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Crash Movie Analysis
Anjelica McCartney
January 18, 2016
Victor Armenta

Crash Movie Analysis Discrimination, racism, classism, prejudice and more plague today’s society. These horrible issues do not affect one race, sexes, class, ethnicity, or age group; these issues affect all races, both genders, all ethnicities, and all age groups. For this film analysis, I have chosen to discuss the racism portrayed throughout a three-time Oscar award winning movie called Crash.
Paul Haggis wrote, directed and produced the film Crash in 2004. The movie Crash interweaves several individuals in Los Angeles over a two-day period. The film shows how a variety of different ethnic characters crosses paths during this period, and …show more content…

Throughout the film, you will observe a wide variety of different vehicles including a four-door sedan, SUV’s, city bus and a mini-van. These vehicles represent the different social classes and wealth. For example the SUV suggests the individual is of wealth and possibly a higher social class. While as one character states; the city bus represents the working class who cannot afford to purchase a car of their own. During the film you will notice that it is Christmas time and you will observe a nativity scene on the garage door of a home. This nativity scene along with it being Christmas time symbolizes peace, love, harmony, and forgiveness. Purification and clarity are suggested by the snow and then again towards the end of the movie with the ash from the fire. The fire itself symbolizes evil, wrong, anger, hate, violence and even death, all of which are associated with racism.
The film encompasses a variety of different themes as well. The issues are all connected to the different prejudices that are found in today’s society. Racism is the most dominant theme that is found in the film. Stereotyping is another theme that is viewed throughout this film. An example of this being when Daniel the Hispanic locksmith was changing the locks for the Caucasian District Attorney and his wife. Jean (the wife) assumes that Daniel is a no good gang banger based on the fact that he has tattoos, a shaved head, and is Hispanic. The film

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