
Creative Writing: A Fictional Narrative

Decent Essays

“That’s rude of the other girl,” Alex said. “I can’t really blame her, I am not the best talking to girls and I wasn’t…well…this,” Steve motioned to his whole body, “when we went on the date.” “Still, you don’t go on a double date and ignore your ‘date’” Alex shook her head. “I am sure you were delightful. And you are doing fine talking to me.” “Really, because a girl like you would have terrified me back then,” Steve said with a smile. “Honestly, you kind of terrify me now.” Alex laughed out loud at this. While she knew that she didn’t give off the most welcoming vibe, the fact that a man that was so much taller and stronger than her said he was terrified of her was hilarious. She had been called many things, but terrifying wasn’t one of …show more content…

She wasn’t sure, but she had a feeling that Steve almost said that Sam could listen to the whole thing through the bugs. It was a little slip and Alex wouldn’t have even noticed it if she hadn’t known about the bugs in the first place. “That’s up to you, but if he teases me mercilessly, remember that I know where you live,” Steve said with a smile as he finished his beer. They chatted a bit more as Alex finished her food and cleaned up before Steve got ready to leave. While he might have been Captain America, Alex realized that she forgot about that when she was talking to him. He was just a normal, slightly awkward, guy. It was weird to see her hero, and any superhero, like this. It was so easy to put them on a pedestal that when you saw they didn’t fit up there at all, it was easier to just think that they were someone else than change your opinion. “Thank you so much for doing this,” Alex said as she walked him to the door. “You seriously saved my ass and my grade.” “It wasn’t all that bad and it was really the least I could do with the weekend you had,” Steve said with a smile as he put on a baseball cap. He walked out into the hallway, but turned and looked at her instead of heading down the

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