
Courage In Beowulf

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Beowulf is an poem. Certainly Beowulf’s feats of strength and victories in battles make him a legendary hero. Beowulf has fought many times, and he has usually succeeded in his many battles. Beowulf is a brave, loyal, and honorable person throughout his life. In addition, the epic story of Beowulf is a young warrior of great strength and courage. Beowulf is considered a brave man because of the many battles he fought throughout his life. For example, he fought the dragon at the age of 70+ by himself. It declares: “Beowulf was an old man, determines to slay the beast” (54). Beowulf was a person who is relevance. Once Beowulf says something, he does it. For Instance, Beowulf is determined to fight Grendel even though he has heard bad things about Grendel. “Now when help needed, none of the wise ones regretted his going much as he loved by the geats: the omens were good” (42,116). Also, Beowulf goes to to where Grendel lives to kill his mother. “Beowulf resolves to kill Grendel’s monstrous mother. He travels to the lake in which she lives” (50). Beowulf will forever be considered a person of courage. …show more content…

Beowulf is getting revenge because Grendel’s mother killed Hrothgar’s closest friend. Beowulf resolves to kill Grendel’s monstrous mother. He travels to the lake in which she lives in. It writes “Beowulf was loyal to Wiglaf for saving him and he left Wiglaf in lead of his people. “I sold my life for this treasures and I sold it well. Take what I leave, Wiglaf, lead my people” (59, 820). Beowulf was loyal to Higlaf because he wanted to send his armour to Higlaf. “ IF death takes me, send the hammered mail my armour to Higlaf. “ The Geats and Higlaf considered Beowulf as a loyal

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