doable amount of hours at work and using that money for some to go towards bills, insurance, groceries, and finally savings. Though I am still enduring some of the effects of the financial cost of college, I can honestly say that I am in a far better place than I was at the university. I am also using this time away from the university as an opportunity to look into as many different grants and scholarships as possible in order to eliminate the financial stress and having to use too much of my student loans in the future. So far I have had no luck, but I’ll continue on trying with faith. I have learned how important financial literacy is. I have learned that taking out private loans is not easy and credit is not something to fool around with. As a 19 year old college student I am still not done learning all I need to know in order to truly be financially secure, but I must say that I have come a long way and am proud that I have put myself in this

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