Vocabulary words section 1 cotton gin - a machine for separating cotton from its seeds. planters - a manager or owner of a plantation cotton belt - a region of the US South where cotton is the historic main crop, especially in parts of Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi. factors - managed cotton trade. History museum exploring the Civil War from 3 perspectives: North, South & African-American. section review pg. 419 q 1-4 made farmers more profitable not enough cotton was produced economic boom north and south Carolina Georgia Alabama Mississippi Tennessee Arkansas Louisiana Texas Oklahoma yes they let it get to overcrowded tobacco they feared they would run out of cotton Effects of the cotton boom Positive -made farmers more profitable
The name Civil War is misleading because the war was not a class struggle, but a sectional combat, having its roots in political, economic, social, and psychological elements. It has been characterized, in the words of William H. Seward, as the “irrepressible conflict.” In another judgment the Civil War was viewed as criminally stupid, an unnecessary bloodletting brought on by arrogant extremists and blundering politicians. Both views accept the fact that in 1861 there existed a situation that, rightly or wrongly, had come to be regarded as insoluble by peaceful means.
It is often misunderstood when determining what caused the American Civil War. There are many key components that led to the war between the Unions and the Confederates. The many components consists of unresolved constitutional issues, the economy, slaves, politics, and cultural components.
take about hundred years later after the Civil War (1861-65) for the United States’ government to pass the Civil Rights Bill in 1964 recognizing the black community’s rights? Basically, the Civil War was about fighting for what kind of labor force was going to prevail. The north represented for a free labor economy while the South fought for the preservation of slavery. As Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor stated that the “wealth and power were not equally distributed in Southern society” (Yamahtta). While a small white proportion owned slaves in the South, the rest contributed in the southern society by maintaining order. In the North, free blacks were an obstacle for whites since they were constantly competing with each other for occupations. As a result, the
The start of the Civil War was April 12, 1861 when Confederates attacked a Union fort. Fort Sumter took a heavy beating that day and would later surrender after the second day of the Confederates attacking (Roark et al. 424-5). Once the war started, the U.S. Navy created a blockade around the 3,500 miles of the South’s coastline. The fleet was originally just 36 ships, but it grew to 150 with new ships being added almost weekly. Few Confederate ships were able to cross the blockade, unless they were specially designed stealthy steam boats. These ships were known as “blockade runners” and were able to bring back important supplies like guns and medicine. But the blockade runners were in no way designed to destroy the Union’s blockade or even the ships that formed it for that matter. The Union’s navy was expanding too fast for the Confederates to keep up. The Confederacy decided to build two ironclad warships, the Merrimack and Virginia. These warships were powerful and sank two wooden Union ships. But the Union was not ready to give up their blockade without a fight. The Virginia was set to destroy the blockade the next morning, but it greated by the Monitor (Roark et al. 435). After a two hour battle, the ships called it a draw. Yet the Confederacy was never able to destroy the blockade using their own strength (Roark et al. 436).
“A house divided against itself cannot stand” (Abraham Lincoln). In other words, the United States, which was split into the North and South, could not stand with the uprising of conflict. The wise words of Abraham Lincoln foreshadowed the Civil War, which would become one of the worst wars in the United State’s history. Disagreement between the northern and southern states began long before the Civil War; in fact, as far back as colonial times. The North and South were not able to accept each other’s differences and come to a compromise, so they divided. During the early years of the republic, these differences between them grew greater as their distrust in each other intensified. Throughout the time period leading up to the Civil War, the
“The crews walked the blocks of their neighborhood, loud and rude, because it was only through their loud rudeness that they might feel any sense of security and power” (Coates 22). Coates stated that these groups of people used their loudness and rudeness as a façade in order to feel powerful, because just like Coates, they feared for their bodies. This did not surprise me because people everywhere use this tactic in order to feel confident and powerful when they are scared; similar to the phrase “fake it until you make it”.
