The posting for the Municipal Deputy Court Administrator position caught my attention. I am currently employed full-time at the Essex County Superior Court as a court clerk. I am looking to expand my experience working in court administration. As a municipal deputy court administrator I feel this position would fulfill my goal. I have been with the Judiciary for over nine years. During my tenure there I have had the opportunity of starting as an arbitration assistant for two years, later being promoted to a court clerk of the Criminal Division, for two in half years. I prepared bail forms, I processed and vacated bench warrants, I administered the oath to litigants, jurors, and interpreters as needed. I processed cases, provided sound recording,
This past week, I started shadowing Bill Davis, one of fourteen judges from the eighteenth district court, which encompasses Guilford County. Judge Davis is a former public defender and newly elected district court judge. I first worked with him last year in the public defender’s office and asked a couple of months ago if I could incorporate working for him as part of my legal internship. Fortunately, he agreed. Up until last week, I had not seen Judge Davis in court. The reason for this is that I worked exclusively in the criminal courts, while Judge Davis, until recently, worked exclusively in the civil courts. His preclusion from criminal matters resulted from his previous work as a public defender. This restriction ended last week, and
Currently, I work for the Alameda County Office of Collaborative Courts. For the last year and a half I have worked as a recovery consultant in the Family Drug Court. In my position I work directly with county Child Welfare Workers to help ensure parents are referred to the appropriate modality of chemical dependency treatment based on an evidence based assessment tool. After assessment, I refer parents to the appropriate perinatal treatment program and provide support to the parent entering treatment and throughout their stay in treatment. I provide Child Welfare Workers a biweekly court report on the treatment status of their clients; I also participate in team decision meetings regarding the parents on my case load and update and collaborate
I have over twenty-eight years of service in education. I have served as teacher, assistant principal, principal, director, assistant superintendent, and interim superintendent during my time as an educator. Although I have been in a variety of educational roles, none have been as rewarding as my last six years in Fluvanna. I have worked hard and with sincere passion to get to know the community and staff, so I am better equipped to assist with concerns or issues. I have forged partnerships with the Board of Supervisors and the County Administrator. I have attended multiple meetings throughout Fluvanna over the years with the Chamber of Commerce, Friends of Fluvanna, Rotary, and other civic based organizations. I know many individuals in local law enforcement and I am proud to be able to call the Fluvanna Sheriff a friend. I feel the relationships I have established through my tenure are vital to my future success should I be chosen
Walter Chaplinsky, was utilizing an open spot to disperse leaflets against a specific religion. After a vast group obstructed the street and made a scene. Chaplinsky was captured by the police. The town marshal who had cautioned him already additionally met him and Chaplinsky called him “a damned Fascist” and a " god-damned racketeer " (Dorf & Michael, n,d).
The Eleventh Circuit found that the Commission’s selection process in 2003-2004 “categorically excluded” certain faiths from the list of potential invocational speakers for meetings of the planning commission. Id. at 1282. In addition, the court found that the Commission’s selection of invocational speakers was not based on an impermissible motive because it included diverse religious institutions. Id. at 1278 ( citing Marsh 463 U.S. at 793-94).
It has also been suggested that judges could use video conferencing facilities from a different location in order to deal with a civil dispute rather than be physically present. This is not without its’ own set of challenges . It is implied that a party in a trial has the right to see a judge “struggling conscientiously with the detail of a case ” which is a “feature of the court system that cannot be discarded ”. In trying to minimise the physical aspect of the judge’s role in court seems to undermine the basic fundamental human rights mentioned in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights which states that parties in a trial are entitled to a “fair and public hearing...” . This is because it seeks to reinforce the aspect of the courts moving towards a more ‘impersonal ’ and ‘nonhuman ’ approach to dealing with civil disputes.
Lay magistrates do not have to have any legal qualifications; with a few exceptions, anyone is eligible to serve as a magistrate and that includes blind people . However, the Lord Chancellor, who by section 10 Courts Act 2003 is responsible (on behalf and in the name of Her Majesty) for the appointment of magistrates (apart from those in Lancashire who are appointed by the Duchy of Lancaster ), will not permit the following to become lay justices: anyone outside the ranges of 18 to 65 years of age (with retirement at 70); anyone who is not of good character and personal standing; an undischarged bankrupt; anyone who, because of a disability, cannot carry out all of the duties of a lay justice; a serving member of Her Majesty’s Forces; a
Correctional Officer III (CO III) positions are currently filled from internal candidates in the Correctional Officer (CO II) series. The CO III position is responsible for performing case management and program facilitation duties on the unit. Experience has demonstrated that performing at the CO II level does not prepare the officer for the other duties required of a CO III, which includes classification, movement, AIMs entries, etc. The pool of applicants for these positions rarely has the skills and education to conduct these activities in quality manner. Staff diligently works with these employees to increase their skill level and motivation but have had varying degrees of
The two articles being critiqued are; “Judicial Selection: Part I. Reform: Are Campaign Contributions Compromising the Independent Judiciary?” and “Reform from Within: Positive Solutions for Elected Judiciaries.” Both articles by their titles give away exactly what the writers intend to speak about. The articles in question are opposed to the current method of selection for Judiciaries, that being an election based process in most states. They fear that money, political standpoints, and flashy advertising are getting in the way of Justice being appropriately and justly being administered. They believe that a merit based selection should be utilized in making an individual a Judiciary. The questions these articles aim to answer
Each state within the United States of America (USA) has its own unique judicial selection process within its court system. The judicial processes vary from court to court depending on a particular state. This paper analyses these processes, the qualifications for selecting the judges and the steps for removing judges from office, as it applies in the USA states of New York and Texas.
Court and District Courts of appeal and for mid-term vacancies on the Circuit and County
- In this writing assignment I will discuss the judicial selection process in the state of Virginia and the state of New Jersey. I will talk about the specific qualifications needed for each state. I will present a brief overview of the steps an individual has to learn to become an attorney, which can contribute to a judgeship. I will also discuss the step of removing a judge from office.
I was unaware of the amount of vacancies that exist in the federal court systems and the impact it has on business and individuals because its costing them money with the time it’s taking to resolve the pending cases ("Judicial Vacancies Fact Sheet," n.d.). In order to fill these vacancies its all dependent on the President naming enough judicial candidates and the Senate to act quickly on these candidates, The Federal Bar Association is not as concerned about there credentials but how quickly the process takes to be completed ("Judicial Vacancies Fact Sheet," n.d.).
The following assertion intends to provide an in-depth insight into my personal experience observing a trial in the Supreme Court of Victoria. This paper will outline a selection of many pressing issues noticed throughout my observation, more specifically those regarding the law and language in legal arenas along with symbolic and architectural traditions that reinforce prejudice towards those from a low socio-economic background and ethnic minority groups. Furthermore, it will argue how symbolism, architecture and practices within a court are in place to create a power dynamic and reinforce the courts British-'western' sovereignty and royal-like wealth which in turn intimidates members of the community especially from
In Australia the judiciary system is a key aspect to uphold peace, order and a good government. The Australian government is ruled by a separation of powers; the parliament, Executive and the judiciary. These powers are a significant feature of the Australian system of government as the power to change and make federal law is divided between these powers (Parliamentary Education Office). The judiciary is a part of the government which delivers justice according to the law (Queensland Parliament 2015). The term ‘judiciary’ refers broadly to the persons who run the system; the courts, judges, magistrates, adjudicates and other support personnel (Queensland Parliament 2015). The judiciary must not be biased and act without fear to those of