Makenna attends a Sunday school in a rural community. She finds herself befriending another child, named Stacey, and they really enjoy playing together. Stacey had just moved into her small town about three months ago and recently told Makenna that she would be leaving the town at the end of the week to go to a new family. This child, Stacey, is a foster child who was taken from her home because of her unstable family circumstances. However, Stacey has been jumping from home to home because the foster care provider has not been able to offer a stable foster care family.
Situations like the one mentioned above happen all too often in the State of Nebraska. Although the state has tried to provide solutions to benefit the Foster Care System, they have not been proven to be successful.
The purpose of my proposal is to create a more effective foster care system by establishing a committee to directly oversee private institutions that the State of Nebraska hires for child services. Creating an oversight committee, selecting contractors by quality of service, and expanding the DHHS budget will allow for more accountability with the partnership and ultimately a more efficient program.
Deeper Insight to the Problem Any sane person would be wondering why the state decided to go with a plan that would not work. However, it is important note that Nebraska originally thought that this plan would improve the previous state by allowing for more efficiency (Coles). In theory,
The foster care system in Texas is broken and policies like SB-4 and HB-3859 continue to fracture the system even more. The high volume of children entering into the system and the substantial number of caseloads for social workers are exacerbated by the current policies. It is our job as policymakers and policy analysts to address this issue so that ALL the children of the Lone Star state have a better future. Throughout this memo, I will highlight the current condition of the foster care
Many children are suffering due to various complications in their life. Children of all ages end up in the foster care system year after year. Their hardships influence them to feel really depressed and stoic. Many people do not read autobiographies, but the book, Three Little Words by Ashley Rhodes-Courter teaches people about the complications of a first-hand foster child, how the foster care system is, and book reviews of famous authors and well-known magazines, as well. The story gives hope to people who believe there is no way out anymore, and it influences upon the world’s culture greatly.
In the past few decades there has be an increasing amount of children placed in the foster care system. With the amount of rising teen pregnancies and maternal drug abuse means increasing numbers of infants abandoned at birth. There have been many cases of child abuse or neglect that have been on the rise. State and local agencies are unable to suitably supervise foster homes or arrange adoptions. Statistics show that many children will spend most of their childhood and teenage years in the foster care system, which has shown to leave emotional scars on the child. Today, Child Welfare groups are looking for federal funding and legislation to increase programs and services aimed at keeping families together.
In todays’ society many Americans never think about our foster care system. Foster care is when a child is temporarily placed with another family. This child may have been abused, neglected, or may be a child who is dependent and can survive on their own but needs a place to stay. Normally the child parents are sick, alcohol or drug abusers, or may even be homeless themselves. We have forgotten about the thousands of children who are without families and living in foster homes. Many do not even know how foster care came about. A few of the earliest documentation of foster care can be found in the Old Testament. The Christian church put children into homes with widowers and then paid them using collection from the church
The Foster Care System with the kids who are in it is a massive social issue that America is facing today. There are more than 640,000 foster children in the United States every year. There are 23,000 foster children living in group homes at one time. There are 32,000 who live in institutions, and twenty-seven states do not meet federal abuse and neglect standards. (Attention) Personally, I am a foster sister, because my family currently fosters. Therefore, we see the issues and needs of fostering, daily. (Rapport and Credibility) This speech will discuss the importance of the nature of foster care, the catastrophic problems of foster care, and the proposed solution for the foster care system in America. (Preview)
The number of children in the foster care system continues to increase. While the foster care system is essential in helping abused, abandoned, and neglected children, many children remain in foster care for long periods of time when family reunification or adoption is planned. Court delays can often extend the time between when children enter the foster care system and when they are placed into permanent homes. Significant differences exist in the quality of care and outcomes for children depending on their race and ethnicity. The percentage of children of color in the foster care system is larger than the percentage of children of color among the general U.S. population. However, the occurrence of child abuse and neglect is at about the same rate in all racial/ethnic groups.
One final problem regarding the foster care system deals with life after a child reaches adulthood. When a person turns eighteen years old, they age out of the system, meaning that they are able to live on their own, free from the government’s control. While, at first, this may seem like one of the most exciting moments of a foster child’s life, it can actually become one of the most terrifying. Approximately twenty thousand age out per year. Fifty-one percent are unemployed, thirty percent have no health insurance, and twenty-five percent will end up being homeless as some point in their life (Hamilton 86).
