Juana is a cautious person who knows the importance of caring for her family. She extracts venom out of her baby, not caring if it harmed her. Although the doctor does not see her race, she is going to see the doctor anyway for her baby. Despite the fact she can get great fortune for the pearl, Juana attempts to throw it into the ocean because she thinks it is harmful to the family and puts them at risk. Juana always tries her best to keep her family safe in any given scenario. Juana, a very considerate mother and wife, extracts venom from her baby, Coyotito. She risks her own health to save her baby. When Coyotito is stung by a scorpion, she says, “Sucked hard and spat while Coyotito is screaming” (Steinbeck 9). The sucking was not working
Only days ago a peaceful morning turned deadly for baby Coyotito, first born son of Juana and Kino. While Kino sat relaxed outside, and while Juana was cooking breakfast, a unwanted creature entered their small brush home. This creature was a scorpion. Baby Coyotito did not understand or know about the dangerous thing that had just come into his life, just as his father did not know the dangers that came with finding something a valuable as a pearl.
This intruder made Juanna believe the pearl is evil, and they should get rid of it. Kino ignores this remark, and the next day goes to sell the pearl for money. All the salesmen in town give him low of offers that he rejects. During the night Juanna goes out to throw the pearl in the sea, but Kino chases her down. When Kino gets to her, he grabs the pearl and beats her to a crimple. Kino is walking back to the house when he is jumped by a group of men which he quickly scares off by killing one of them. Juana finds him lying next to the dead man when she quickly decides that they leave because Kino will be labeled as a murder. They are about to leave when they realize their canoe has been trashed, and their house has been set up in flames. With the towns people believing that the whole family has passed in the fire, they hide out in Kino’s brother’s house. After a few day of hiding here, they head for the capital to sell their pearl. The family travels in nightfall to keep from being seen, but to their, surprise they are being followed by three trackers. Kino tries to mislead the trackers, but they catch up and set up camp near by. When Kino goes to attack them, Coyotito starts to cry which wakes up the trackers. One of the trackers fires in direction of Coyotito. Then Kino quickly jumps into action and kills the trackers. When he gets back to his camp, he finds that the shot the tracker took hit and killed his son. Kino and Juana finish their travel the
After confronting the scorpion, Kino and Juana encounter the doctor- the ultimate embodiment of evil in The Pearl. When the doctor’s servant explains Coyotito’s scorpion bite to the doctor, he claims “I am a doctor, not a veterinary,” and leaves the family, miserably, at his
When in times of danger, people must often take the actions they see best fit. In "The Rattler," the author depicts a vivid story of a man who has to make a difficult choice while facing a rattlesnake in the desert. Despite the man seeing a threat in the snake, it is him that becomes a threat to the other. By using the descriptions of the man, the snake and the specific setting, the author affects the reader by creating a sense of empathy for the narrator and sympathy for the snake. With such a connection, it adds a greater depth to the story for the reader to analyze.
1. What does Juana attempt to do at the beginning of the chapter to the pearl? Why?
Family is a strong connection to life. I feel that family roles in the book The Pearl show how they can affect the main character such as, Kino with the problems that he’s going through. In the book Kino murders a man with his knife in chapter five. The loyalty with Kino and his family members is that the all support him if he make any decisions on his own. Even though, Kino wants to make his own decisions he also want support from Juana and Juan to make sure he’s doing the right actions. Juan and Kino are true family members and his loyalty to Kino are capable by helping him shield Kino from committing murder even though it’s a crime. It is appropriate for Juana to take submissive to Kino because when taking a massive problem such as, murder
“Don’t educate your children to be rich. Educate them to be happy, so they know the value of things, not the price” Victor Hugo stated. Kino and Juana did not have the values or money that many people had, but they had Coyotito. Coyotito shows many symbols such as love, devotion, dedication, and affection towards Kino and Juana throughout the book. In The Pearl by John Steinbeck, Coyotito's illness and characteristics had an impact on Kino and Juana’s decisions.
