Religion Assignment
Q1. Creation: Scientific explanation.
There are many scientific creation theories around the world , but the most prevalent ones all are based around the Big Bang theory. The Big Bang theory is a belief that the world began with a small singularity and began expanding over the next 13.8 billion years, to the cosmos that we are all familiar with today. Majority of the information about the Big Bang theory comes from mathematical formulas and models. In the first second after the universe started, the temperature which was surrounding was around 5.5 billion Celsius. The cosmos had a wide selection of important particles like protons, neutrons and electrons. These either decade or joined as the universe cooled. The electrons
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Source 3 is video explanation of the Big Bang theory.
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He makes it a point to stop and say his work is “good” (1:4). On the sixth day God creates humankind in his likeness and gives them them charge over earth. Genesis 2 starts with God calling the seventh day of creation the sabbath, a rest day. God formed a man and gave him the garden of Eden, except the tree of good and evil. Adam the man was alone so God made him a partner and called her Eve. She was made from one of Adams ribs. It has a more particular account of how man was made, it also has a deep description of the garden of Eden, and shows the morals and symbols of marriage.
Genesis 1 and 2 authors are unknown the amount of people who wrote Genesis 1 and 2 is not known. Christians believe that the content of Genesis 1 and 2 is the inspired word of God.These two chapters have a lot of similarities and differences. Some similarities are
In both chapters God was still the creator of heavens and
The secular model to describe the way the universe is created and built is called the Big Bang.
In Genesis one and two, it provides a full understanding of God’s creations and wisdom of human nature because it is free from evil. Human nature is revealed from Genesis one with God creating the Earth and the Heavens and creating the man of his likeness. The Bible explains how God created Adam, from dust and was placed in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2:7). The Bible explains humanity was created to work and serve (Genesis 2:15). Subsequently, Eve was created; “God had created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him: male and female he created them” (Genesis 1:27). Adam and Eve would help God because He wanted them to multiply the Earth by taking care of all of his creation (Hiles & Smith, 2014). God is the sovereign ruler, he created humanity as how he should have wanted. The Bible explains about human nature that God created everything to be distinct from animals and all of His creation. God created us in his own image, which is why we all look different; we are unique in His eyes. Also, God created us to be good because we are born innocent of all evil and loving of God. In addition, we were all born pure as Adam and Eve were. The Bible explains that God was pleased with his creations, “God saw that it was good” (Genesis 1:10-21).
In Genesis, the first book of The Bible the Christian and Jewish creation story is told. God spoke and his Word was done. He made the heavens and the earth. He made light and drove away the dark. On the earth he created the waters and lands and man and beast.
In chapter two of the book “Problems from Philosophy”, by James Rachels, the author guided us through the process in which the topic of God and the origin of the universe was discussed and argued. There were many arguments many arguments towards this topic from both a religious belivers view point, and a non-believer. The main points in this chapter were the arguments, like the argument from design, the best-explanation argument, the same-evidence argument, the theory of Natural selection, and the first cause argument.
In Genesis one and 2, it provides a full understanding of God’s creations and wisdom of human nature because it is free from evil. God created everything from nothing; to be perfect from his perspective. Human nature is revealed from Genesis one with God creating the Earth and the Heavens and creating the man of his likeness. The Bible explains how God created the man named Adam from the dust and was placed in the Eden’s Garden (Genesis 2:7). Adam helped God to take care of the land and all his creation. The Bible explains, Humanity was created to work and serve, keep the garden (Genesis 2:15). Subsequently, Eve was created; “God had created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him: male and female he created them” (Genesis 1:27). Adam and Eve would help God because He wanted them to multiply the Earth by taking care of his creations (Hiles & Smith, 2014). God is the sovereign ruler which he created humanity as how he should have wanted. The Bible explains about human nature that God created everything to be distinct from animals and all His creation. Humankind is able to show on our nature because we are capable of reasoning. God created all differently and we were all born naked and pure as Adam and Eve were. God created in his own image that why we all look different; we are unique in His eyes. Also, God created us to be good because we are born innocent of all evil and loving God.
