Crack cocaine is a highly addictive crystal form of cocaine that comes in solid bocks or sometimes crystals in varying colors from light pink or white to yellow and is the most powerful form of cocaine. It is less expensive than regular cocaine, allowing younger people with less money to access it, and users can become addicted to it after just one usage. Cocaine is made of coca leaves that were first used three thousand years ago, and crack cocaine (crystal form) was first developed in the 1970’s and became popular in the 1980’s. On the streets, crack cocaine is also known as chemical, crack, French fries, gravel, hard rock, hotcakes, paste, rocks snow coke, tornado, and electric kool-aid. It is usually available as rocks that vary in
Crack cocaine has been popular since the 1970s and mid 1980s. Crack cocaine is not a new drug; this drug is obtained from coca plant which grows mainly in South America. For many years, the native South American Indians chewed its leaves to develop strength and increased energy. By the 1800s, the cocaine was secluded from its leaves and used as a medicinal drug. By the late 1800s, it was used as an anesthetic and to avert surgical hemorrhage. The next century, people recognized crack cocaine an addictive narcotic and its non-medical use of the drug was ended by the Harrison Narcotics Act in 1914 (“How crack cocaine works?”).
Methamphetamine was created in Japan in 1919. It became widely used in World War 2. Kamikaze pilots would get high doses before their missions. Meth kept soldiers awake and focused. People started using in it the U.S. in the 1950’s as a diet drug. Meth was also known as the “soccer mom drug” because people could get their work done quickly and lose weight at the same time. Many people started taking the drug in high doses and began abusing the drug in the 1960’s. Methamphetamine became illegal in the 1970’s.
Meth, not even once. Speed, chalk, crystal, glass, tina, tweak, go fast, all nicknames for the deadly drug, Meth. Meth is a synthetic stimulant that effects the central nervous system. Its composition is a decongestant, pseudoephedrine and a lot more common ingredients like drain cleaner. Its form is white or yellow crystalline, a pill or the most common, crystals. The substance can be snorted, smoked, injected or swallowed. The addiction rate is extreme as Meth is one of the most addictive drugs. Meth can have physical and mental effects after being consumed. You can have effects such as brain damage, organ failure, stroke, open sores, rotting teeth or meth mouth and paranoia. The social effects are withdrawal from friends and family, increases
Amphetamine was first developed in Germany in 1887 as a treatment for respiratory problems. Methamphetamine originated from japan in 1919. Amphetamines were used to treat several conditions from common colds all the way to depression.
“On the streets it is referred to as Crystal, Ice, and Crank. Methamphetamines are viciously addictive and provide the hyperactivity effects of cocaine along with the delusional effects of lysergic acid diethylamide known as LSD.” Rehabs can be found in almost every community from the smallest to the largest cities and affects through all social classes from the lowest to highest. “It is estimated that there are twenty-six million and counting worldwide users of this drug.” Meth is a typical high around six to twelve hours on a small quantity. It's so easy to make; if you know how to make chocolate chip cookies then you can make meth simple as that. The documentary the world's most dangerous drug, talks about what meth is and how many people
As soon as I entered the class, there was a man sitting in our class. His name was Paul Shapiro, and he was from the Orange County Courts. He explained to us what the community court is, and what kind of effect it has on our society. During mid-1980s, crack cocaine was widespread and people kept going back to prison. To cut this infinite loop of incarceration, Orange County made the drug court. It is not like a real court, but rather similar to a program that helps drug addicts free themselves from drug dependence. Unlike other courts, the prosecutor, the attorney, the probation officer, and the judge in the drug court work as a team.
