
Creative And Effective Ways Of Engage Your Active Twitter Followers

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Goal: Creative and Effective Ways to Engage Your Active Twitter Followers Total Words in this Document: Title: Birds of a feather flock together, and in social media, keeping your brand and your followers together is the key to a successful social networking campaign. While the various social media platforms all provide unique ways to reach out and engage your fans, friends, and followers, Twitter is becoming an extremely popular way for companies to reach and convert their prospects into customers. The best way to do that is to use your Twitter account to reward your active followers for choosing to see your tweets and content in their feed. Providing them with timely, unique content that helps them feel connected to your brand is key to not only growing your list of followers, but to also see them take the next step toward becoming a committed client. Start by taking a look at Twitter campaigns that successfully increased a brand’s reach and found new ways to attract and engage their followers. Learn from Big Brands: Five Unique Twitter Campaigns Treasure Hunt The advent and growth of Pokémon Go — with more than 20 million active daily users in the U.S. alone — shows that users are looking for a way to connect their technology and their daily lives. LG was on to that already, though, holding a Twitter treasure hunt for their UK branch in 2014. They were working to promote the newest smartphone in the teen and young adult age bracket, and decided to give away 25 pairs

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