Pt. has been in the AMS of DE program for 5 months and 7 days. Pt. has submitted three negative UDS results and he is compliant with the AMS of DE monthly mandatory counseling session. Pt. stated that he pays his TX fees every Saturday, works on his TX plan and takes medication as instructed by AMS Doctor. Pt. attends faithfully to the Clinic for dosing without skipping or missing days. Pt. reported that he maintains a supportive relationship with his brother and younger daughter. Pt. reported that he has not experienced any recent triggers and no relapse in the past 60 days. Pt. stated that he is committed to storing his prescribed take home medications in a secured lock box and placed on the top shelf of his closet. Pt. is a disabled veteran
Robbie J. is a 19 year old African American male and at this time he is currently a freshman at Henderson County University. The client has been referred to this office by his school residential advisor and family doctor. The reason behind this is that the client has not been attending his college classes and has been caught drinking on campus by campus security three times in the past two months. His parents have been advised by the school that if the client doesn’t attend counseling sessions he will be asked to leave and not return back for the following academic school year. The client must attend five sessions and also join an A.A. group.
Pt. is a good candidate for readmission to the AMS of DE following an initial contact and review of his previous account balance. Patient must understand that he will not be readmitted into the program unless his negative AMS account balance in paid in full. AMS Retention Coordinator will follow up with the Patient by phone 30-90 days post discharge to complete a follow up contact and provide him with any referral recommendations in order to help him continue his
The patient arrived on time for her counseling session. Reports stability on her dose and denies the need for a dose increase when it was offered by the writer. When questioned about what caused her to relapse recently, the patient started to cry as she did in fact regret her recent relapse as she said, " I didn't need that didn't do anything for me......I am just tired Charlene, now there is warrant for my arrest and I may be charged with a felony for larceny. I just stressed out because I need to come up with $500 to pay this lawyer to drop the charges to a misdemeanor. The entire cost for the lawyer to represent me is $2500 that I honestly don't have, Charlene." The patient was tearful throughout the session. The writer validated
Pt. has been able to demonstrate progress in his tx plan goal since entering the program on 6/7/16. Pt is currently in the take home level 2. Pt. is requesting to move to Phase 3 in his take home privileges. Pt. has been coming to the Clinic for dosing as scheduled and he is progressing well in TX. Pt. reported dose stability on 55 mg of methadone and he would like to continue tapering off. Pt. denied experiencing any negative side effects during the last quarter. Pt. is maintaining financial compliance with all tx services fees without missing payments. Pt. reported that he has increased his motivation for tx and he has been able to reduce his stress because he got more time to manage his tattoo business. Pt. is attending one hour mandatory
Pt. was admitted to the AMS of DE program suffering from opiate addiction with two previous outpatient treatment services. Pt. reported that he started using heroin in 2000 on a daily basis by route of IV and he last used in 2008. Pt. reported a substance abuse hx of alcohol x 33 years, opiates x 8 years, benzos x 20 years, cocaine x 21 years, nicotine x 23 years. PCP x 21 years and cannabis x 23 years. At the time of his discharge, Pt. lost his job and he was living with his
Counselor met with Pt. for his one hour mandatory individual session. In this session, Pt. processed his concerns for earning more take home privileges and institutionalize mentally that appear to be ongoing. Pt. reported that he learned the requirements of earning take home privileges while taking prescribed subutex. He also learned how a positive urine and/or missing monthly session can impact his health and this privilege. He mentioned that he would like to move to phase 2 because he is going to attend a weeding in New Jersey this coming Saturday, 4/29/17. Counselor helped Pt. to complete the Take Home Request form to be discussed during AMS Team meeting. Pt. stated that he takes his medication as prescribed, but he can remember the times
Pt. was readmitted to the AMS of De on 8/10/16 and has maintained compliance with all aspects of treatment. Pt. currently has Phase 4 and he is requesting to move to Phase 5 in the take home eligibility. Pt. has a strong sense of program affiliation as indicated by accepting AMS of DE medical recommendations, maintaining an excellent dosing and counseling attendance and progressing well in his financial goals. Pt. has submitted 5 negative UDS results since his readmission and he attended one hour individual session in order to develop plans to deal with persona problems and external pressures that may lead to slips. Pt reported that he is employed full-time and resides with his older brother. Pt. demonstrated good work ethic as indicated by
Counselor met with Pt. for a monthly individual session. Counselor and Pt. discussed his recovery progress and his treatment plan update on 2/24/16. Counselor started the session greeting him and his one year old daughter, and asking whether he has used any illicit drugs since the last session. Pt. indicated that he used marijuana yesterday, 1/12/16. P. verbalized that the last time he used cocaine was 2 weeks ago. Counselor asked about how he is responding to his current methadone dosage (55 mg). Pt. reported that he has been taking his presribed medications as instructed by AMS Doctor without any negativeside effects, behaviors or resistance. Participant denied having any medication problems at this current time. Counselor encouraged him
-persistent discomfort with his or her sex or sense of inappropriateness in the gender of that sex.
