
Creative Writing: All Quiet On The Western Front

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Bullets whizzed over their heads, spat out from the german machine gun.James sat crouched with his back pressed against the sludgy wall of the trench.The clouds covered the sky like a dark blanket, not a single sunray to be seen.James forcefully ripped a grenade off the coughing corpse next to him, he pitied the poor soul choking on gas, noticing the crimson puddle his head was surrounded by. He cocked the hammer of his revolver, took aim and abolished his misery He threw explosive holding on to the ring. A few moments passed and silence filled the air. ”Nice throw,” Frank said standing up.James said nothing and slowly rose taking his gas mask off regaining his full vision.”Poor fella” Frank commented reaching down checking the corpse for identification. He pulled out a folded piece of paper with the right side stained with blood.“ Honour and glory, pfft I did not sign up for this! he smirked crunching up the page. ‘Thud’ …show more content…

Frank emerged from the trench lifting himself onto the sludgy earth that once had green blades sprouting from it.James saw a fireball erupt from the trench as the grenade shattered like a vase, spitting metal fragments in every direction.But something odd happened, instead of a bang all James heard was Frank's cries of despair and agony. James swiftly crawled his way over to Frank; trying to stay low and not attract attention. He immediately saw Frank's crimson boot” I'm not gonna abandon you,” James told Frank” I'll get you to the medics.Frank overwhelmed with pain managed to nod.James slid down the wall preparing to catch Frank when he came down.James threw his arm around Frank's shoulder Frank did the same. They shuffled along the narrow path: step-step, hop, step-step,

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