
Courtney Love In Nirvana's Heart Shaped Box

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Being a celebrity is hard work too, especially in these times when social media makes it too easy to stick your digital foot squarely into your big mouth. Sometimes, celebs seem to almost be drunk dialing the internet. At least we can all share a laugh at these 10 totally scandalous and outrageous celebrity tweets! Kanye Takes Down Ben and Jimmy Kanye West flies off the handle yet again, seen in this tweet where he is taking serious issue with being spoofed on Jimmy Kimmel. Courtney Love and the Heartshaped Box Lana Del Rey sparked some kind of feelings from Courtney Love in 2012 as a result of Del Rey’s cover of Nirvana’s Heart Shaped Box, which Love maintains in this tweet is about her lady parts. Rob Kardashian and Heartbreak Rob Kardashian

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