Huge fire burning. Screams louder and louder as the night goes on. People one by one. A huge bonfire party was going. The night of a lifetime. The biggest party of the year. But Skyler a tall brown haired brown eyed girl and her best friend Rylie a blonde haired harsh green eyed girl didn’t mind missing the blast. The girls were out for danger and more than they had planned. Rylie honestly didn't want to go threw with the plan her best friend Skyler had come up with but she went anyways. In Georgia there was a big town called Carrollton and there was an old abandon house that had legends upon legends about it. The most popular being a old lady lived there with her husband and the husband went crazy and made a lab in the basement to try to kill the ones who had disrespected him. And like now at least one person did not agree with it but let it happen. But one day his lab test went wrong and killed the woman and the husband. And the man is still going and working to kill each and every person. “I don't wanna do this sky.” Rylie paused. “My mom died kinda like this poor woman and I don't wanna get into that” However Skyler was convinced that it was not true and everyone was being a wimp so her and Rylie had to find out. As they approached the house all they both could think about was what would happen beyond the old run down wood and broken glass. As they stepped up on the creaky stairs the door pushed open.
“Rylie it was just the wind no big deal.” Skyler told her but
It was a regular day at the G.A.P factory. Rachel and Rachel raced up the stairs crying, when she got up to the tenth floor, she saw that the fire was following her the whole time. She saw a can of liquid by the door. So she picked it up and flung it at the fire. The fire blew into flames, then she realized that it was motor oil used to fuel the sewing machine. The fire blew into the tenth floor quick. Rachela opened the door leading to all the women gazing her. She screamed at the top of her lungs “He Is coming”.
Max should be coming he thought. Marlee then heard the front door open again and through the cracks in the creaky floor boards smelt a terrible smelly man. He smelled like heavy alcohol and sweat. He could taste the alcohol it was so strong. The room then flooded with a sour taste and smell, thats the last thing he remembered before he was back upstairs in the bedroom. Marlee couldn't see anything, he felt the wall and the door knob and then ended up with his hand in the boiling oil. He screamed so loud that both the man and the women started running up the stairs. He was like a prisoner in their house. The door then swung open and a pig belly man and a short stubby women were standing in the door way. The man started to search the room for Marlee but he was hiding in the closet. The women started to yell so loud that Marlee’s ears rung. They were in the room for a good twenty minutes trying to find him but failed; both of them walked out slamming the heavy door making Marlee
"Ha! Gotcha now, doll!" Byron had dropped Jill off at Charles' place, to pursue her. He was gaining on CJ; so much that he could see her dashboard. He tapped her bumper from behind, and latched onto it. They were attached for miles. CJ steered her car into the rural area of town. She geared it in reverse and jumped out the door. Byron was thrown through his back windshield. She ran from both vehicles, as far as possible. Byron was after her; he couldn't allow her to live with the truth. It was a brick wall; she was trapped.
Luster grabs his coffee cup and walks towards the door. He is going to return to what he knows best -- work.
Anu was a free spirited child. Nothing to stop her, nothing to control her, she was the apple of her grandparents’ eyes. But sometimes she was mischievous and biji did not hesitate to punish the little girl for her mischief. In those times Anu would change her allegiance from grandparents to parents and run to the other end of the house for security.
Trappe woke with a start before sunrise, focusing his eyes on the shapes of the distant hills as they emerged from the darkness. He felt a chill from the open rear window of the station wagon and turned to Curtis, still asleep beside him. “Curtis, wake up,” he whispered, followed by a “shushing” sound as he put his index finger to his lips. Curtis’ eyes fluttered open.
A shadow stepped out of a car. The force of the wind was so strong it knocked him down. When he stumbled back to his feet, he brushed leaves from his hair then pushed forwards into the wind. Around him, branches and loose twigs whipped into a frenzied vortex.