Methamphetamine or Meth is defined as a synthetic drug with more rapid and lasting effects than amphetamine, used illegally as a stimulant and as a prescription drug to treat narcolepsy and maintain blood pressure. Methamphetamine is also known as Ice, Glass and Crystal. On the streets Methamphermine have many different names which includes: Speed, Ice, Chalk, Crank, Croak, Tweak, Uppers, Black Beauties, Glass, Bikers Coffee, Methlies Quick, Poor Man’s Cocaine, Chicken Feed, Shabu, Crystal Meth, Stove Top, Trash, Go-Fast, Yaba, Yellow Bam, and Tina. Meth is an odorless, white crystalline powder with a bitter taste. Its soluble in liquid and can be injected, snorted, ingested, or smoked. It is a central nervous system stimulant drug that increases
The powerful and dangerous drug, methamphetamine (meth), has recently attracted more and more users around the world. It is an amphetamine drug that is very addictive. Meth users are gaining easier access to the drug, since it can be made from common household things, like Drano and battery acid. Over 400,000 Americans are currently addicted to the drug. Meth causes a huge increase in dopamine and other neurotransmitters in the brain. In addition, meth also blocks enzymes that work to break down dopamine in the brain, which causes the high to last much longer than a high from a stimulant like cocaine. Several methods are used to take this drug, but smoking it has recently become more popular.
The toxic stimulant called methamphetamine is one of the most commonly used illicit drugs in pregnancy. The drug’s noxious make-up can have terrible consequences when taken during pregnancy. Studies of the outcome of methamphetamine exposure during pregnancy have been limited because of retrospective measures of the drug use and the lack of being able to account for the possibility that mothers used other drugs besides methamphetamine. There are various effects on babies prenatally exposed to methamphetamine including, being born premature, low birth weight, heart and brain abnormalities, and behavioral issues. All these risks have an impact on a child's development.
Methamphetamine is a synthetic powerful and highly addicted drug, which is used illegally and affects the central nervous system. The use of methamphetamine during pregnancy impacts the developing fetus in many ways, specially affecting the brain, spinal cord, heart and kidneys. Women who use this illegal drug are less likely to get prenatal care which causes serious problems to the developing fetus. Additionally, women using meth during pregnancy tend to have high blood pressure and this will cause poor blood flow to the fetus. It is very sad to see that some babies are born prematurely and with birth deformities. Also, prenatal meth can cause fetal brain hemorrhage and stroke, as well as defective
Methamphetamine is a very powerful drug. This drug can make you feel on top of the world with six simple steps and one withdrawal if you choose to stop. The six stages include, step one the initial rush which increases your heartbeat, metabolism, blood pressure and pulse. This feeling can last up to thirty minutes depending on how much you take and how you use it. Stage two the high which makes them feel like their smarter, faster more intuitive than anyone else. This stage can last anywhere from four to sixteen hours, which may include them cleaning the same thing for hours because they feel it’s still dirty. Stage three the binge, which can last anywhere from three to fifteen days. The binge is the feeling they receive when
Methamphetamine is best defined as “an amine derivative of amphetamine”. The form of methamphetamine is crystalline hydrochloride. This stimulant affects the central nervous system. It is used for the medical treatment of obesity and also that of ADHD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and also used for recreational use, although illegal (
How much do you consider you distinguish about methamphetamine? Meth is a very thought-provoking subject. Over one million people are captivated to and are using this synthetic drug in this world, today. This number upsurges each and every day. Meth is used frequently in a lot of teenagers’ lives. Teens commonly get addicted by peer pressure or either they think they will get responsiveness by using it. There are also numerous adults that use this drug as well. It’s very addictive and you can undoubtedly get hooked on to this illegal stimulant.
When they are smoked or injected intravenously, both amphetamine and cocaine produce an intense, extremely pleasurable “rush” almost immediately, followed by euphoria, and referred to as a “high.” When snorted, they produce the high without the intense rush and the effects can be felt 3-5 minutes after ingestion. In both cases the pleasurable effects begin to disappear before the drug is fully metabolized, prompting some users to take more in order to maintain the high. Amphetamine’s high lasts anywhere from 8 to 24 hours, and 50 percent of the drug is removed from the body in 12 hours. Cocaine’s high lasts anywhere from 20 to 30 minutes, and 50 percent
David has been chosen as the case scenario in this article. David is a 38-year old single man, he has been working in an investment bank as a financial worker for 8 years with stable financial income. However, he was stressful on maintaining his job performance since he had been appraised as one of top financial investment planner of the bank in previous two years. He started to take cannabis, cocaine and alcohol under peer influence and he found it useful to relief his stress. After taking those drugs and alcohol, he could experience ‘high’ feelings and he would have casual and unprotected sex under the feeling. Now he decided to deal with his substance use problem as the withdrawal symptoms appeared. In David’s case, his problem of substance use will be mainly discussed.