Gabe came down to see her and patted the mule. Amos had quit grumbling when the blindfold came off. Now he held his head up, his chin on the edge of the roof. “Thinks he’s on a sight-seeing tour.” Alma smiled, “It is beautiful. I never imagined riding down a big river like this. I’ve floated sticks down the creek, guess if an ant rode the stick, this is what he’d feel like.” “Kind of. Captain Jones says we should make fifty to sixty miles today. Water’s flowing good and there’s not that much traffic.” “How long ‘til we get to this here, Cairo?” “Cairo, Illinois. I don’t know,” he looked up and asked the boatman who was listening anyway. Alma was glad they hadn’t tried to whisper, wouldn’t have done any good. “Three days, maybe more. Sometimes …show more content…
“Yep, but with the downturn, lot of river pirates to watch out for. One reason I took you on, said you had a rifle. You any good with it.” “Hit what I aim to,” Gabe said. Alma looked at him, knew he wasn’t boasting, from the deer he’d shot for her. “Pa taught me, and I’ve got my own gun. I can shoot if there need be,” she said. The Captain snorted and Gabe looked over her head in exasperation. Alma closed her eyes, remembered too late Ma’s advice. A woman wanted to get along in the world, she should keep her mouth closed when men are talking. Ma had never followed her own advice, unless Pa and the boys were drinking. Alma had never had reason to until the morning Pa hit her. She stared down and stirred the beans. She couldn’t do it, after a minute or so she raised her head and spoke to Gabe. “Don’t have nothing but these beans and bread. Bread’s near done, beans won’t be ready until supper time. Wish I had some meat to fry up with it.” Gabe flashed her a look and she didn’t need him to tell her not to share their bacon or pemmican. She shook her head at him once, then added. “Fish would be …show more content…
Then she looked coyly at Gabe. He lifted her up to sit on the edge of the roof with the other two men and ordered the hound down. When Gabe scrambled up beside her, she looked at the men who were waiting patiently. She bowed her head, whispered, “Thank you God for your bounty, and please protect us on our perilous journey.” She raised her head, pushing back her bonnet to feel the breeze on her heated face. “Go on, use your knives or fingers,” she said as she took a bite of her bread. Minutes later, it was the Captain who handed the rudder to Steve and stepped down to pass the dipper of water. Alma drained it and handed it back. Gabe smiled at her, amazed at how pretty she looked with her eyes shining and her smile appearing between every bite. It was good, and he noticed the men were enjoying it too. It looked like the Captain had finished his already, which was why he probably had jumped down. After everyone had washed down the food, the Captain asked. “Reckon we could eat more bread now?” Alma looked as though she were pondering a deep question then nodded. “Of course,” she looked ready to jump down but the Captain said. “Let me.”
“Yes that’s the one. He’s known us since we were tadpoles and he tells us about his adventures in the river.”
Just then, the girl turned and spoke to him. Pointing to one food item in the serving line she asked, “What do you suppose they call that?”
Empires of Trust: How Rome Built and America is Building a New World reaction paper
“I hadn’t considered that, but I don’t know that I have the authority to order the Marines to escort me to Fredericks.”
“Bread,” he grunted. She handed him a piece, took one for herself. He took a couple of bites before
“NASA accepted me!” he started to tear up. “My lifelong dream may be coming true. Being an astronaut.”
“No, I like my father's weapons, but if they become damaged, I will certainly bring them to you for repair.”
“You little cunt, anot-” Is all the man could say as she closed the distance. Letting her dagger piece his heart, she placed her hand on his mouth. He fell back and died. She quickly cut their pouches and took their groat and sovereigns.
Mother had hinted that Pa wasn’t the man who fathered her. That meant Ma had jumped right into fooling around, as soon as she was of age, like Corinne and Nadine. Alma had always told herself that she was different than the other Daniels. Truth was, she was probably the most lustful of them all. All Gabe had to do was rub up against her and she was ready for him.
“I hope we can find something amazing today.” I told the rest of the members of the crew.
While democracy has a simple definition, “power for the people”, the interpretations and means of executing that right by centers of power can vastly differ. In the ancient Roman republic, optimates and populares had vastly different political attitudes on who should play an active role in the government. In the name of democracy, leaders from both sides executed their power in different ways. However, optimates best represented the ideals of modern democracy through their attempts to prioritize efficiency and reduced conflict with qualified officials and have the people’s best interests at heart, with famous optimates such as Cato often standing up for the citizens against some populares’ attempts to abuse their power.
"Let's eat before the fish is cold. Besides the salmon, I also made baked potatoes, carrots, and peas. I made just plain food except for the soy butter sauce for the grilled salmon. What is that, under your dishcloth that ye brought?" He
Throughout this class I did not know what to expect or what I could gain from it, after the groups we have had I walked out of class each day more informed than when I came in. I absolutely feel that I have changed my entire outlook on the media bias and stereotypes. I felt that before this class I was unaware of how negative these stereotypes and portrayals really were. Almost if I was being selfish for being unaware, because I felt some of these stereotypes or media bias did not affect me. Now that I reflect on what I was thinking at the time, I know better, I especially know that as a woman and person of color, the media and stereotypes equally target us, maybe women more. In this paper, I will reflect on three past groups such as
Sam chuckled softly. “We mighta done better if’n we’d taken the boat instead. This road follow the Newport River. The mill’s on the Russell’s Creek.”
“This hike should take a little over an hour,” he responded, “It is relatively smooth terrain.”