Ms. Williams, I appreciate you taking the time out of your busy schedule to help me with questions I have had. I will keep in mind all the advice you have shared when searching for future jobs and internships. At Auburn we are required to do a 10 week full time internship. I am able to start May 15th. This will allow me to have time after final exams to move to whatever city an internship may be available. I am interested in doing any internship that involves styling. I am looking to build my portfolio and l am interested in being involved in any aspect of styling to help me learn more about the industry. My program allows me to intern for Wardrobe Consultants, Editorial Stylists, Personal/Celebrity Stylists, and Styling Agencies. I am
During my senior year of high school, I began to worry about what my life would be after high school. I knew I wanted to pursue my dreams of furthering my education and obtaining a college degree, yet had no idea what I wanted to become. After researching several careers, I decided I’d attend community college, obtain my medical assistant certificate enabling me to work in the health care field, which would then help me determine exactly what it is that I wanted. Luckily, I took a variety of college courses in high school which allowed me to finish the medical assisting program in one year, instead of two years; which is typical of a community college. I received a job offer at the facility I did my externship and began working a month after graduation.
I am interested in an internship in the news department at WSB-TV. I am currently a sophomore at Savannah State University, majoring in mass communications with a concentration in online journalism.
The goal of the internship was to complete a 150 hours and provide a weekly summary of activities. In order to get the internship I had to do a phone screening with Mary Doe. She is the administrative assistant to Commander John Doe. Who is the Assistant Associate Director of Facility Support and also the internship supervisor for the SIU Health Care Management students at FHCC. I meet with CDR John Doe for a brief interview. We went over my goals and what I hope to gain by interning at FHCC. I felt interning at FHCC would be a natural transition because CDR Wallis has a background in Healthcare Administration.
My previous experience working as Student Worker for the College of Business Undergraduate Office at
I am Sarah Acado and I am majoring in Biology and obtaining a certificate in Agroecology, its great to have a green thumb. I am currently employed with the USDA Research center. Besides work and school , I enjoy spending time with my significant others. I enjoy outside activities and I like to go to arcades and act as if I am thirteen years old with no responsibilities in the world (yeah right). I expect to learn more about the human race and why we do certain things and learn about the different cultural practices. Within five years, I hope to be within my physician assistant career helping to better other people lives through medicine and therapy. My links to my two favorite websites are:
Below you will find samples of my work, as well as links to my website and resume. I hope everything at your agency is going well and thriving. Let me know if you would like to talk further about any internship opportunities you currently offer or have open. I would also love to hear any feed back on what you have seen so far if you have any. Thank you so much for your time. I look forward to hearing from
I would like to apply for a 2016 summer internship in the accounting department at the Tennessee Valley Authority Corporate Headquarters in Knoxville. After doing research online and with my career counselor, Robin Lay, at Tusculum College I have decided that the Tennessee Valley Authority would be a stupendous place to begin gaining real world experience and knowledge in the accounting field.
I. I am targeting an internship in the northeastern Ohio region preferably in the Youngstown-Warren region.
I am not where I would like to be, but I am on the right path to get to where I need be in order to achieve my goals and dreams.
From my toddler years to my young adult years I could always see myself in the future being in the medical field, wearing white scrubs with my hair tied back, being one hundred percent focused on my duties. To have successfully completed my Medical Assisting certification makes me one step closer to my dream of being a neonatal nurse. This success has shaped me into the individual I am today whether its taking care of patients ill or well in a loud hospital setting or in a medical office. Being a Medical Assistant is a career filled with compassion and a career you will be proud of.
During the summer of 2015, I interned at a local doctor’s office. My passion for working in the medical field grew tremendously. I absolutely loved the experience I received and I also got offered a job after the internship was completed. Even though I was unable to accept the job offer because of furthering my education and because of my current job, I knew my hard work and dedication had paid off. I believe my education and the experience I received has provided me with a phenomenal introduction to the heath care field.
Currently, I am a sophomore studying Molecular Microbiology and Immunology at the University of Nevada, Reno. As a college student, one of the most important aspect of my education career is to gain different kind of experiences from opportunities that are offer at the university. Personally, I believe that completing a paid, local internship can give students, such as myself, the chance to gain valuable work experience and build networks and connections, while applying knowledge and skills in real life settings. Every type of experiences that exist, such as internships, offer me the chance to enhance my strengths, understand the world around me, and to push myself in continuing to develop as an individual to become successful in life. For example, I was selected as an art intern for the Summer Business Institute Program in Summer 2014. Throughout the eight weeks of exploring to arts, I had an opportunity to work with a team of artists to create a mural and an art piece for two local community centers in Las Vegas as well as organizing a civil engagement project for a neighborhood that have families who are in need of financial aid. As a result, we were thanked by the families to sponsor an event for their children to enjoy art for a day. Reflecting back on
Go Ask Alice is a famous frequently challenged journal by ”Anonymous”, an impressionable teenage journalist that details her fall into the depths of drug culture within the late 1960s and early 1970s. This novel was published in 1971 by Prentice Hall and although, it has been claimed to be taken from a real diary, there’s significant evidence that proves that the journal was fabricated and a work of fiction. Beatrice Sparks, one of the editors of the book is most likely the true author of Go Ask Alice and wrote it as a way to persuade teens to not pursue reckless decisions. The book is highly suspicious and does not portray youth accurately or keep the story authentic. The most prominent example being when Alice goes on a rant about adolescent risk-taking statistics that her drug counselor told her in the class.
I have danced around with the many options in the medical field since high school, from paramedic to forensic pathologist and everything in between. I decided on medical assisting because I see it as a step towards other possibilities, a foot in the door to see what I enjoy and will want to do in the future. Medical Assistance have a wide working spectrum and are in many medical areas such as a family clinic, pediatrics, and plastic surgery. Because my goal is a forensic pathologist or autopsy assistant I want to be a medical assistant in plastic or general surgery because I believe it will be a wonderful step towards my goal. As a medical assistant you are held to a high standard of professionalism because the situations you will be working
After graduating High School in 1975, I married and moved to Mississippi. There used my skills from gymnastics and assisted teaching for three months. Assisted with teaching children from the ages of six to ten years old.