Counselors need to assimilate cultural ethics or viewpoints into a beneficial agenda when treating American Indian females, and it is essential to intertwine Western therapeutic practices with components of the indigenous customs, theories, and attitude (Chee et al, 2006).
Client met with his counselor to discuss what progress has been made regarding the client being in the program and following the program rules and regulations. Client and counselor also met to develop his treatment plan. Client reported that he has been struggling with getting off probation , and staying clean sober. Client is also working on his social skills the client went to a Quest House function / bowling and seems to socialize with the member's of house without any problems. A) Base o the information the client shared with his counselor seems to be interested in recovery. P) Counselor will continue to meet with the client four times a month to assist the client in his efforts in learning how to identify his triggers, learn effective
Criteria A: The individual experiences obsessions, compulsions, or both. Obsessions are recurring thoughts, urges, or images that are invasive and undesirable. They can be identified with anxiety or distress. Individuals also try and ignore the thoughts, urges, or images or counteract them with other actions. Compulsions are recurrent behaviors or metal actions in which the individual feels obligated to make in reply to an obsession. The recurrent behaviors or mental actions attempt to end or reduce the anxiety or distress, however, the behaviors or mental actions are not linked in an accurate way in what they are supposed to counteract or avoid.
As a counseling student, it is very important to formulate a counseling theory tailored to ones’ own personality and beliefs. A counselor may choose a single theory to model when practicing therapy or pick and choose components and techniques from various theories, otherwise known as eclecticism. No theory is considered right or wrong. Understanding the different therapeutic approaches are important to effective counseling, however, counselors must also understand their own personal value, view of human nature, human behavior, counseling techniques and the purpose and goals of counseling. Understanding these components along with the different theoretical approaches will provide the counselor with a 9 knowledge of their own counseling, orientation and is essential to not only the productivity of counseling but the growth of the counselor as well.
As is true of most people, it is difficult for me to apply a Freudian lens to my experiences growing up simply because I do not remember that far back in my life. According to Freud, every family experiences what he calls the 'family romance' of the Oedipus complex or the Electra complex. The young infant desires his or her mother and resents and wants to supplant the father in the mother's affections. The boy resolves this by identifying with his father. The girl's Electra complex "has its roots in the little girl's discovery that she, along with her mother and all other women, lack the penis which her father and other men posses" and so she comes to resent her mother yet identifies with her mother to 'possess' a man (Stevenson 1999). However, my experiences show the culturally-limited perspective of Freud I grew up in a single parent household.
This Case study will discuss Louise (The Client) given that the emotional difficulty seems to have begun for Louise since adopting a new child (Peter) due to the death of her husband’s (Robert) sister, Furthermore, a gambling addiction has emerged. The question arises of how each psychological modality, theory or model could help Louise.