Creative drama is a process where kids can express their creativity with the power to create ideas with their imagination through movements and gesture. Their techniques guide them ideas to portray into action. An example of how I would use creative drama in my classroom would be based on the lesson for that day. I’m a huge fan of music, drama and art, mostly like kids will do arts and craft activity follow by musically performance or a puppet show. For instance, I will read the book of “The Lion King” and have the kids create “Simba’s Safari Shakers” and will do our own remix of “Circle of
Creative learning is about how children are actively involved in their own learning and ability to make choices and decisions. This can be achieved through providing a creative environment allowing exploration through play and praising creative efforts. Creativity is about risk taking and making connections, allowing children to
Surrounded by crowds of people sharing the same thought; are we really getting home today? Pepsi is too anxious. Vomiting all over himself and his new uniform. Sunshine lays into him, cussing and screaming. Laughter erupts! Growing rowdier as Doc yells “No matter what don’t stop us now, I’ll fix him”. Close knit groups of friends are scattered around having vivid discussions of the first thing they are going to do when they’re finally off. Grady chimes in on a conversation with his deep southern accent trying to imitate his favorite musician, DJ Screw saying “Man shiiitttt first thing I’m going to do is grab me a bottle, some shrimp, and sit my ass in the tub”. Craw Daddy can’t help but tease Grady, by reminding him to lay off the alcohol
The timeline of the drama program is it would start in October and end in May. The program will include teachers and community members as volunteers. Ideally, the people who volunteer would be interested in the arts such as: music, art, dance and acting. But, experience in those fields is not required. The students will have the opportunity to learn reading comprehension skills such as: sequence of events, vocabulary and summarization. The students will choose one book to read and study per month, and the activities will coordinate with those books. The books the children will choose from will vary in topic and difficulty, but will be on the 2nd grade reading level. The drama techniques that will be used are: hotseating, role-play and tableaux.
The year is 1984. Ronald Reagan has just been re-elected by a landslide, including many votes from disaffected liberals. Yuppie culture fuels a high consumption economy. Tom Brokaw is now sole anchor of NBC’s Nightly News. Michael Jackson dominates the Grammys. McDonald’s debuts the McNugget. And Glengarry Glen Ross opens on Broadway. Because Glengarry Glen Ross is so inherently American, it’s hard to believe that it actually didn’t premiere in the United States, but at the National Theatre in London, to wildly successful reviews, before moving to Broadway the following year, where it ran for eleven months, and won the Pulitzer Prize.
Nothing was heard, only the water droplets that drops from the crack ceiling. Making a small puddle on the ground, having mice roaming around the place.
“All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.” William Shakespeare may have written these words in As You Like It in 1600, but Erving Goffman truly defined the phrase with his dramaturgical theory. Dramaturgical analysis is the study of social interaction in terms of theatrical performance. Unlike actors though, who use a script telling them how to behave in every scene, real life human interactions change depending upon the social situation they are in. We may have an idea of how we want to be perceived, and may have the foundation to make that happen. But we cannot be sure of every interaction we will have throughout the day, having to ebb and flow with the conversations and situations as they happen.
Erving Goffman was a sociologist known for developing the symbolic interaction and dramaturgical theory perspective. The dramaturgical theory is a social psychological perspective that studies human behavior and social interaction in terms of the analogy of the theater. This perspective is also related to symbolic interactionism. Symbolic interactionism is a theory based on interaction and communication, facilitated by many different words, gestures, and other symbols that have acquired various meanings. Dramaturgical theorist focus on how people manipulate various aspects of themselves and their settings to influence how others define and respond to them. In this perspective, “the self” is constructed of the various roles that one acquires, in order to present their various selves in ways that sustain particular impressions to their audiences. “The self” is a private possession established in and reflective of an individual’s personality, which includes ones values, beliefs, motives, traits, and dispositions. In addition, a person’s “self” is acquired through social relationships and is a structurally fundamental process that may change due to various situations. As humans interact with one another they are placed in social categories based on their attributes and actions. These assessments are primarily based on ones knowledge of roles.
