
Cost Of Germs Case Study

Decent Essays

No one enjoys being sick, whether it is terminal or just a 24-hour bug. No matter what time of year it is, having a cold can be inconvenient. With illness often preventing people from doing the things they want, such as work and spend time with friends and family, there is a lot at stake should they get sick. People can get medication and rest up, but should they keep falling ill, they will eventually have to stop and consider why that may be. For some people, a week immune system contributes largely to them getting sick a lot, but people should also consider their work environment. Everyone would like to think that the office they work in is clean and germ-free, but the truth is, many are not. This is why it is important for employers and employees to look at the cost of germs and what they can do to reduce this cost and the spread of germs in their workspace. What is the cost of germs? Everyone has gotten sick or will get sick more once in their life. When employees fall ill, it is very likely that will take time away from work until they recover. Of course, this is a good idea, but what some may not realize is how much businesses lose when they constantly have employees taking off work to tend to their sickness. To fully understand just how much germs …show more content…

When an area is constantly full of germs and bacteria, people are always going to be sick. If employers want to make sure they are cleaning and sanitizing the workspace properly, they will want to make sure they are cleaning frequently and when necessary, selecting the appropriate products and cleaning the area correctly. Companies have the option to hire a professional cleaning service that will be able to get the job done, or they can do it themselves, but it important that the workspace is cleaned on a regular basis. The less germs that are present leads to fewer employees falling ill and fewer absences, which will in turn save

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