The foster care system in America is incredibly corrupt. There is no denying that. America has had issues with foster care since it began about 160 years ago. It first began completely privatized, and as the federacy found ways to fund it, it gradually became entirely public. Yet, there has consistently been problems with its operations. There have been multiple attempts in the government to mend the problem, or at least help. A lot of these “solutions” have been disasters because the foster care system is not continuously overseen and regulated. Children are abused both physically and mentally, and will often age out more damaged than when they first entered the system. There is one particular solution that has come to the surface: privatizing the system again. However, this has never really brought any light to the problem, and even makes situations worse. The privatization of foster care is not an ethical solution to the dilemmas of the system because of the increase of abuse, undeniable deaths, and insurmountable corruption.
Society understands our current system is awful, but no one is protesting for a reform, or they’re aren’t trying hard enough. Child safety is the number one objective of the system, but it’s not working like it should. “In 2015, over 670,000 children spent time in U.S. foster care” (Foster Care). Of those 670,000 cases, more than half could be eliminated with a reform in the system. The focus should be on keeping families together, rather than taking them apart.
60 percent of kids who age out of foster care are dead, homeless, or in jail within a year. There needs to be more focus on the foster care system and child homelessness. Children should not be living on the streets, they need a home and a loving family so that they can grow up and live a stable, independent life.
Foster care is very beneficial and common in Ontario, it provides many great benefits for families, and children in need. Under the Child and Family services act foster care is defined as the placement of a child or young person in the home of someone who receives compensation for caring for the child but is not the child’s parent. All children who are having troubles at home do not just get thrown into foster care, there is a process that is brought into families having difficulties by the Ontario’s Children Aid Societies (CASs). They work hard to analyze behaviours in a family, and try and keep a family together and the children at home, until seen that the family is unfit to support and provide for the child(ren). At that time, the children are taken until the family proves
Foster care is something that 400,000 children in the United States, go through. I have personally been through this myself. To improve foster care for children, I have created a website along with an app. The name of both the website and app is Foster To Success. Foster To Success will especially be useful for foster youth, social workers, potential adopters, foster parents, and any additional people, who work with foster youth. But it can also be useful if you are going through a hard time. The app is free and available on iOS devices at the App Store, and on Andriod devices on GooglePlay. If you would like additional features the cost is ninety nine cents. I believe this will help improve foster care and help make it an easier transition for the children.
One of the ways foster care is inhibited is that the separation of the child from their parents and placement in a foster home can be traumatic for the child. In some instances where the child is not safe in their home, the first choice may be to remove the child and place them in foster care. Both the parents and child have a hard time accepting the situation. This separation causes conflicts and resistance from the child (Crosson-Tower, 2014, p. 316). Other myriad adjustments, such as lifestyle change, new school, new friends and neighbors, and at times a new culture, also inhibit the effectiveness of foster care placement. Foster care can create an environment of
More than two-hundred and fifty thousand children enter the foster care system each year, making it extremely difficult to find the right caregiver for each child. There are so may effects on the child that last their entire lifetime, making it difficult for them to trust others. Not being able to trust their peers, they often find it hard to make friends and long-term relationships last. Fortunately, there are many results that can improve everyone’s position in placing the child. Foster care agencies repeatedly create destructive situations due to the selected caregiver, as well as the plethora of glitches that are created. Due to the unacceptable and inappropriate selection of foster parents, the child frequently experiences difficulties and disadvantages later on. Most children are placed into foster care because of mistreatment and experience the same treatment in their foster homes. Unfortunately, a lot of times the foster parent will take their anger out on their foster child, making a wide array of short-term and long-term complications for the child.
Maximizing the accessibility of foster care sectors would allow for substantial attention to more foster care children, leading to better mental health in an average foster care child. Furthermore, local institutions could be allowed more flexibility in terms of federal funding usage, which could result in a more centralized focus on providing the best outcomes for children involved in foster care. Changes in current policies, such as the aforementioned ASFA, would additionally aid in lessening the unclarity in cases and allow for a greater focus on the well-being of children. Removing children from unfit environments must be done at a faster rate and within maximum reasoning. Children are the future, and we need to attempt to help the future be the best it can