
Cover Letter Application

Satisfactory Essays
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Timothy Ventura 15 Capitol Highway, Suite 11, Los Angeles, CA, 90201 (555) 123-1212, August 4, 2012 Personal Department P.O. Box 12 Los Angeles, CA, 90210 Application for Programmer/Analyst III Position: This letter is to express my interest in the Programmer/Analyst III position advertised in the Los Angeles Times on July 25th. The opportunity advertised is very appealing, and I believe that my technical experience and education will make me a very competitive candidate. For the past three years while working towards my Bachelors of Science degree, I worked for Hektor Corporation and Synthesis Corporation. Both companies required the use of my computer programming skills, most of which parallel the required skills outlined in your Programmer/Analyst III advertisement. In addition to the direct use of computer-aided drafting software on a 10-user local area network, my position at Hektor Corporation involved software implementation and the organization of personnel training. At Synthesis Corporation I acted as an assistant programmer and working alongside the Programmer/Analysts performing tasks such as designing, coding, and testing. My duties at Synthesis Corporation have given me the experience that a Programmer/Analyst requires. …show more content…

During my degree program I have developed a thorough understanding and working knowledge of various programming languages such as Pascal, Assembler RPG, and C++. Additionally, my constant attention to detail, unrelenting work ethic, and strong desire to exceed in a career as a Programmer/Analyst, has given me the skills needed for a Programmer/Analyst III position. Moreover, my previous experience and necessary education will allow me to be a valuable asset to your

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