Adam dashed through the forest, dodging branches and thorns as some of them brushed his clothes and tore at his flesh. He didn't care, he could heal cuts, you can't heal a corpse, however, and so he just kept on running. His legs hurt like they had a fire in them, burning him from the inside out, but he couldn't feel it as the drumming in his head and the pounding of a chase was all he could hear. He leaped over a fallen tree, careful of the precious bundle in his arms. He could hear the shouts and gunfire of the pistols close behind. He knew it was life or death. A bullet soared by grazing his shoulder. He clenched in agony, but could not stop. Everything was a blur, he came up to the edge of the light, seeing his death behind him and their short lived lives in their minds. He took one last look at her beautiful face, and jumped into the gorge, praying for them to have a quick death.
There once was a shark named jerald he was one of the last remaining megalodons on the planet he was mid age and about 40 feet long and very very dangerous.he was the king of the sea and not even the eldest of sharks opposed him for if they did he would kill them.But unnoticed by him the sea level was dropping and humans where to blame.It was the middle of the day and jearld had just finished lunch a blue whale.HE went up to his favorite sun bathing spot a coral reef about 10 feet below the surface.But when he got there he was shocked by what he saw part of the reef was poking out of the water and only then did he realize that the water level was dropping.He knew he had to do something so he came up with a plan he would travel upland and find whoever was responsible and kill them.So he set of to do just that it was late next evening when jearld arrive at the shore of new york he was lucky a major flood had just passed through and.The water was just high enough to support him.
As the late moonlight shone upon a typical American suburban household, sounds of two fourteen-year-olds laughing could be heard throughout the house. One male and one female they continued laughing as the duo played a video game of sorts. The male was sporting a red hoodie, his hair a deep brown. The girl hair blonde glowing effortlessly as if it were the sun. Her eyes a deep blue and her clothes a casual blue dress which held in contrast to the boy to her left. The atmosphere was lively blaring excitement throughout the otherwise empty household
“I’m sorry buddy, but you do.” replied the conscience-stricken mother, “Why don’t you want to go?”
“Hi kid. How was your day?” the sound of her father greeted Maddie as walked through the doorway. How was your day? It made her pause. That was such an everyday question but after everything that happened, it became quite loaded. Throughout the entire day, Maddie had constantly felt eyes on her. Watching. Judging. Wondering. Sympathizing. And everything in between. It seemed like everyone heard the news. Everyone had something to say about it except no one had dared to tell it directly to her face. Realizing that a long time had passed, she looked up at her father and answered, “It was fine.” Fine. Probably the furthest from where she was at. But she could keep pretending. Right?
“Hey Caitlin! Can you get that bottle from upstairs?” dad shouted. I ran as quickly as my little six year old speed could allow up to the baby’s new room. I grabbed the bottle and ran downstairs. Me and my sister were waiting near the front door, but not outside, it was raining and thundering. My sister Mady tried to open the door, but dad caught her. “No going outside, there is going to be a long storm, probably for three or four days.” he said nervously. “Once mommy and Josie comes home, I’ll be working on the electricity at work for a couple of days.” “So we won’t see you?” Mady asked while backing up and on the edge of tears. “Yes.” he replied unfortunately. “Great” I thought, “I’ll have to help with and Josie.”
It was a friday night and I had just came home from school to take a nap. “Sophie does I think,” I said, slowly, confused. My mom nodded, “Your father wrecked his bike, we need to pick him up.” I was alone, my mom now asking Sophie the same question. The whole house was strangely quiet, and the only sound that was missing was the constant sound of my dad’s television.
I call myself the lost kid, but everyone else seems to think i'm normal, and happy. As I grow older, I seem to understand the world a lot better; and as I did I just wanted to run away from it. I always thought maybe just running away from life, would heal me; but it didn't. Everyone has a weakness or something that makes them break. Which above all mine is love and the truth. Truth; every day I seem to understand how the world works, and I get to know myself better and better. Then love; because I know it will never work for me.