During the period between 1790 and 1850, the United States was rapidly changing. It was now a separate country with its own economy, laws, and government. The country was learning to live on its own, apart from England. There began to appear a rift between North and South. The North believing in the Puritan Merchant role model, and the South in the role model of the English Country Squire. The North traded with everyone, while the South traded primarily with England. The major crop in the South was tobacco, and because of the decline in the price of tobacco the slave trade was dying, just as those in the North hoped it would. Then came a man, and an invention, which changed the course of history. In 1792, Eli Whitney visited the
Slavery, The Compromise of 1850, and Bleeding Kansas all had huge effects in leading to the Civil War. Slavery is an obvious reason that the Civil War begun, the Civil War was about freeing the slaves throughout the United States. Secondly The Compromise of 1850 was also a reason it began because it upset the South. This compromised stated that the South could no longer expand making more slave states. Although it did stop the South from it also put a fugitive slave law into effect which meant all slaves in the North that had escaped had to be returned. They made this law because the North was trying to avoid war which obviously didn’t work the way they intended it too. Then lastly Bleeding Kansas also had an effect because it was the Civil
In the period after the civil war there were many consequences in the economy in such categories as agriculture, labor, industrialization, and transportation. Many of these economic categories took a hit because many suppliers, work areas, and and employees were hurt or destroyed during the war. It took many years after the end of the Civil War for the agricultural industry, labor industry, industrial industry, and transportation industry to regain their footing in the economic world. Even then some of the industries would forever be changed by the things that the great Civil War caused in our country.
The American Civil War, which began in 1861 to 1865, has gone down in history as the one of the most significant events to have ever occurred in the United States of America, thus far. At that time, questions had arose wondering how the United States ever got so close to hitting rock bottom, especially being that it was a conflict within the country itself. Hostility steadily grew through the years dividing the nation further and further, and finally leading to the twelfth day in April 1861 in Fort Sumter, North Carolina. The American Civil War was an irrepressible battle and aside from the obvious physical effects of the war, the disagreement over states rights, the act of slavery, and the raising of tariffs played crucial roles in the
What challenges did the “new immigrants” face (those arriving between 1877 and 1914) that previous waves of immigrants did not? (Discuss at least 2 challenges.)
The American Civil War lasted from April 12, 1861 to May 9, 1865. It was the bloodiest war in American history, killing approximately 620,000 soldiers in total. The War was fought and won by the North, ensuring that all the United States would stay united and slavery would be illegal in The United States. However, history is one of the most complicated things in the world. It’s also one of the most important things in the world because history is what made the present possible. Historians have debated the cause of The American Civil War for over a hundred and fifty years. This is a very complicated question as history can be a matter of opinion sometimes. When looking at history, one of the most important tools you can have is written words from past men and women of the time. “It is chiefly through books that we enjoy intercource with superior minds. In the best books, great men talk to us, give us their most precious thoughts, and pour their souls into ours. God be thanked for books. They are the voices of the distant and the dead, and make us their heirs of the spiritual life of past ages.” William Ellery Channing an American preacher 1780-1842. Writings from the time will reveal the true history of the time. The writings of John C. Calhoun, Alexander Stephens, and Henry Clay, are three opinions that highlight the causes of the Civil War.
White farmers in the South and Midwest faced many problems after the Civil War, economically, politically, and socially. Many farmers had a system of cultivating unimproved land, and then selling it for a profit before moving farther West. However, after the Civil War, many states had no increase or barely an increase in land value. Thus, farmers using this process were no longer earning a profit. In other states, the land value did increase greatly. However, with the coming of income taxes and the raise in property taxes, these farmers still suffered. In addition, there was a lot of tension between railroad companies and farmers because railroad companies were overcharging farmers for the transportation of crops. However, because of a monopoly,
In 1861, the American Civil War commenced after many years of tension building between the Northern and Southern states. The main reason of the tension was said to be the debate of slavery between the North and South, and although some documents support this claim, it is false. The war had been brewing since 1607, before slavery was even introduced to the colonies that would become the United States of America. The debate of slavery did play a major part in the civil war; however it did so in supporting the true cause of the civil war. The main cause of the American Civil War was not the debate of slavery, but rather Europe’s role in the American economy.
The goal of the civil war was never originally to free slaves but slaves became a large part of the war. African American slaves overcame many challenges to finally receive their freedom. Many African Americans endured the chance to fight for the union and that immensely increased the man power of the union.