As the late moonlight shone upon a typical American suburban household, sounds of two fourteen-year-olds laughing could be heard throughout the house. One male and one female they continued laughing as the duo played a video game of sorts. The male was sporting a red hoodie, his hair a deep brown. The girl hair blonde glowing effortlessly as if it were the sun. Her eyes a deep blue and her clothes a casual blue dress which held in contrast to the boy to her left. The atmosphere was lively blaring excitement throughout the otherwise empty household "Third time I've beaten you, if that match wasn't so close id of thought you were losing your touch Jack" The girl teased immaturely "Yeah well you got lucky (as...usual), besides its been fun I'm going to bed Star." The boy yawned and slowly trudged up the stairs lackadaisically as he approached the peak of the stairs he turned to the girl "You should go to bed soon, school tomorrow" (He was always like this, Always taking the safe option) "What me? Stay up late?!! What a ridiculous statement" She shouted endearingly She stayed playing for about 10 minutes before exhaustingly retreating to the guest room and fell into a deep slumber within minutes. Star woke sluggishly still tired from staying up to a time, She turned looking at her alarm clock "7 am?" she sighed burrowing her head back into the covers. She was drifting off to unconsciousness until she heard light movement, It was so light it almost felt deliberate. Of course
“Sango, Toll Gate, Pleasure, Ile Epo! Sango, Toll Gate, Pleasure, Ile Epo!” the conductor screamed as he walked towards Toyosi, his right hand stretched out, shoulder slouched. She squeezed her face and eyed him, his white singlet stained with black and brown spots and streaks. His fingers were dark with engine oil and dirt stains, his fingernails half eaten. He pulled up his shorts to his waist but it immediately started falling off again. His singlet, rolled up slightly over his belly, revealed his dark midriff and his even darker, loose boxer shorts; they too were almost falling off. He stretched out his right hand again as he approached Toyosi, as if he wanted to help with the bag she was carrying but she tried to avoid him, swerving and throwing her face away. She wasn’t about to let him contaminate her goods.
Despite being told not to worry Yumichika still did and it was that worry that drove him to seek out Naoko. She had been absent all morning though he had caught feel of her reiatsu so he knew she wasn’t too far and in no danger. But the idea of her being alone bothered him since the last two occasion she had been alone she had almost been kidnapped or brought back with burnt bleeding hands.
Scampering across the desert floor, a small chubby gila monster named Terrance, Terri for short, sneaks away from his burrow. After several paces the small rock cave looks as miniscule as an ant. Time to adventure. Terri closes his eyes as a wave of heat rushes over his body making him feel sunkist and reborn. “Ah!” he says with joy. Terri loves the sun. Most lizards his age like to stay in their burrows and only awake from their slumber for a meal, but not Terri. Looking around he finds a pile of dirt and flexes his chest with excitement. Using his stubby back legs he begins to kick and cover himself in the substance. swimming in mounds of dirt, he exclaims “dirt, I love you”. You are thin and unlimited and you fly with the birds on a windy day. You're cool to the touch under the moon, but in the day you are the perfect for warmth. You shall be my friend! Dirt friend!” He wiggles around to find the perfect snuggly spot, hearing a soft “ssssssss” noise as the dirt slides off of his scales. The sun begins to melt from the sky, dripping soft yellows and pinks and he watched in awe. All of the sudden, a thunderous voice shook the earth.
Trappe woke with a start before sunrise, focusing his eyes on the shapes of the distant hills as they emerged from the darkness. He felt a chill from the open rear window of the station wagon and turned to Curtis, still asleep beside him. “Curtis, wake up,” he whispered, followed by a “shushing” sound as he put his index finger to his lips. Curtis’ eyes fluttered open.
"I hope you both choke," he muttered, before turning back and continuing his retreat, this time at a slower pace. Callum stopped again, looked over his shoulder to check on their progress. They were still following him but it looked that their need to catch him had lessened somewhat.
