
Creating Equal Groups Of The Classroom Essay

Decent Essays

To introduce the concept of division, I will have the students take out their notebooks and title their pages “division- fact families.” I will ask the students to tell me what they think that division means, and after some discussion, I will ask them to write that division is used to share equally or create equal groups. I will ask the students to give me some examples of when they needed to create equal groups of something. I will provide an example of Halloween candy bags, and making sure that each bag has the same amount in order to be fair. I will choose a few students to share. Next twelve students will be asked to come to the front of the room. They will be asked to physically create three equal groups. The rest of the class will be asked “how groups do we have?” (3) and “how many students are in each group?” (4). Then I will write the multiplication fact 3 x 4 = 12. The students will be asked to make one group again, then to physically create four equal groups. Once they do this, I will ask the same two questions to the class, “how many groups do we have?” (4) and “how many students are in each group?” (3). Then I will write the multiplication fact 4 x 3 = 12 on the board below the other fact. Those students will sit down, and new students will come to the front of the room. I will ask them to stand in one group, then form three groups. I will write 12÷3=4 on the board. Then I will ask them to form one group again, then to make 4 equal groups, and I will write 12÷4=3

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