
Creating Wikipedia Page Essay

Decent Essays

A betting man or woman should definitely place their bets on Wikipedia to predict the nominee for Vice President. The fact is that Wikipedia is giving away secrets. These are secrets that any savvy Wikipedia visitor is sure to notice. Back in 2008, John McCain was running for President of the United States. Many voters wondered about his Vice President selection. He was keeping his lips sealed. Well, the Washington Post reported that future running mate, Sarah Palin's Wikipedia page received close to 65 edits over a day. Thus, predicting that Sarah Palin was McCain's choice for Vice President. Recently, Virginia Senator Tim Kaine, received over 62 edits on one day. Creating Wikipedia Pages Certainly, creating a Wikipedia page does wonders for those in politics and in the business world. Here is one prediction that is difficult to ignore. Those that place a page on Wikipedia about their business or some other interest, notice a rise in brand recognition along with an increase in traffic to their site. Was it a coincidence? Was it a great predictor of amazing results because of using Wikipedia to introduce the world to a company's brand, service, or products? Thousands of online marketers discovered that …show more content…

However, creating Wikipedia pages is another story. Wikipedia has very strict rules that most be followed by contributors. Contributors that do not follow those specific rules risk having their pages removed from the site. The best course of action is to hire GetYourWiki writers. They are professional Wikipedia writers that are very familiar with the Wikipedia rules and guidelines. They offer consulting on creating, editing, updating, and monitoring your Wikipedia page. Indeed, today it is a proven asset to have several pages or more on Wikipedia. Hire GetYourWiki writer's to create professional quality pages that are read by millions across the

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