Creation Myths Who made who? Did God create humans or did humans create god? At first thought one would of course say God created humans. Man cannot create god! What fool would dare say such a thing! After all the definition of God says that it is the supreme being and the divine creator, not the divine creation. So of course God created man, right? Or shall we dig a little deeper into this question and examine it from the other side? Is God just a figment of mans elaborate imagination? Could it be that God is a mythological tool used by man to manipulate the mind to give explanations to the unexplainable? If this is true then humans created god. Since the beginning of mankind, gods and …show more content…
All they knew was that there were necessities in the world that were vital to their survival such as the sun. They were oblivious to what the sun was, but they knew it was consequential to their existence so they labeled it as a god. Years past, and as time went by man obtained more and more knowledge about the environment in which they inhabited. With Knowledge came the dawn of a new breed of gods. Gods that would satisfy mans starving imagination and explain their existence. Expanding from the elementary elemental based gods of the Egyptians came more evolved gods. Gods that were more than just dominators over the elements. Gods that expressed a plethora of emotions toward man and became a more personal form of a God. Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Muslim are just a few examples of the contemporary religions that were created between 2500 BCE to 500 CE . Why haven't there been any new religions created within the last 1,500 years? The answer is simple. The human race as a whole has become so abundant with knowledge that we aren't nearly as nieve and susceptible to manipulation anymore. Therefore no new creationist religions have been originated. Sights that would have served as a miracle 2000 years ago have now
Throughout history, humans have concocted ideas of divine beings and forces that control what happens in the world. In every culture, the being or force exists in a different form, but many are in the forms of gods or goddesses. In ancient cultures, polytheism was very prevalent, and the interactions between these gods and goddesses, and the humans they guided were easily observed, especially in the literature of the time. Ancient Greece was one of those cultures. In other cultures, some religions had one God that governed the earth, much like in Hellenistic Rome and Palestine.
The personalities of the gods are as broad as there are stars in the heavens, and as such the ways that these gods interact with mortals vary. The purpose of gods intervening with the days of man comes down to two things, good or bad; there are gods who are caring and loving towards mortals while others view man as pawns which they can use for their own personal agenda. A few gods that capture and exemplify the various personalities of the gods can be found in Ovid: The Metamorphoses of Ovid and Homer: The essential Homer: Selections from the Iliad and the Odyssey. Although the ways man and the gods communicate and get each other’s attention are different, there are reoccurring and overarching themes such as desire, and loyalty that make each intervention between gods and mortals similar.
Religions have changed constantly throughout history, beginning with the Egyptians and continuing through current day. Most of all new religions begin as polytheistic. This most likely developed because the people of the ancient world suspected that one god could not take care of all their needs. Therefore, they created several gods to take care of everything in the natural world such as water, fire, animals, etc. The first evidence of written religion was on the Sumerian tablets, around 3,500 B.C. The Egyptians demonstrated the first progression of religion in the area, during the time period around 4,000 B.C. The Egyptians believed humans ranked as partners with the gods to maintain order; it characterized similarly to the Mesopotamian’s religion. After a while, a change in religion transpired.
As a scientist, i tried to reason it out, that there must be a prime mover etcetera, etcetera. But in the last few years, I've pretty much come to the conclusion that God did not create men; men created god. "4:25- 5:03
For centuries, humans have questioned the existence of our race. Questions such as, “Where did I come from?” Another question that is asked is, “Who created us?” When we question certain aspects about our creation, we have little to no knowledge of how we were created. When us as human beings search for answers, we search within ourselves and tend to ask others for more clarity. Sometimes people will study religion. Religion will sometimes give you clues of how we might have been created. Some say we were created by God. Another question that is frequently asked is “Who is God?”.
For the moment, Christianity can be examined as an example of a religion which fits into this profile. As proven through its two millennium
Religion is an important and central issue both in the olden and modern society. It has been associated with beliefs on deities and supernatural beings. Historical facts exist which describe and discuss the philosophical and religious principles for different generations. Besides, the historical information brings out typical conformities and variations that exist across these dispensational periods. The two major religious periods and dispensations which exist in historical records include the Western ‘pagan’ religions as well as the Christian, Hebrew and Muslim religions.
Gabrielle Gehr WOH 2012-82047 Rough Draft 24 October 2014 Topic: Perceptions of Gods During Ancient Civilizations Thesis: Manifestation of gods fulfilled the needs of developing ancient civilizations. Body of Evidence: 1. Thousands of years ago, before there were scopes, meters, and other types of scientific instruments, it must have been difficult for early, developing civilizations to understand the universe around them.
In the image of god he created man and woman. Male and female created he them'
I believe God is our creator and created everything that we see today in our existence. All man is created in His image.
Lastly, God made man. He created them in His own image. However, man was not made from nothing. The first man was made from the dust of the ground and God breathed in him the breath of life. His name was Adam, which means “dirt” or “earth”. Adam was to take care of all the animals. He even got to name them all. A helper was made for Adam so he wouldn’t be alone. She was made from one of Adam’s ribs. Her name was Eve, which means “mother of
The myths about these gods were probably made to explain the origins and behavior of nature.
The Lord God created man in his own image. He used the dust from the ground and molded it to create the first ever human, Adam. The
When you really break it down you can see that all things are truly created by God. Some may disagree and say that man has created everything from nails to computers, but the Lord
In ancient times, gods were a holy image in people’s mind. Each god had its own role in the universe. Such as the role of creation, the controller of the nature, and the role of the destiny control. The gods had extreme powers, and controlled everything in the world. Worshiped gods became a daily routine for ancient people. In the minds of people in ancient times, worshiped their gods were to prevent these gods became furious, and punished them with their extreme power. Even though the gods were extremely powerful, in many epic texts we could see they also had emotions and characteristics that were just like humans. However, there were still some major differences between the gods and humans.