
Cpd Reflection

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I had assumed this CPD would be ‘domesticating’, I viewed it as ‘jumping through hoops’ and I wasn’t convinced how a few workshops could truly benefit my practice. However, I can recognise that at times I am too critical, too quick to assume. Sometimes, I rely on instinct and jump to conclusions rather than taking a step back and asking questions.
The workshops provided an opportunity for me to learn more about emotional intelligence and how to further develop it in myself and then to apply this in my work. Acquiring coaching skills and insights has developed my confidence in facing challenges and changing the way I lead. In turn, this has enhanced my ability to tune into my emotions and those of others in order to have more productive interactions and relationships both in and outside of my work, renewing me personally and stimulating me professionally.
There were significant insights that continue to resonate and …show more content…

This has made me consider the conservations which take place in my workplace, and how to make them more productive. Such conversations can have a significant impact on developing trust, awareness and learning. Although it has taken some time to embed such conversations into daily routines, productive conversations are now becoming part of daily life in my workplace. However, there are still some individuals who are less willing, and who have no desire to change. The process of change and collaboration will always be a challenge; it is this challenge of difference that needs to be grasped. However, through collaboration we can move away from the safe assumption that there is only one way to see the world, and learn from each other, it may just take a little time to break old habits. Yet, it also requires letting go of my own perspective and actively valuing the contributions of

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