On 12/10/2015 at approximately 0035 hours, I checked in with Officer Welch in reference to his vehicle pursuit. Upon my arrival I observed Officer Welch already in the process of detaining Alexander James George. I then proceeded to take custody of Mr. George while Officer Welch accompany Harnett County K9 Officer in tracking the driver who fled on foot.
I then transported Mr. George to the Fuquay-Varina police department to be questioned by Officer Welch. After Officer Welch concluded his investigation with Mr. George, he then handcuffed behind his back, placed in the rear seat of my patrol unit, seat belted in and transported to Wake County Jail. After arriving at the jail, I escorted Mr. George into the jail, where he was processed and
Defendant MOS Horne and Jarvis were seated in a parked car and observed Ramarley Graham and 2 unapprehended males (non-parties). MOS Horne stated that he observed Ramarley Graham holding his waistband area and Ramarley Graham and the 2 males entered a bodega and looked around and quickly exited it. MOS Horne and Jarvis followed them in their car and put their description over the radio and stated one possibly armed. MOS Horne observed them attempting to gain entry to into various buildings. The 2 males were able to gain entrance into 728 East 229th Street, and waved to Ramarley Graham over. Then, 2 uniformed officers passed the location. Ramarley Graham exited the building and passed by MOS car when MOS Jarvis observed the butt of a gun in Ramarley Grahams’s waistband area. MOS Horne radio over
On 09/02/2015, at approximately 1620 hours, your affiant and officer Moyer received a complaint at the police department from Wayne V. Kechula. Kechula was greeted at the front door by Officer Moyer. Kechula began screaming about a construction tool owned by Wesley Kacilowicz. Kechula stated the male in the vehicle he arrived with borrowed a tool and has not returned it. Kechula stated these events had occurred in Conyngham, Pennsylvania. Officer Moyer explained to Kechula several times that we have no jurisdiction of that area. Kechula became verbally hostile with Officer Moyer.
Was charged with assault and robber, and sentenced to death. Was commuted to transportation for seven years. Exeter Jail went to hulk Dunkirk until she was shipped to the ship Charlotte in the First Fleet. (could say something about when she was able to get on board the Dunkirk, she took a few sketches of boat Charlotte). On voyage she gave birth to Charlotte Spence in Cape Town. Sydney Cove was married to William Bryant, a Cornish fisherman who had been convicted in March 1784 for resisting revenue officers. Fell in love with William Bryant on board.
Ms. Short was transported to Pulaski County Regional Detention Facility where she was cited for not wearing her seat belt and charged with Obstruction of Government Operations in addition to being served a Probation Revocation warrant. Mr. Minchue’s vehicle was towed and stored by Phillip’s Brother Wrecker
After Mr. Butler was informed of his several warrants out of Wake County, Mr. Butler was searched, and he was handcuffed behind his back and placed in the rear seat of the patrol unit and seat belted in and transported to Wake County Jail. After arriving at the jail, I escorted Mr. Butler into the jail, where he was
On the above date and time, I (Dep. Kelley-Dinkins) saw Inmate Cortez Washington open cell 41 door after standing outside waiting for it to be open. I yelled out to ask Inmate Washington was he going in to stay, because he was out for rec. He did not reply, he just stood there. Inmate Washington was later seen turning his back to the day room and when he turned around I saw the door to his cell cracked open. Inmate Washington then looked over to the deputy panel where I was sitting. I motioned for him to come to me. Washington stepped to the panel and tried to explain that he wanted his cup. I told Washington he would receive a disciplinary
On 2/16/18, at approximately 1941, I responded to 1241 Lake Lucerne Cir, Winter Springs, Seminole County in reference to a battery. Upon arrival I spoke to Michael Morris (victim-w/m 12/23/1977) and Heather Morris (witness w/f 07/01/1980), who informed me that Scott Neely (suspect w/m 11/22/1979) attacked Michael in their driveway.
Indiana State Police are investigating the death of an inmate at the Gibson County Jail. ISP says correctional officers found 52-year-old Charles Sherman of Princeton hanging in his cell.
Amber Weingard and Reshawn Ward came to the Shenandoah police station to follow up with dropping off statements off for Officer Bowman. I advised Weingard and Ward Bowman will get the statements and he may follow up with them. I placed the statements in Bowman's box along with a copy of this
Wabash and Huntington County Jails are both jails [WCJ], [HCJ], but are totally different. They have different capacities for inmates; they both have different types of environments for the inmates to have a little bit of free time. They also have their own problems in keeping the inmates in that facility, money is an issue for one or both jails. Keeping the inmates feed is an issue when the jail is way over the maximum capacity, and these are the three topics that I will focus on.
Defendant Smith has been arrested for possession of enough ecstasy for two hits and has admitted to using alcohol, cocaine, and marijuana in the past. Clearly this indicates that he has a drug problem. However, he has no prior criminal record, has held down a job in construction for the past two years, and has a child for whom he must pay child support. He has fallen behind as of late and may be tied to his drug abuse, for which he has never received counseling or treatment. Give that he has never received treatment, has a job, and a child to support, I would recommend that he be placed into a Drug Court Program.
Instead of putting people with mental illness in jail they should be sent to a mental institution for help sine “ There is inadequate mental health care to prevent prisoners from becoming suicidal, to identify suicidal prisoner, or to prevent prisoners from going into a crisses” theDEpartment of justis said.
The key issues within the jails and other short term detention centers are the over crowded population, the mental health issues, bails, along with funding for these facilities. When I did my research on the cook county jail, Sheriff Tom Dart spoke on how many inmates were detained due to lack of funds they posses for bail. Tom Dart said that many of those inmates would not be there if their bail bonds were not so expensive, which could help with the overcrowding of the jails. There was an interview taken with an inmate in the county jail and the inmate stated he was incarcerated for retail theft, stealing $70 worth of ground beef. This inmate could not afford bail so he had to sit in the county jail until convicted of the crime. Furthermore, the county jail is the only place where most people gets their comfort from. We have so many poor people who are living on the streets as a consequence have no funds for food, that finds their way to the county jail for the comfort of warmth and meals during the winter months. Mental illness has become a huge conversation
The jail reality Tour was overall a great experience. I learned many things I never knew, especially about drugs and alcohol, that I can use to better my life. The Tour had a deep impact on me, in multiple ways, and showed my how decisions in my past were not good ones.
Americas correctional system has multiple issues. The system needs a complete reform from the ground up. One of the main issues that I will be focusing on is the mentally ill offenders that are incarcerated in our prison systems. There are the mentally ill who had a pre-existing condition before they were sent to prison as well as those who do enter the prison system with no mental illness, can develop some type of mental illness when they are released due to the harsh conditions that are present in today’s prison systems. The number of men and women who come to prison with some form of mental illness continues to grow by the