In this passage there are many symbols that show how Lily has many sides to herself and how a simple chain can mean a future with someone she would have never expected. “I promise. He lifted the chain with his dog tag from around his neck and lowered it over my head. So you won’t forget, okay? The silver rectangle dropped down under my shirt where it dangled cold between my breasts. Zachary Lincoln Taylor, resting there, along my heart”( Kidd 231). The predominant symbol in the passage was the chain. It represented the love there is between Zach and Lily. That one day he will come back for her. Throughout the passage it was unsure whether they were going to pursue the relationship or not. They kissed in the beginning of the passage, but ultimately they decided not to pursue at the moment because of the prejudice they would receive by being together. “Water can be so shiny in the dark. We stood on the bank and watched the moving pockets of light, letting the water sounds swell up around us. We were still holding hands, and I felt his fingers tighten around mine”(Kidd 229). The water is a symbol for the different feelings Lily has inside. For example, she talks about how she loves the river, how she wants to swim and suck on river stones. However, there was that one incident where at the pond, boys held her down and hooked a fish stringer to her neck. She also saw May die in the river, which was a horrific scene. The incidents that happen to her whenever she is near the water
"All that lead we hung off her bottom is good for something, eh, Jipper? Hang on, boy!" Nick cried. "I'll think of something!" But what, his mind answered, whatever could he do? He knew that the next wave they took broadside would be their last. He fought the tiller, determined to get the towering waves on Petrel 's stern. It was his only chance.
“That’s it!” shrieked mama Guppy, “I am not putting up with this any longer, I want you out of this house, you are old enough now to get your own house.” The first guppie was complaining that he didn't want to move out, the second and third Guppie just laughed at him, “Oh don't you think that laughing will help you two either, I want all of you out of my house, it’s what is best for you.” All three guppys groaned in harmony and dragged themselves out the door, but before they left mama Guppy yelled out “Be carefully while building your houses you wouldn't want a shark to come up and get ya!”
“I mean, I shouted on you in the morning. I did not mean to hurt you. It was just….” She could not finish her words
Alex was walking down the street people in there houses would shut their doors and pull their children inside when he would walk past. He walked around a corner where he saw a black alley cat. I evil smirk crept over his face. He grabbed it by the back of his neck and dunked it some water. In the freezing cold something wet things get stuck a cat's wet fur will defeataly stick to medal. The cat cried as it hung here Alex know once he was out of sight the people the help the ragged thing. So he didn’t worry about it dieing of the cold. Later at home a fight broke out between him and his parents. “You should know better you are part of this royal family, a prince and my prince. You make us look like bad parents his dad went one.”
“I don’t like living with you. You’re hateful and cruel,” Billy screamed as Linda tried in vain to quiet him.
They go flying face first into the dirt as they crashed into a rock. Joy slowly picks up her head from the ground.”Run!” she shouted. “Why are we following you?” Samantha questioned and the same time Joy was slowly imagining what happened days before.
When Leah was seven years old, her cousin pushed her into the lake. She remembers the shock, quickly followed by the sharp slap of the water, and the water enveloping her, pulling her closer to the bottom. The falling feels longer every time she thinks of it. In reality it could only have been a few seconds at longest before she started flailing, pulling herself closer to the sky, breaking the surface of the water to yell at her cousin.
It was a hot Sunday catholic morning, a usual for Spring, Texas, I had my creative imaginative mind and the world to keep me entertained. I was in my preppy Sunday clothes in front of the church waiting for the bells to tell me to come inside. I ran off and played with friends while also feeling an eerie sense of someone or something watching us. We continued to run around until the eventual loud and beautiful chimes of the church bells ring. As my friends and I ran for the church's doors, expecting a usual Sunday, we heard behind us the crackling of a giant beast finally coming down.
I woke up with a start with sweat dripping down my face. Then suddenly I realized I was screaming. My high-pitched scream rang out against the overly quiet dorm. I could taste the stale air coming into my room. Shaking hard I screamed for my roommate to wake up and help me calm down, right then I realized I wouldn’t get any help from my roommate though; she was gone. Just like everyone else she was sleeping in her parents warm and cozy house on Christmas break. I, on the other hand, had been fighting nightmares ever since the start of Christmas break the vivid images replaying older and over in my head. I could remember the scorching smoke finding its way to my house and pouring in. The fire ravaging house after house never satisfied enough with what it had eaten. It caught up to my house and we ran. We ran like there was no tomorrow and there wasn't for some of us. My sister tripped and I went back for her, meanwhile, the rest of my family kept on running not clear on the events happening around them. They ran further into the smoke, and by the time I got to my sister I could not see them. The fire jumped out and circled around us, engulfing everything that was in the circle surrounding us. There was nowhere to go without getting burned and then a miracle happened. A stranger came out of the clearing and helped us get out. We ended up living with him until he died years later, leaving us alone with his house. He was like a father to us even through the hardest