Creative learning is about how children are actively involved in their own learning, and their ability to make choices and decisions. This can be achieved through providing a creative environment, allowing exploration through play and
During drama activities especially when working with mixed-ability students, one should consider working within an open space and creating a circle. One should start the
“STAND BY!” I yell the first words of the morning as the lights flick on and bodies fly out of bed. It’s 0630 in the North West side, upstairs barracks of building 835 at Camp San Luis Obispo, and I’m waking up 14 of the best people I’ll ever meet. There’s frantic shuffling, and immediate silence after everyone’s out of bed, feet flush with the corner of the bedpost staring straight ahead, not moving an inch. “You’ve got 5 minutes to get ready for PT. MOVE!” The stillness is broken and the chaos continues as everyone rushes to grab their toiletries.
Aristotle thoroughly describes his understanding of the tragedy in the Poetics and bases this conception on certain requirements. According to Aristotle the three most important variables that define a tragedy are plot, characters, and theme. Using Oedipus Rex as a sort of ideal, this philosopher demonstrates how a tragedy functions in order to evoke catharsis while exploring themes and human flaws, or mistakes. In Oedipus Rex, the main figure, Oedipus the King is a subject of fate, unable to escape himself and his desire to uncover the truth. In essence, this drama demonstrates the fall of a prominent figure brought down by his inescapable fortune and self-destruction. I definitely believe it is difficult to find a modern day tragedy that
A smart man said “Creativity is as important as literacy and we should treat it with the same standing.” (Ken Robinson-“Do schools kill creativity?”). There are multiple studies on how creativity helps improve a student’s mind. Project based learning is a huge creative booster for students. A math teacher from California uses projects to do math instead of using the text book. From doing this, she’s had more students pass her class then from when she was teaching straight from the text books. Instead of having standardized tests, using more creative techniques for students to enjoy the learning they’ve done and for them to show the higher officials what the students are learning. Creativity is the process of turning real world problems into an understanding by extending the minds cognitive processes. In Alabama, kindergartners are studying different ways to be creative.
Tragedy as a form works differently than modern drama when compared to the ancient Greeks. When it comes to modern drama, the main character is usually an ordinary person, someone who is middle class. Where as with Greek tragedy, the main character is someone important and noble, such as a king or queen. Modern drama revolves around everyday problems such as social, economical, or personal conflicts. Greek Tragedies seem to be very linear. It’s mostly about the hero making a bad decision from the beginning of the play, which leads to his or her downfall in the end. Although, they were of higher ranking, ancient Greek’s beliefs made the main character powerless to avoid their fate, which was controlled by the gods. As far as conventions go, Greek Tragedies are very unified. The tragedy of the royal protagonist will go through only one time span, a day or less, one setting, and one story. In a modern tragedy, however, the ordinary protagonist’s story goes through multiple realistic settings and a realistic time line. Also, the story would contain multiple plots, which may contain flashbacks.
Despite the claim that Drama in Education ( DIE) as a pedagogy dimmed its popularity in the Western world since 1990 until 2016 (Gallagher, et al. , 2017), in the year of 2011, Morrow, et al. included it as one of the best practices in literacy instruction. Some of the teachers who had the experience of trying process drama in their classrooms found that the pedagogy improved students’ participations, pushed students to use their imaginations, performed deeper understanding of the topics being learned and made the students learn to have empathy ( Long, 1998). Do the voices from the classroom resemble to what researchers and theories have to say on process drama?
Creative teaching makes learning easier for students because it creates a possibility for students to be entertained instead of bored with the material that is being taught. One way to start the quest to being creative in the classroom would be think differently. Teachers need to think of new ways to teach their students. Think of new sources that make students explore, ponder, and contemplate. Providing a variety of options and resources is another way to keep students engaged and creative in the classroom. Creative teaching is a way to keep students excited about learning, keep them entertained and learning at the same