We’re told that Piracy and counterfeiting are wrong, but how bad are they? When you think about it, we all want the same things; Whether it’s to see the newest episode of that hit TV series or watching a new movie, we want just that! Theater prices are already ridiculous and cable companies are nickel and diming customers monthly making it almost impossible to afford TV entertainment. I say, go for that new streaming device and I can guarantee you that you will find someone who will offer a counterfeit, also known as an imitation of a good not consented for re-distribution , device that’s equipped with pirated downloads for a small fee and you’re all set to cut those cable ties. We live in a technological world and people are eager to explore …show more content…
Starting with those abiding by the law, a pirate would be someone in their job duty to eliminate. This person would be in charge of investigating and setting up meets to track the person down and capture them. Then, there’s the pirate themselves using their illegal work to make money. They find something they’re good at and know how to do and they run with it making it a side business, so to call it. That person would then oversee ensuring the item is set up and ready to go. If there were no more piracy, there would be a potential and rather significant job loss. Eventually with the constant advances in technology, the piracy is going to soar so much that it could potentially drive cable companies right out of …show more content…
When you think about it, when you pirate a movie or music you’re taking what doesn’t belong to you without consent which is the same as stealing. Ethically speaking, I do believe some more research is needed to continue to endorse that illegality. As I stated before, we live in a technological world and people are eager to explore all their options. People don’t want to be forced to pay $40 for two people to get into a movie theater, therefore, they turn to illegally downloading themselves or paying someone to do it for them. I’ve given plenty of evidence to help support my opinion on this topic, but I’m aware there will always be those who disagree with me and that’s ok. My opinion may be biased, but I think cable companies are hi jacking people out of their money and I will not judge any of those who choose to download and stream to cut costs wherever they see
Criminals guilty of piracy may be sentenced up to 5 years in prison and fined up to 250,000 dollars. Crimes such as piracy are very serious, as well as the punishments. Businesses who promote and commit piracy and other similar need to be prosecuted, and organizations should do everything they can to win legal battles. Because businesses who steal media promote piracy and creators of the media are losing potential money, it is appropriate for organizations such as the Motion Picture Association of America to use charged language like "piracy" to win legal battles.
Research area: Consumers ethical thinking when illegally downloading music and the effect it has on the industry
Streaming is a major part of today’s culture. Many individuals and families are cutting the cords and getting rid of traditional television for streaming services such as Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon (“Cord Cutting Accelerates,” 2016). More and more each year people are making the switch to use these services because they are more convenient offering the ability to choose not only a program, but which episode or film in a series in full HD. Some even offer this commercial free, but even those which don’t still offer their services with minimal advertising when compared to traditional cable television. All of this is given at extremely low prices when compared with the monthly payments for places like Comcast, AT&T, and DirectTV. People are always
The increase is piracy has led to educating people through campaigns, which will mean in future that the piracy should decrease as knowledge increases
Piracy costs companies and artists money. Companies spend millions of dollars on research and development to
Moreover, with these streaming services being so successful, studies have shown that piracy has dropped by 29% in 2015 for the Australian film industry (). Hastings sees Netflix as a solution to piracy by saying:
As the success of services like Hulu and Netflix suggests, consumers are only too happy to pay for content that 's made available in a convenient form, and at a reasonable price. If the content industries want a genuinely effective way to reduce global piracy, they should spend less time and money lobbying for new regulations, and focus on providing innovative services that make piracy unattractive. [5]
We all know that downloading pirated music and films is illegal, but what exactly is it? The term piracy refers to the copying and selling of music, films and other media illegally; in other words you are copying and selling copyrighted media without the permission of the original owner (NiDirect, n.d.). With the massive growth of the internet and its ability to store and capture vast amounts of data, we have become much more reliable on information systems in all aspects of life, but it does not come without the risk of information technology being used unethically. With the number of IT breakthroughs in recent years “the importance of ethics and human values has been underemphasised” often resulting in various consequences. Not surprisingly one of the many public concerns about the ethical use of IT is that “millions of people have downloaded music and movies at no charge and in apparent violation of copyright laws at tremendous expense to the owners of those copyrights” (Reynolds, Ethics in Information Technology, 2015). This essay covers the ethical issues of downloading pirated music and films and the impact it has on music corporations and recording and film companies.