She even says in the book “ I knew there was murder in him” meaning the pearl brought out this strange and unnoticed evil part of him she had never seen before. He struck Juana in the face with a closed fist and kicked her in her side when she was lying on the ground. After that, he said “I am man” which was very strange if you are familiar with Kino he never acted like that or ever even laid a hand on her. Now you probably can tell that the pearl changed Kino and brought him to the low level of hurting other people that he cared dearly
The Pearl written by John Steinbeck is a parable, a story that teaches a moral lesson. The focus of this novel is on a poor Indian family. The family consists of three members: Kino, a husband, father, and fisherman, Juana, his wife and loving mother; and Coyotito their infant son. This indigent family lives in a small brush hut along the Gulf of Mexico by the town of La Paz. One day Coyotito, is bitten by a scorpion; a scorpion sting can be deadly to a baby. Kino and Juana are very worried over the health of their baby; therefore, they hope to find a pearl worthy enough for the doctor’s payment to the doctor to treat Coyotito. With luck on their side, Kino finds a pearl the size of a seagull’s egg; he calls it “The Pearl of the
However, Kino was enraged with anger at Juana for trying to throw away his pearl. The pearl had changed him for the worse, it had become part of him he loved the pearl. Kino would do anything to make sure that nothing would happen to it, even if it meant beating up his wife in order to save his pearl.
In the morosely reluctant passage, “The Rattler,” the author depicts a conflict between a man’s consciousness and his duty to kill the snake. With the detailed images of the scene, the reader comes to understand the man’s internal conflict. He must decide whether or not it is necessary to kill an innocent rattlesnake; however, when the obligation to protect others is greater than the life of the snake, the man has no other choice but to kill the snake. Throughout the passage, “The Rattler” brilliantly utilizes diction, detail, syntax and overall organization to convey his message.
At the beginning of the story they both felt content and happy as show in this quote “Sometimes it rose to an aching chord that caught the throat, saying this is safety, this is warmth, this is the Whole.”. They did not even speak because their understanding was so great. But after Kino found the pearl his relationship steadily deteriorates as shown in this quote “"Kino," she said huskily, "I am afraid. A man can be killed. Let us throw the pearl back into the sea." "Hush," he said fiercely. "I am a man. Hush.”. That shows that as time goes by Kino is acting ruder and harshly to Juana all because of the greed the pearl caused. Another example is "This thing is evil," she cried harshly. "This pearl is like a sin! It will destroy us," and her voice rose shrilly. "Throw it away, Kino. Let us break it between stones. Let us bury it and forget the place. Let us throw it back into the sea. It has brought evil. Kino, my husband, it will destroy us." And in the firelight her lips and her eyes were alive with her fear. But Kino's face was set, and his mind and his will were set” this quote shows that Juana is becoming increasingly fearful yet Kino is sure this is the way and is willing to do whatever is necessary to become wealthy. This causes a strain between their relation. Finally the worst thing Kino commits is the act of attacked Juana. He is described as a snake hissing at her and hitting her that makes her fall. He even continues to kick her after she has fallen and she accepts it and knows he may even murder her. This shows that Kino has broken all limits of humanity and is being consumed by
Although it isn’t as much of difference as the following chapters, Steinbeck does draw a contrast between Juana and Kino during the first two chapters. Two of the differences between Juana and Kino are their descriptions and actions. Kino describes Juana as, “obedient and respectful and cheerful and patient” which tells us Juana is a strong-willed woman yet obedient to Kino. Kino likes to be in charge of his family, which was normal for the man in their time period. Their actions tell us otherwise though. When Coyotito gets stung by the scorpion, Juana is the one who takes action and attempts to suck the venom out of Coyotito’s wound. Kino stands frozen and waits as Juana tells him and the people to go and get the doctor. This is surprising
The pearl's evil infects Kino like a ravaged disease and consumes his mind. He starts off with good intentions, but they become twisted. He wants to sell the pearl and use the money to better his family's lifestyle. He has dreams and goals that each depends on the pearl selling for a good price. Juana sensing the evil and greed coming from Kino attempts to destroy it. Kino beats her unmercifully. "He struck her in the face and she fell among the boulders, and he kicked her in the side...He hissed at her like a snake and she stared at him with wide unfrightened eyes, like a sheep before a butcher." Juana sees through the outer beauty of the pearl and knew it would destroy Kino and herself. Kino's vision from the soul becomes blurred by the possible prosperity the pearl will bring. The evil invades Kino's life as well as everyone he knows and loves.
who attempted to take advantage of Kino’s family at a very desperate time. Some characters like Juana saw through the evil and were aware of the evil the pearl brought. Even the ones aware could not escape the pearls evil.