
Court Justice Elena Kagan Essay

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The Judicial branch in our court system is made of our highest courts. Our federal judges are appointed and not elected, because the framers believed that federal judges should be separated from public pressures and the other branches trying to persuade them with treats. This branch help enforce the laws that are put in place to maintain order, protect the people, and settle conflicts. In the courts the judges must base their decisions off of the law and not the possibly of removal for issuing the unpopular decision. In addition to the courts enforcing the laws officers of the law also help enforce the laws.
In our judicial branch we have a dual court system; federal courts and state courts. These courts are both separate and different, but they also work together in a way. One of the courts that are with the federal …show more content…

Elena Kagan was the second child out if three, making her the middle child. Once she was out of high school she attended Oxford, Princeton, and Harvard. Elena graduated from Princeton in 1981 as a summa cum laude with a bachelor’s degree. Elena Kagan the first women to serve as a solicitor general of the United States and she was the fourth woman to serve on the supreme court. Before president Clinton left office he nominated Kagan to serve on the U.S court of appeals D.C circuit.
When Barack Obama was in office he appointed Elena Kagan to become a justice. Obama appointed Kagan on April 7, 2010. The senate confirmed Kagan with a 63 to 37 vote; this allowed her to become a justice. Elena Kagan first major court case was Obergefell V. Hodges. This case was about fighting to make same-sex marriage legal in all 50 states. The final vote was 5-4 allowing same-sex marriage to be legal in all 50 states. This case was very important because it was not fair to people who were in a same-sex relationship not to have the same rights as the people in an opposite-sex

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