
Country X: Biological Determinism

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Country X would benefit from a feminist ideology because feminism stands in opposition to behavioral determinism, a theory which is based upon the belief that biological features are what determine social and societal roles. Country X's main premise would be to “abolish the sources of women's oppression in all spheres of life (p.123)” and in turn, thrown down the patriarchal system that Western countries have implemented. Although there are many forms of feminism, country X will take into consideration aspects of liberal feminism.
In general, the liberal perspective considers freedom as a fundamental value, one that can be attained by the individual and maintained by the state. In country X, citizens, both men and women, would be regarded as self-owners, with the freedom to make decisions about their own lives. …show more content…

“Sex” suggests human females and males in relation to biological features, such as chromosomes, sex organs and other physical features. “Gender”, on the other hand, vindicates women and men based on social factors, such as social role, behavior or identity. The main feminist motivation for making this distinction is to eliminate biological determinism or the view that biology is what determines what a person has to offer. Instead, citizens in country X would be judged on what they have to offer intellectually and physically.
These 'biological facts’ were used not only to explain behavioral differences between women and men but also to justify what social roles' women should abide to. Instead, the ruler of country X would evaluate a person based on the

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