“It is not coming in, which means the suspects created a device that blocks our signals.”
“Can I see the photos that they took of my dad’s office?”
“I can get them sent here right away.” Agent Fox pushed a series of buttons and a keyboard showed up in midair made up of a series of lights. Agent Fox types in the keys and clicks on the first link and a series of pictures float around the room. I am quick to realize it is my dad’s office and am horrified by what it looks like. The first picture I see is his trash can filled to the brim with jet black ash, smoke marks streak the side of the once polished metal desk. The next photo shows his lamp broken, with the shards of glass coating the floor, with blood mixed in some of the pieces.
“Did they compare that blood to my dad’s?”
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Then came a picture of a skeleton of the storage drawers, with all the drawers scattered around the room. One was lying below a giant hole in the wall.
“This is the last picture, Agent.”
It was of his desk. His computer screen was destroyed and papers were scattered all over his desk with tips that were burnt and brown. I saw the picture of my family and knew that if I looked to the right it would be the picture of him and I at the baseball game. But when I looked over I screamed, right over my face was a red X with a line in the middle.
“What is it agent?”
“What was that red X over my face in the picture written in?”
“It was written in pigs
They found a dark wooden staircase running up in a rectangle and descending in a corner, hinting the remains of coffins, it wasn’t expected though as they thought they were looking at a grave of cholera victims.
“What do you mean, they use them for interrogation? Do you mean they question you over the telephone?” Estevan seemed annoyed with me. “They disconnect the receiver wire and tape the two ends to your body. To sensitive parts.”
This area was semi-rectangular in shape and may have been where “the bed” was located. Some small bed springs were found within this area, and a post mold was located in this area which permitted for a wood frame bed to have been nailed. The surface plots of artifact distrobutions delineate this area, except for personal artifacts. Within this particular area, there is a concentration of personal artifacts.It can be infer that these artifacts may have been stored under the frame, thus leaving a concentration of personal artifacts in this area after the cabin was abandoned. Although, it may not be proven that a bed was located in this area some of the artifacts that were found seem to suggest this. The delineation of this area shown in the distrobutions of different artifact deposits such as the abandonment deposit, glass deposit, and bone deposit seems to confirm that in this area some type of internal furnishings existed. At the same time, the concentration of personal items within this area seems to suggest that some personal artifacts may have been stored in this area. Therefore, even if this area was used as a sleeping area, it appears that some personal objects such as slate board, clothing and belt buckles were stored this in this area. In all, there is evidence which allows for the conjecture that this area may have been used for a sleeping
The room was a small room. It had a table on one side with 8 chairs stacked together. The middle of the room was empty with toy bins around the side and back wall. On the back wall there was a little kitchen set with a shopping cart. On the other side there was cubbies for the children, a door to go outside to the playground, a 4-door closet, and a counter that was used for changing diapers. The toys were building blocks, legos, books, cars, dolls, and items that went with the kitchen.
I wait for Nico’s footsteps to retreat, then dash to the wall with my drawings, lift them up, and pull out the wall-drawer. I dig through it, checking if everything is still there.
drawer next to the sofas. Zaroff had really built a life hunting, just like I have. The home was beautiful,
Dan takes a seat next to the window while pulling out a laptop from his smooth, black leather bag. When he turned on the laptop nothing came up. His heart started to pound. Oh no! Did I take the Right laptop? What am I going to do? The laptop screen suddenly busted into a billion different colors that danced around the walls. Dan quickly sat back down when the screen revealed an old bearded imperious face in a dark room. “Dan Clovinter, agent 3627819. You have to deliver a very important top secret package. Inside this package there is a substance called chemical X.” the man spoke. “ Yes, chief I will do everything in my power to make sure that happens.” “... And don’t mix it with sugar, spice, and everything nice.” he giggled. Dan put on a clueless
“I had every piece of evidence pulled and sent to my office weeks ago. I have looked over the crime scene records searching for anything missed in the initial inquiry. It was a pretty detailed account. Nothing
Another furnishings found include a dresser in each house (see image 2). It was positioned directly across from the door (an unhinged block of stone) and, like everything else, was made from stone. Due to the two horizontal slabs of stone, it was deduced that it was a dresser used to store and display any personal possessions. Also found in each hut were
The experiences of slaves, convicts and free settlers were different. Slaves in the nineteenth century were people transported from Africa and made to work for free. Convicts had committed crimes and transported for the term of a sentence. Free settlers were migrants who had made a choice to come to work and live in Australia. There were many similarities in getting to their new countries by boat and their living conditions there.
I’m interested in attending the conference because I believe it would be interesting and very valuable to be around other people of other ethnicities interact and learn about what it’s like to be them. Since I’ve been going to Bellevue I’ve personally haven’t taken the opportunity to branch out as much and go to other clubs besides the BSU and Rotary to get to know others from other ethnicities and countries, and from my knowledge about the conference there is a good reputation of other ethnicities so I will be able to take advantage of the opportunity and socialize. I also have two young sisters who are in High School, look up to me and I try to be the best role model that I can be knowing I am a first generation student.
In front of them was a large room with a bunk bed, a desk, a bulletin board, a briefcase, and a closet. A vault stood in the back corner.
"Wake up, partners," the trail boss, James called. I sleepily looked up , shivered, and saw I was the only one not up. "Here," James said, giving me the horses' bridles and saddles. "Take these and get the horses ready. We have a long day today." I groaned in reply and set up the horses for the day's long drag. I was the horse wrangler and this was my everyday job but I still couldn't get use to the idea of waking up before the sun and working. We drove the cattle into open plains against the winter's cold wrath.
In the walls of the cubicle there were three orifices. To the right of the speak write, a small pneumatic tube for written messages, to the left, a larger one for newspapers; and in the side wall, within easy reach of Winston's arm, a large oblong slit protected by a wire grating. This last was for the disposal of waste paper. Similar slits existed in thousands or tens of thousands throughout the building, not only in every room but at short intervals in every corridor. For some reason they were nicknamed memory holes. When one knew that any document was due for destruction, or even when one saw a scrap of waste paper lying about, it was an automatic action to lift the flap of the nearest memory hole and drop it in, whereupon it would be whirled away on a current of warm air to the enormous furnaces which were hidden somewhere in the recesses of the building.
dresser drawer under her clothes, was kept in the house as an extra measure of protection.