
Creation: Scientific Explanation Of The Big Bang Theory

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Q1. Creation: Scientific explanation.

There are many scientific creation theories around the world , but the most prevalent ones all are based around the Big Bang theory. The Big Bang theory is a belief that the world began with a small singularity and began expanding over the next 13.8 billion years, to the cosmos that we are all familiar with today. Majority of the information about the Big Bang theory comes from mathematical formulas and models. In the first second after the universe started, the temperature which was surrounding was around 5.5 billion Celsius. The cosmos had a wide selection of important particles like protons, neutrons and electrons. These either decade or joined as the universe cooled. The electrons …show more content…

Source 3 is video explanation of the Big Bang theory. …show more content…

He makes it a point to stop and say his work is “good” (1:4). On the sixth day God creates humankind in his likeness and gives them them charge over earth. Genesis 2 starts with God calling the seventh day of creation the sabbath, a rest day. God formed a man and gave him the garden of Eden, except the tree of good and evil. Adam the man was alone so God made him a partner and called her Eve. She was made from one of Adams ribs. It has a more particular account of how man was made, it also has a deep description of the garden of Eden, and shows the morals and symbols of marriage.

Genesis 1 and 2 authors are unknown the amount of people who wrote Genesis 1 and 2 is not known. Christians believe that the content of Genesis 1 and 2 is the inspired word of God.These two chapters have a lot of similarities and differences. Some similarities are
In both chapters God was still the creator of heavens and

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