
Counter- Transference Essay

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Karen A. Aubrey MFCC/597 A- Internship A June 25, 2011 Amber Hamilton

Counter-transference Counter-transference can be defined as the occurrence of unresolved personal feelings of the therapist that are projected unto his or her client. Sigmund Freud coined the term counter-transference in 1910, who viewed counter-transference as the result of the client influencing unconscious feelings of the therapist (Hayes, Gelso, & Hummel, 2011). Research and Common Counter-Transference Issues Sigmund Freud believed that counter-transference was problematic and needed to be managed by the therapist. In his book entitled Future Prospects of Psychoanalytic Therapy, Freud stated that the therapist must learn to …show more content…

4). Self-awareness, verbal dialogue in supervision, personal- therapy, and journaling, are some common inventions used to help therapists learn positive coping skills to deal with positive and negative counter-transference responses and behaviors. “Marriage and family therapist have come to perceive the concept of counter-transference as a valuable tool for enhancing the therapeutic process” (Gil & Rubin, 2005, p. 87). Case studies have proven that therapist who counsel children and adolescents using play therapy experience counter-transference at alarming rates when compared to those who use psychotherapy to treat adults (Gil & Rubin, 2005). During therapy sessions with children and adolescents, the therapist may not be aware of his or her personal biases and unresolved emotional needs, which may result in inappropriate responses or behaviors by the therapist. Over identify, desire to protect, rescue fantasies, competiveness with parents, and befriending are just a few of the counter-transference response and behaviors therapists have reported experiencing when counseling children and adolescents. Therapists who also work with abused women have also reported instances of counter-transference responses such as reluctance to explore abuse- related issues, identification with the victim or the abuser, vicarious

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