Even though there are lots of similarity between the two texts they have their differences. One difference is that
Both these question can be answered on the same page. A number of aspects of the universe can be understood only in the light of more recent unifications theories. To understand the GUT era or Grand Unification Theory era we need to know that it occurred when the universe was subject to the force of gravity and GUT force. The GUT force “predicts that the strong force becomes unified with the weak and electromagnetic forces at energies above 10^14 GeV.” The Grand Unified Theory states that for the three forces to merge together, the temperature of the universe has to be greater than 10^32 K. The GUT era lasted until the temperature of the universe dropped to about 10^29 K. at this point the GUT forces separated into electromagnetic and strong forces. This temperature was reached when the universe was at the young age of about 10^-36 of a second. This sudden cooling caused something called inflation. Inflation was a rapid and sudden expansion of the universe. Basically the unified theories state that the four forces, strong, electromagnetic, weak, and gravitational will merge at extremely high temperatures. Although we have a few assumptions about the GUT, scientist have not been able to succeed in creating the details that have to do with a supergrand unified theory, also referred to as the theory of everything.
The Big Bang is a very popular theory among both Christians and non-Christians. However, it is not totally unquestionable, if it were there would be no more arguments concerning the creation of the world. The main question asked about the Big Bang is “Who, or what triggered it?”
Another possibility is that there were two stories being told and the writer could not decide which one to put in the bible, so he put both. Though there are two clashing stories, the basic idea for this story of creation can still be seen. This might explain why Genesis 1 has a broader spectrum of creation and why Genesis 2 focuses mainly on the creation of man. In Genesis 1 the names of man are not even mentioned. In Genesis 2 however we come to learn that their names are Adam (male) and Eve (female). Also in Genesis 2 we learn exactly how Eve is created; Goad takes a rib from Adam and makes Eve from that rib. Then she is called woman, because she is made from man (Gen 2:23). This appears nowhere in Genesis 1.
There’s not much similarity in the themes of these books except that in both books, God’s grace is plainly shown. That is about where the similarities end.
The beginning of time and the universe began with the Big Bang. This was an explosion that started the expansion of the universe. In the most basic sense, the standard model is simply the idea that every bit of the matter and energy in the universe was once compressed to an unimaginable density. In the big bang, the material exploded outward into the formation of matter that we see today. Shortly after this event everything in the universe was very dense and very hot. It was only until 500,000
Most people take for granted important discoveries, such as the Big Bang. It is widely accepted that the Big Bang created the universe, and while most people can explain the basic theory behind it, little else is common knowledge. Calvin of Calvin and Hobbes called it “The Horrendous Space Kablooie,” but many people do not grasp the enormous concept (Milne). How exactly do you prove how time began? A writer for Scientific American put this subject into perspective: “If you’re religious, this is like looking at God” (Milne).
Space, how was it formed, how old is it, how big is it and what does it contain? Those are a couple of questions people think of themselves and their answers may vary. The Big Bang and Nebular Hypothesis is a way that people would look at it, and others would think God created it in seven days. The Big Bang created The Universe and the Nebular Hypothesis, created The Solar System. Even though The Big Bang and The Nebular Hypothesis, created different things there are some things that are similar.
There have been many theories concerning what the universe looks like, how it became this way, and where it is going. The most popular theory that people hold today is that the universe began when all the matter ever present in the universe was contained in a tiny speck and that spec exploded. This is known as the Big Bang. This theory has developed a great deal since it was first conceptualized and continues to evolve today. Many different scientists have had a hand in this.
So now that we have the basics of the Big Bang Theory, what happened after the initial expansion? In the fractions of the first second after creation what was once a vacuum began to expand into the universe. Immediately after the Big Bang the universe was tremendously hot as a result of both matter and antimatter moving apart in all directions. (For every type of matter particle, there also exists a corresponding antimatter particle. Antimatter particles look and behave just like their corresponding matter particles, except they have opposite charges.) As it began to cool there was about an equal abundance of matter and antimatter. As these two materials are