
Count Of Monte Cristo Betrayal

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Many people betray Dantès, the protagonist in The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas. Those who betray Edmond are motivated by jealousy and hatred. It is ironic how many characters in the book do not like him because he is well liked by many people. Throughout the novel the people Dantès thinks are his friends betray him and send him to prison but, he manages to escape and take on a new look and personality with a newly acquired fortune, but the betrayal does not stop there. His friends continue to betray him all the while not knowing who The Count really is. In The novel The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas, Danglars is the ultimate betrayer towards his friend Edmond Dantès because he writes a letter that puts Dantès in the Chateau d’If for an agonizing fourteen years and Danglars hates Dantès because he has a close to perfect life. …show more content…

Edmond has the job, the girl of his dreams, and he is very happy. Danglars hates that he has everything he wants. “He was as much disliked by the crew as Edmond Dantès was liked by him” (Dumas 2). This quote shows that Danglars is not liked at all compared to the wonderful Dantès whom only jealous men disliked. Danglars knows he is not liked as Edmond is and this drives his jealousy which causes him to betray Dantès. “‘Yes ‘, said Danglars, casting Dantès a glance full of hatred, ‘he’s young and he has no doubts about anything’”(Dumas 3). This quote bluntly displays how Danglars dislikes Dantès through the look of hatred and negative comments about Dantès. Danglars dislikes Edmond because he is successful and he is jealous of that and he will do anything to get rid of Dantès even send him to prison for the rest of his life. All these things contribute to the motivation Danglars has to betray Dantès and ruin his

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