What this viewer’s most of the time don’t know and are not aware of is that piracy at large is a big detriment to the job economy of the United States. THE United states every losses a lot of money due to content piracy. According to diplomatic courier, “Although legal content distribution services like Netflix, Crackle, iTunes, Hulu, Amazon, Epix, and Vudu have again made accessing entertainment content legally more convenient, it is estimated that online piracy costs the U.S. economy somewhere around $250 billion per year. When content is illegally taken and distributed, income stops, jobs cannot be supported, and people are left unemployed. There is no question that content piracy has had a negative impact on everyone involved in the entertainment industry and on the overall global economy.” (Scholes)The effect that piracy leaves even if not known to the public ,it still affects the economy in a huge way and the development of the piracy of movie or online content has to be curbed to stop the loss of billions to something that could be used to better the community and country as a
The internet is one of the most exciting phenomena to be invented in the world of technology. It was widely received and accepted by all sectors of the society, including the government, and businesses. The communication and media platforms were on the frontline in embracing the new technology. The internet is currently the largest source of music and video content. The availability of high-speed internet connections and a creation of inexpensive and easily distributable digital contents has facilitated to the high number of downloads. This has been attributed with both advantages and disadvantages. The creation of peer-to-peer (P2P) media sharing platforms led to a rise of the controversy surrounding this form of media consumption. This paper discusses the moral issues arising from file sharing. With a worldwide reach, the internet has facilitated massive downloads of copyrighted contents without the knowledge or proper compensation of the rightful author. However, the providing, sharing, or downloading content on these platforms is a violation intellectual property rights known as piracy.
Digital music piracy has been a worry of the music industry since the creation of Napster in 1998. Piracy is the act of stealing something that does not belong to you which has been outlined in our society as something that is bad or against the law. There are many articles out there that highlight music piracy but four main important ones include: “The Music Industry on (the) Line? Surviving Music Piracy in a Digital Era” by Jelle Janssens, “Neutralizing Music Piracy: An Empirical Examination” by Jason R. Ingram, “The Impact of Digital Piracy on Music Sales: A Cross-Country Analysis” by Mark T. Bender, “Charismatic Code, Social Norms, and the Emergence of Cooperation on the File-Swapping Networks” by Lior Jacob Strahilevitz and many other
All of these people are sharing/downloading a single episode of a television series. There are thousands upon thousands of people sharing and downloading copyrighted material every second. This includes movies, music, television shows, e-books, computer software, video games, etc. From 2008 to 2014 file sharing in North America increased a substantial 44% (Steele) and since 98.8 percent of all P2P file sharing data is copyrighted, this implies that the illegal sharing of intellectual property using torrents and P2P file sharing has been climbing steadily. One of the reasons I think that online piracy is becoming more popular is because it’s extremely easy to do and a lot of people don’t even think they’re doing anything wrong when downloading copyrighted material from the internet. There are also an outrageous number of people who participate in online piracy and it’s
From the moment consumers were able to use the internet to get music, software, and movies, piracy has had serious financial implications on the motion picture industry. Copyright protection presents some difficulty in illegally obtaining movies but there are many avenues around most of these systems. The RIAA, or Recording Industry Association of America, has tried several legal ploys to prevent people from accessing this material but many consumers continue to access it with little concern. Much like the music industry, which was challenged to reinvent its distribution model, the movie industry has to do the same thing. To counter the amount of piracy the movie studios must develop new systems for content delivery including streaming new release movies at home.
Media piracy influences many parties involved, including the content creators, retailers, and consumers. Media piracy costs content creators and retailers between $200 and $250 billion per year and is estimated to be responsible for the loss of 750,000 American [2]. The sudden shift in the movie industry has led to the closing of once-stable businesses such as Blockbuster. Retailers are now competing against home-viewing options and have had to shift their business models to stay relevant, such as adding food service and updated seating to movie theatres. While the change in business can be attributed to technological extinction and legal home-streaming options such as iTunes and Netflix, many consumers are choosing illegal streaming such as Popcorn Time, an app that enables free online streaming of movies and television shows using BitTorrent file-sharing protocol. Consumers are ultimately affected when using sites such as Popcorn Time because they are exposing their computer systems to harmful viruses and experiencing a less-then-desirable quality of media.
The music and movie piracy has been one of the major issues, which the world has been facing and challenging for years. Illegal music and movie downloading became more prevalent as technology improved. According to the statistics by Ipsos, “30% of the UK population is active in some form of piracy, either through streaming content online or buying counterfeit DVDs” (Lodderhose, 2014). Some people argue that music and movie piracy could be considered as same as theft which could have significant impacts on music and movie industries while others do not concern about it. This essay will examine the reasons behind the prevalence of online piracy and will discuss the positive and negative impacts of online piracy.